'Charity: Calling rich Muslims... your number plate is up
Poor Pakistan. "We have nothing – no one cares!" comes the cry. It goes without saying that our country must give everything it can to assist them. But wouldn't it be absolutely brilliant to see the mega-rich Muslim world – for once – give aid in proportion to its means?
I don't know an awful lot about Islam – probably about as much as the average Muslim knows about Christianity or Judaism (for example, the fact they resemble apes and dogs, according to some Islamic school textbooks) – but I do know about the Muslim concept of "umma".
This refers to the one-ness of the international community of Islam, which is apparently the reason the sons of Saudi millionaires murder, by proxy, innocent strangers (including fellow Muslims) on London buses and in New York skyscrapers, in order to advance the cause of the poor Palestinians.
In a month when it was revealed that a Dubai billionaire paid NINE MILLION POUNDS for a NUMBER PLATE for one of his cars and that shoppers from the Gulf states are expected to spend £250m in London this summer, I hope that the sum these countries and individuals give to their brothers and sisters in Pakistan is very large indeed.
Or the filthy rich Muslim countries of the Middle East could well be laying themselves open to accusations of filthy hypocrisy, too.'
Julie Burchill in The Independent with similar thoughts to that which I have expressed before. The Saudis and other oil rich nations seem curiously reluctant to send large amounts of aid to the Muslim brothers in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, why? The Independent's resident ill-informed commenters are of course out in force below her article and help to explain why I prefer not to read the Independent unless I have to.
Thanks to A Tangled Web for the spot.