
Showing posts with label Andy Burnham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy Burnham. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 August 2015

The bomb: 76 years later - UK Indymedia

This article from 2011 by Jeremy Corbyn is fascinating, not least because in 2011 he says that Hiroshima happened 76 years previously. 2011 - 1945 = 66 not 76.

It looks as though Jeremy Corbyn is as mathematically challenged as Andy 'seven eights' Burnham.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Andy “Seven Eights” Burnham per Guido Fawkes

Guido Fawkes reports about the intellectual colossus that is Andy Burnham, including that his nickname at school was "seven eights" because according to his mother 'He couldn't remember that seven eights are 56.'  

The report sourced from the Labour supporting Mirror also reports that:
'Before Ed Miliband chose Ed Balls as his Shadow Chancellor, he searched his Shadow Cabinet for an alternative. The FT famously revealed that Burnham was suggested for the job:"But Andy can't do maths," was Mr Miliband's lament.'
If that's the case then why was Andy  Burnham Chief Secretary to the Treasury ahead of the 2008 crash? Possibly he should have been in a less mathematically demanding role, maybe tea maker.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Labour tweet that gives game away

2 weeks to save the #NHS (& this time we mean it): Mon 18th March set for Lords debate & vote on s75 regs. Lab tabled 'fatal' motion. -- Andy Burnham (@andyburnhammp)
'this time we mean it' - so previously Labour were lying?

In any case when will Andy Burnham and rest of Labour ex Ministers accept any responsibility for NHS deaths at Mid Staffs and others?And when will the Labour supporting BBC actually quiz Andy Burnham, Alan Johnson and others as they would if this was a failure under a Conservative government.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Now do you understand why BBC's coverage of NHS deaths was so minimal?

'Former Health Secretaries Andy Burnham and Alan Johnson ignored 81 requests for a public inquiry into Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust in the two years after it was first warned of poor NHS care, it has emerged.

Andy Burnham and Alan Johnson, two former Health Secretaries, turned down dozens of requests for public inquiries into the Mid-Staffordshire scandal, including 20 from fellow MPs.'
The Telegraph reports the above.

The BBC's coverage of NHS deaths was minimal & so quickly relegated to other news, that I was pretty sure there was a reason beyond lefty NHS worship. It seems that there might well be.

Somehow I doubt that the BBC will report the above news unless they are forced to by events and even then they'll find a way to protect their Labour friends.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Education, education and education

Tony Blair's "Education, education and education" mantra was an electoral slogan and ever-'improving' exam results under the last Labour government were designed to show that Labour had 'invested' wisely and cared for the nation's children. Anyone who dared to say that standards were falling was accused of not caring about the hard work put in by pupils and teachers and of generally being a

So it was with interest that I read the BBC's report on the OECD's latest educational standards report. The BBC manage to include this comment:
'Shadow education secretary Andy Burnham said: "Schools improved under Labour, and more students now leave with good results. People forget how bad things were: in 1997, half of all schools failed to reach the basic benchmark of 30% of students getting 5 GCSEs graded A*-C, including English and maths - that number is now fewer than one in 12."'
Schools did not improve under Labour, results improved because exams were deliberately made easier.

For a more realistic view of education in the UK in the light of the OECD report, I suggest a read of Toby Young's Telegraph article that includes this:
'British schoolchildren are now ranked 16th in the world for science, 25th for reading and 28th for maths, according to the OECD’s 2009 PISA report. That compares with a 2000 PISA ranking of 4th for science, 7th for reading and 8th for maths. This is conclusive proof that Labour’s claim to have “improved” Britain’s schools during its period in office is utter nonsense. Spending on education increased by £30 billion under the last government, yet between 2000-09 British schoolchildren plummeted in the international league tables and are now ranked behind those of Poland, Estonia and Slovenia.

Labour apologists will respond in two ways to this report. The most simple-minded of them will simply ignore it and continue to point to GCSE results as evidence of school “improvement”. Not surprisingly, this is the response of Andy Burnham, Labour’s virtually invisible shadow education secretary. “Schools improved under Labour, and more students now leave with good results,” he told the BBC’s website. While the second half of that statement is true, if we combine it with the 2009 PISA report it is proof – if proof were needed – that GCSEs have been dumbed down. What Labour did over the past 13 years was to collude with the exam boards to keep lowering the bar in a desperate attempt to demonstrate that Britain’s schools were getting better.'

I wonder if the BBC will question Andy Burnham's assertions? I think we all know the answer to that question.

There is one other point that needs discussing and that is if the large and increasing number of pupils in British schools whose first language is not English might be affecting educational standards? It's a fair and relevant question but not one that I envisage being asked on the BBC in the near future.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

The people vs. Gordon Brown

A video that I had not seen before and I thought would be of interest...

We should never forget the legacy left to this country by Tony Blair & Gordon Brown's governments. Nor should we forget the culpability of every Minister that served under them; including Ed Miliband, David Miliband, Andy Burnham, Ed Balls, Alan Johnson, Yvette Cooper and the rest. Their names should live in infamy.

Saturday, 25 September 2010

That was resounding

Round 1: David Miliband 37.78%, Ed Miliband 34.33% Diane Abbott eliminated
Round 2: David Miliband 38.89%, Ed Miliband 37.47%. Andy Burnham eliminated
Round 3: David Miliband 42.72%, Ed Miliband 41.26%, Ed Balls eliminated
Round 4: David Miliband 49.35%, Ed Miliband 50.65%. Ed Miliband wins.

So Ed Miliband wins the Labour leadership, beating his elder brother David, thanks to second preferences. On first preferences David beat Ed by 3.35%. Diane Abbott's votes went to Ed 3.14% and David 1.11%, Andy Burnham's votes split almost eavenly to David 3.83% and Ed 3.79% and Ed Balls's votes went to Ed 9.39% and to David 6.63%. So on a first past the post basis David Moribund would have won the Labour leadership but thanks to the second preferences of those consensual figures Dianne Abbot and Ed Balls, Ed Miliband emerges victorious.

I wonder if David Miliband is now regretting assisting Diane Abbot to get the required nominations to get through to the final stage?

It is odd how in leadership elections for the main opposition party the early favourite keeps on losing. This time Ed Miliband beats David Miliband. In the last three Conservative leadership elections (going backwards in time) David Cameron defeated David Davis, Ian Duncan Smith defeated Ken Clarke and William Hague defeated Kenneth Clarke & Michael Howard. Remember that Michael Howard won the Conservative leadership in 2003 unopposed, just as Gordon Brown did in 2007.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Attacking the coalition for failing to follow through on a Labour pre-election promise

BBC Radio News are 'going big' on the coalition's decision not to keep the last Labour government's promise to end parking charges at hospitals. I am sure I heard a 5Live news bulletin saying that this would cost patients £140 million a year.

What the BBC radio news are not reminding people is that these charges started under a Labour government, that the Labour government did nothing to end them until last year when Andy Burnham promised to end them after the election. This was just another cynical pre-election announcement designed to create embarrassment for a fiscally responsible Conservative government. And the BBC are cynically following the Labour line once again.

I think it disgusting that hospitals charge for parking especially if it is a pay as you arrive system. I have had to race out of hospitals after an hour to go and 'feed the meter' because my wife's treatment was delayed or extended. If hospitals are to charge for parking then it should be payable on exit or, as in the London Borough of Westminster, via telephone or text - a system that works well.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Who should I vote for in the Leabour leadership contest

According to Vote Match I match the candidates as follows:
David Miliband: 66%
Ed Miliband: 64%
Ed Balls: 61%
Diane Abbott: 35%
No score has been included for Andy Burnham because he did not send us his responses within the deadline.

I am interested that the difference in matching between David 'New Labour' Miliband amd Ed 'Lefty break with the past' Miliband is just 2 percentage points and that Ed 'Brownite loyalist' Balls is just another 3 percentage points. That seems rather odd to me. I am pleased to see that I have so little in common with Diane Abbott and Any Burnham is as disorganised a campaigner as he was a minister.

What I am sickened by is the websites invitation: 'David Miliband - Go Deeper'

Of course I don't have a vote for labour leader but if I managed to get one then I would vote for Diane Abbott as all of the others could do a less than disastrous job as party leader but she really couldn't!

Friday, 13 August 2010

Andy - Ed B - David - Ed M - Ed B - David - Andy - Ed M

There are some moments in mid-transformation where the face starts to bear a worrying resemblance to Gordon Brown which is worrying.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Labour leadership elections - The final nominations...

The final nominatins have been announced and here they are in alphabetical order with my comments:
Diane Abbott 33 MPs 2 TUs 20 CLPs 1 SSs 0 MEPs - Out first or second? Most votes to transfer to the two Eds?

Ed Balls 33 MPs 1 TUs 17 CLPs 0 SSs 0 MEPs - Out third but which Miliband will give him the best promise in return for his endorsement? Or would they prefer to avoid the endorsement of Gordon 'Jonah' Brown's protoge?

Andy Burnham 33 MPs 0 TUs 44 CLPs 1 SSs 1 MEPs - Out first or second? Votes to split how?

David Miliband 81 MPs 2 TUs 165 CLPs 1 SSs 6 MEPs - Still ahead, just, but looking over his shoulder at the rapidly advancing Ed Miliband

Ed Miliband 63 MPs 6 TUs 151 CLPs 3 SSs 6 MEPs - Advancing on David Miliband and certainly the one with the momentum. I am still confused by his repudiation of so many of the Labour party's recent policies bearing in mind he helped author the manifesto.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Labour leadership campaign update

I last blogged the statistics when the MPs nominations closed but, joy oh joy, I see that the Labour Party website are updating twice a day with Trade Unions, Constituency Labour Parties, Socialist Societies and MEPs. I won't update these figures twice a day as life us way too short but will occasionally.

Diane Abbott - 33 MPs 1 TUs 13 CLPs 0 SSs 0 MEPs
Ed Balls - 33 MPs 1 TUs 6 CLPs 0 SSs 0 MEPs
Andy Burnham - 33 MPs 0 TUs 20 CLPs 1 SSs 1 MEPs
David Miliband - 81 MPs 2 TUs 71 CLPs 0 SSs 6MEPs
Ed Miliband - 63 MPs 0 TUs 53 CLPs 1 SSs 6 MEPs

So what do we see. David Miliband is still leading the pack but being caught by his even slimier brother Ed. Andy Burnham has overtaken the vile Ed Balls, as has Diane Abbott.

This contest will not be decided on first preferences though so the first to drop out will have a huge bearing on the final result. If Diane Abbott drops out first then Ed Balls could benefit from her second preference votes but if she stays above Ed Balls then all could be lost for Gordon Brown's right-hand man. I wonder if David Miliband is too linked with Tony Blair and cowardice to get that many second preferences, if so then Ed Miliband as I said some time ago, could be the eventual victor. If so I look forward to more of the UK population realising how unpleasant he is.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

The tallest man will win?

In US politics it has become axiomatic that the tallest man wins the Presidential Election, so I was wondering how this fitted in with the Labour leadership campaign but Max Atkinson is ahead of me:
'height puts Balls and Burnham in 3rd and 4th place respectively, leaving the Miliband brothers in equal first place at 5 ft. 11 ins.'
Don't write off Ed Balls he may not have the height but he has got the union backing.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

The Newsnight Labour leadership debate

Watching this somewhat after the event.

Andy Burnham wears too much eye make-up, or he has lovely eyes.
Has Ed Miliband developed a speech impediment or has he always had a slightly camp lithp? Also has he put on weight and why the ... odd ... pauses?
David Miliband genuine and a believer in Climate Change!
Diane Abbott - surely the turn the page and close the book candidate.
Ed Balls - Spouting the same claptrack and without any real conviction.

Why do I find myself thinking of Month Python's 4 Yorkshiremen sketch when I hear four well spoken candidates competing to be prolier than thou?

The courage to stand against Gordon Brown question and Ed Miliband obviously thinks that being loyal to Gordon Brown was a good thing as the PM destroyed the country. Ed Balls talking about Gordon Brown "Without him the world would have gone into depression", no sniggers, no "oh come off its" just passive acceptance from the audience and more importantly the impartial Jeremy Paxman. And then later "the most searing events the world has seen in the last century"!

Not all spending is investment Diane. And wants to look at a wealth tax.

David Miliband ignores the point about who caused the deficit and also thinks that growth is the achievable answer.

Ed Miliband wants to discuss fairness but wants the 50% tax rate for more than one parliament.

Andy Burnham defends increased government spending on the NHS as though it was right to do it whatever the cost.

Now the "halve the deficit in 4 years promise" but no quizzing as a) how and b) where that leaves the national debt - still rising being the answer to that one.

Increasing VAT should have been ruled out says Ed Balls but refuses to accept any blame and makes the claim that "I never wanted to be Chancellor"; hysterical but not picked up by Paxman.

Ed Miliband saying we should look forward and not discuss the past reminds me of a school swot whining "It's not fair".


David Miliband has started to look older since the general election, not sleeping too well without the armed police outside his house 24/7?

David Miliband also does the Gordon Brown smiling superiorly at what others are saying, 'it ain't big and it ain't clever'.


Diane Abbott makes sense on the Euro.

Ed Miliband accepts that they made a mistake on new entrants.

Is the state too big:
Ed Balls wants a big state and uses 'right-wing' as a pejorative
Andy Burnham avoids the question with just one example
David Miliband accepts the State got too big in some areas but not all
Ed - Why is the Country spending too much on unemployment?

Is the state too centralised:
Ed M, David M and Andy Burnham - Yes
Diane & Ed B - No

David M accepts that Labour lost the South of England but not why

Civil Liberties:
David M - Wrong on 90 days
Andy Burnham defends ID Cards & the DNA database
Diane Abbott doesn't
Ed Miliband wants to look at the bigger picture as does David M - it's always good to talk big and ignore the 'small' bad things

Best leader or should have been:
What are David M and Ed Balls talking about whilst Ed M is answering? Oh got it David M misunderstood the question but only realised it rather late in the day. That made him look intelligent didn't it. That video of him looking confused should be played whenever he tries to look intelligent. Like his brother earlier he has the petulant look of "it's not fair, the rules weren't explained properly".

Football Question to see if you are a man/woman of the people, I presume none of them will be brave enough to say I don't care about football that much:
And none did!

Not very impressive are they? A couple of wonks, a thug trying to be nice, a professional northerner and a hypocrite.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

How are Labour's leadership elections going? (09.06.10 12:30 update - the end of nominations)

Most oddly the state of play on the Labour party website is not as it was last night but is seemingly not updated. The site shows this:

Diane Abbott - 32 (+ 21) - A big surge but one short... even with David Miliband's whilehearted support

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham -33 (+ 5) - Nominated

John McDonnell - 0 (-16) - Apparently withdrawn in favour of a woman going through to the next stage. Absolutely nothing to do with seemingly advocating the murder of Lady Thatcher and excusing IRA terrorism is still popular within the Labour party

David Miliband - 81 (+10) - Still ahead of his younger, even smugger, brother; nominated Diane Abbott so not totally convinced he is the right man for the job

Ed Miliband - 63 (+ 6) - Regaining momentum and so probably even smugger

I will report when/if the labour party sort out their website. Can't run the Country, can't even update a website competently!

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

How are the labour leadership elections going? (08.06.10 17:30 update)

As of 17:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 11 (+ 2) - Harriet Harman showing female solidarity and nominating Diane (following her PPS this morning) and Gavin Shuker who is Margaret Moran's successor in Luton South (probably only an MP because of Esther Rantzen

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 29 (+ 2) - getting ever closer Andy, well done you

John McDonnell - 16 (+ 5) - Seemingly advocating the murder of Lady Thatcher and excusing IRA terrorism is still popular within the Labour party

David Miliband - 71 (+12) - Still ahead of his younger, even smugger, brother

Ed Miliband - 57 (+ 3) - Regaining momentum and so probably even smugger

Only one day left to get to 33 nominations for Diane Abbott, Andy Burnham and John McDonnell; I wonder which will make it... Looks like Andy Burnham will get there but not the others. In fact there are just 41 MPs yet to nominate so if no more nominate any of the three already nominated and Andy Burnham reaches exactly 33 nominations then if the nominations split perfectly, both John McDonnell and Diane Abbott could still get 33 votes each. It would take just one MP to spoil this result, so that'll be Gordon 'feartie' Brown.

How are labour's leadership elections going? (08.06.10 12:30 update)

As of 12:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 9 (+ 1) - Nia Griffith who was Harriet Harman's PPS before the election. Apparently her main political interests are tackling climate change and issues affecting industry, hmmm

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 26 (+ 3) - getting ever closer Andy, well done you.

John McDonnell - 15 (+ 5) - Seemingly advocating the murder of Lady Thatcher and excusing IRA terrorism is still popular within the Labour party

David Miliband - 62 (- 1) - Still ahead of your younger, even smugger, brother. How did he lose a nomination?

Ed Miliband - 54 (+ 5) - Regaining momentum and so probably even smugger.

Only two days left to get to 33 nominations for Diane Abbott, Andy Burnham and John McDonnell; I wonder which will make it...

Monday, 7 June 2010

How are labour's leadership elections going? (07.06.10 17:30 update)

As of 17:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 8 (+ 1) - Keith Vaz! Do you really want this slimeball's nomination? The man who claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament. The man who was accused by The Guardian that when he was the chairman of the home affairs select committee, of having sought the private views of Gordon Brown for an independent report into government plans to extend the detention of terror suspects beyond 28 days. The man who ...

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 23 (+ 1) - getting ever closer Andy, well done you.

John McDonnell - 10 (no change) - See my earlier postings about John McDonnell and his recent statement about assassinating Lady Thatcher in the 1980s and his 2003 remarks about excusing IRA terrorism

David Miliband - 63 (+ 1) - Still ahead of your younger, even smugger, brother.

Ed Miliband - 49 (no change) - no momentum today, have you peaked Ed? Still smug though?

Only three days left to get to 33 nominations for Diane Abbott, Andy Burnham and John McDonnell; I wonder which (if any) will make it...

Here's some video of Diane Abbott literally laughing behind Keith Vaz's back

How are Labour's leadership elections going? (07.06.10 12:30 update)

As of 12:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 7 (no change)

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 22 (+ 1) - getting ever closer Andy, well done you.

John McDonnell - 10 (no change)

David Miliband - 62 (no change) - no momentum today, have you peaked David? Still ahead of your younger, even smugger, brother.

Ed Miliband - 49 (no change) - no momentum today, have you peaked Ed? Still smug though?

Only three days left to get to 33 nominations for Diane Abbott, Andy Burnham and John McDonnell; I wonder which (if any) will make it...