
Showing posts with label David Ward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Ward. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Those 'liberal' Lib Dems

Guido Fawkes  reports that the Lib Dems have withdrawn the party whip from MP David Ward. This is as a result of his rather intemperate remarks about Israel. Good news you might think, the Lib Dems making a stand on Israel. Well not really as this section of the letter makes clear:

We wish to reiterate that this is not about telling you what your views should be. Indeed, we have all visited the occupied territories and we have all experienced an instinctive and liberal reaction to the humanitarian suffering we have witnessed. You will know that Nick, Simon and I have a consistent track record of being outspoken about illegal settlement activities of Israeli governments and the threat this poses to the two-state solution for which the party has long argued.
Yes because the Israelis are entirely responsible for the humanitarian situation in the 'occupied territories'. As for the 'illegal settlement  activities of Israeli governments' and how they pose a threat to the two-state solution, I wonder if the Lib Dems are so stupid that they believe that the Palestinian Authority, let alone Hamas, want a two-state solution.

Friday, 25 January 2013

What is it with some LibDem MPs?

Today David Ward, here giving a car crash interview on Sky following his comments from earlier today

David Ward's political career should be toast, but will Nick Clegg have the cajones to take action?

Yesterday a previous LibDem Baroness Jenny Tonge, attacking Zionism

"It will not go on forever, it will not go on forever and Israel will lose its support, then they will reap what they have sown,"

The Liberal Democrats, the true nasty party.