
Showing posts with label Sex Toys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sex Toys. Show all posts

Friday, 23 December 2011

Digital stimulation

Erostek is a company that seems to take digital stimulation very seriously:
'We're often asked "what's so great about digital e-stim?" The answer is simple: Variety! Instead of a device that can only turn the output on and off over and over, a digital device opens up a whole new dimension. We like to compare it to playing the same note over and over on a piano versus playing real music. Which would you rather listen to?

By producing waveforms in the digital domain, and including a powerful microprocessor, our products can deliver vastly more complex stimulation. The output can be constantly changing and choreographed between multiple channels. It's simply a night and day difference.'
Is this the stocking-filler that you have been looking for this Christmas?

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Saturday morning catchup

Once again, too many Firefox tabs resulting in carashing Firefox and much frustration.

1) Blazing Cat Fur reports that 'The Toronto District School Board has decreed that "Only White People Are Racist" ' and provides the evidence.  Political correctness decrees that white people are in the wrong and in this sort of analysis of course Jews are white people whereas Muslims are not.

2) Fox News has an >to the Mila Kunis story and it may not be good news for Marine Sgt Scott Moore...

3) The often interesting Mother Jones website has interesting piece about life in an Indian call centre. Read it and you may go more gently on the Indian helpdesk the next time you have to call one...

4) Angry Predator identifies a fine example of victimhood poker and it seems that ethnic minority sensibilities outweigh the feminist right to breastfeed.

5) Melanie Phillips thinks that 'From human rights to the EU, the tide's turning against the liberal thought police' - I hope she's right but fear she is not.

6) Der Spiegel warns of the dangers of dildos. Yes I did say dildos.

7) The BBC report with a straigh face that: 'Alastair Campbell was "somewhat of an unguided missile" during talks about intelligence before the Iraq war, a senior MI6 officer has said.' Tell us something we didn't know about that duplicitious c**t.

More later...

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Geek porn

You can buy this useful item from Etsy; $5 in USA, $14 in UK.

Here's the sales pitch:
'Yes, you are looking at a flogger crafted from cat-5 wiring. (Internet cable, in other words.) It sports a D-ring for easy hanging. This will satisfy your inner - or outer! - geek for sure. :) Each tip is firmly wired in place and secured with bonding glue. Packs quite a sting, and will leave such distinct marks! This baby is bound to make your sub /beg.

This Cat-5 Flogger boasts the colors of fire; red, yellow, orange.

Custom floggers available at no extra cost. '

Sunday, 13 February 2011

For swords into ploughshares read guns for sex toys report that:
'A shop in Alabama on Tuesday launched a Valentine's Day offer it hopes will trigger a large response in a limp economy: customers can swap their guns for sex toys.

"In today's economy, this is a way of helping people who may feel they can't afford something for Valentine's Day," said Sherri Williams, the owner of the Pleasures sex toy shop, where assorted erotica during the next week can be obtained in exchange for cast-off firearms.

"This way, they can take something that's just lying around and swap it for something they can take home and make love, not war with," she told AFP.'
I think that that phrase regarding firearms that are 'just lying around' sums up so much of the difference between the USA and UK.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

The world's first sex robot; yes I did say 'sex robot' - NSFW

It's Roxxxy!

Spooky and rather scary... and the idea of the robot not being able to stop her 'multiple experiences' is disconcerting but not as disconcerting as the concept of sharing a sex robot!

This was one of the Seven items that will cause a man to never leave his home (according to Guyism). Hmm whilst a 'massive HDTV' is a must and a 'grill' very desirable, a Playstation/Xbox is a 'whatever' for me...

This video is from the manufacturer and is also quite spooky; from 2:20 may not be entirely SFW!

This video, I think an earlier one, is also from the manufacturer and that face is scary, but different strokes for different folks...

The question at 6:21 reminds me of this video - Do you take it up the arse...

And here's Jimmy Kimmel on this subject...

Friday, 4 February 2011

Jennifer Aniston, nipples, vibrating toy...

From the Ellen Degeneres show; seems like a good present, I wonder if Mrs NotaSheep would like one for Valentines Day?

Thursday, 3 February 2011

What present should I buy my female members of staff?

Probably not what this New York Businessman did:
'A Queens woman told her boss to take this job and shove it when he gave her a vibrating dildo for her birthday after months of sexually suggestive comments and unwanted come-ons, according to a lawsuit.

Silvia Olveira had put up with the conversations about her boss' sex life. She endured his comments about her body. She even tolerated his clumsy attempt to stuff her paycheck in her back pocket, her legal papers allege.

But when she opened up Ibrahim Mansi's birthday gift to her in October 2009 and found a sex toy, she had had enough.'

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Are vibrating seats are a good thing?

Top Gear show that it might be, watch from 1:28. That girl looks like she might buy one... "Ohh it's good!"

Monday, 9 August 2010

Odd the people who pick up my blogging!

BubbleGumChones liked my piece about the World's first solar powered vibrator. She does seem to have a healthy interest in this area of sex toys...