
Showing posts with label Downfall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Downfall. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

"We were supposed to save the world by getting rid of anyone who argues or doesn't care enough"

Brilliant Downfall parody of the 10:10 eco-fascist story, with some great lines
"Killing peope who don't agree, for Christ's sake. I t was to be another couple of years before we started yet"
"It's OK there's still the Blackadder DVD set"

I believe we have Angry_Exile to thank for this video.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

The ultimate Downfall parody

It seems that the Downfall parodies are being removed from YouTube at the request of the movie studio, the above is a fine commentary...

Thanks to Harry's Place for the spot.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

The Dead Tree Press finally catch up with the blogosphere

I note that The Telegraph have finally caught up with the Gordon Brown as Adolph Hitler in "Downfall" video meme. Today they report that:
"A spoof video depicting Gordon Brown as Adolf Hitler in the film 'Downfall' has become a YouTube hit."
Have they not noticed the previous "Downfall" parodies?

Monday, 8 June 2009

Monday, 13 April 2009

Another Gordon Brown "Downfall" video

I jnow there are loads of these but I only publish the best; and this is well worth a watch

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

"What a phoney"

Having listened to PMQs live today but not able to blog, I find that the blogosphere and the MSM are in uproar over David Cameron calling Gordon Brown a phoney. Now the context is important, David Cameron was contrasting Gordon Brown's return to quoting from third parties with Gordon Brown's comments, as reported by me yesterday that:
"I personally have always said that modern politics, with its focus on who said what, when, how and why, is far too divisive for the problems that a country's got to meet"
Yesterday I wrote:
"So the politician who has made a career out of attacking the opposition, both in other parties and within his own, with ferocity and from dredging up old quotations from opponents at almost every PMQs says that

"I personally have always said that modern politics, with its focus on who said what, when, how and why, is far too divisive for the problems that a country's got to meet"

The word chutzpah comes to mind along with the phrase - is he f***ing serious? If Gordon Brown seriously believes what he said then he must be delusional, otherwise he is just telling yet another Brownie. "

So for David Cameron to call Gordon Brown a phoney for the sheer two-faced way he went against what he said in his Guardian interview seems more than fair to me; maybe "liar" would have been closer to the mark.

Of course the BBC and others are up in arms at the effrontery of David Cameron, indeed the Guardian go into full prim Auntie mode with this:
"The barb from the Tory leader is all the more remarkable since Brown had prefaced his remarks by talking emotionally about the death of Cameron's son, Ivan, three weeks ago."
I blogged about Gordon Brown's commiserating at the time and said that
"I just didn't buy it yesterday, Gordon Brown is not a nice person and he hates "Tory toffs". He may be able to hide it for a week or two but it seems too apparent that he viscerally hates the Conservatives and sees it as his role to keep them out of power for ever. Underneath his expressions of sympathy he and his team will be judging how best to benefit from the situation. Gordon Brown is not above using the death of David Cameron’s child for political advantage, he runs an unpopular government that is presiding over the economic collapse of the Country, he will not shirk from finagling any small political advantage out of this situation that he can."
It looks as though the Guardian are working the angles for Gordon Brown.

The other part of David Cameron's questioning that I liked was his use of the word "bunker"; it seems likely that David Cameron was alluding to the "Downfall" videos that are all over Youtube; I still think the best is the one I blogged about last December, here's a welcome reprise of the house price crash one, as it is now worse than under the Tories.

So at PMQs we had a weak, blustering Gordon Brown having to be protected by the worst Speaker of the House in living memory and the BBC concentrate on the rebuke to David Cameron. The BBC seem to have bound themselves so tightly to the Labour party that they will have to continue to do all they can to keep them in power; and as the economy slides further and further into the mire that will require more and more blatant bias. The next 14 months should be interesting and if I were David Cameron I would be planning what form my revenge against the BBC should take, and any revenge would have to be taken very very swiftly once elected, because the BBC will be attacking the next Conservative government from minute one.

Monday, 16 February 2009

"...several scones short of a cream tea"

At last it's the Derek Draper "Downfall" video.

If you are not a fan of strong language then I suggest you do not read the subtitles.

Thanks to Donal Blaney for the spot.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

"Is it worse than under the Tories?"

Another great "Downfall" parody.

As well as enjoying the numerous "Downfall" parodies that have been made, do find the time to watch the original film which is a real classic.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Gordon Brown misleading the public, again

This from Nick Robinson's blog:
"This morning David Cameron called on the government to accelerate legislation to protect savings.

This afternoon Gordon Brown said in my interview* with him that the Banking Bill would increase protection for depositors from £35,000 to £50,000.

This evening the Financial Services Authority are making it clear that neither man has affected what is their decision to raise depositor protection. It will not be in the Banking Bill.

The rise from £35k to £50k does not require legislation. The FSA has the power to do it and has been consulting on the proposal for some time. They were keen to announce their decision at a time of relative calm.


* This is the transcript of my interview :

Nick R: But government did say it would look again at that issue of protecting depositors after Northern Rock, and it's still not happened. Why isn't it right to say to people, rest assured, all your savings are safe?

GB: We did raise the amount from £35,000 and we're raising it to £50,000...

Nick R: But it hasn't happened yet?

GB: Yes yes, it's in the Banking Bill and it will go through very quickly and I hope it will go through with all-party support"
Does Gordon Brown even know what is going on, is he in control or just sitting in his bunker directing non-existent financial divisions?

And this the man that the BBC are trying to convince us is our best hope in a financial crisis! This is the man who has conned the country for over 11 years and who even last week was lying about the relative states of the economy in 1997 and now. Gordon Brown is a lying, bullying, con-artist: he stole from our pensions, lied about his "prudence", misled us about the extent of public sector debt, fiddled the inflation statistics so as to artificially create a boom, introduced over 100 new taxes often by stealth... I could go on and on and on.

Tony Blair misled Parliament and the country over the Iraq war and thousands died, Gordon Brown's cumulative lies could result in the death of the UK.

By the way, wasn't it almost exactly a year ago that Alistair Darling mooted raising the depositors protection scheme limit to £100,000, why has that been forgotten? Are Alistair and Gordon scared of something?