Friday, July 1, 2011

Slacking off...

I am so sorry, I've been slacking off on the blog posts! We've been busy swimming, swimming and swimming some more. I figured y'all were tired of pool photos! We have seen a lot of wildlife in the past week. 2 different sets of twin fawns and a lot of single fawns too. We seem to have fawns all over the place! I also see one of our landlord's cows has a new baby (bull) calf. I hope he's still alive I haven't seen him in the past two days, ekk. We've seen hawks and even a skunk one evening down near the pool. I haven't even attempted to take my Cannon Rebel out, I need too! The other morning was perfect but I got side-tracked. There seems to be a pack of coyotes down at the creek and when we are at the pool we hear them quite often howling and yipping to each other. I haven't seen the hogs but they are still here, I can tell by the ground they are tearing up. Feral hogs are so destructive, ugh! We were on gecko alert here in the house, there was a HUGE one in the kitchen. I let Lydia in and she caught it, yeah!! I don't mind gecko's but I do NOT like them in my house. Not too much to tell and I hope to get some nature photos this weekend. I might just get a break from little man for a bit, that would be so sweet!

Hope y'all have a great weekend and for those of you in the U.S.A. Happy 4th of July!!


Paula said...

Yes those wild hogs can do so much damage. Really bad on the peanut crops around here. Sometime the grass and weeds will grow over the rooting holes and we don't realize they are there and drive over them. It can really rattle our teeth. Have a nice 4th of July too.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, I guess you're forgiven but let's not make this a habit. Sounds like you've been having fun and are seeing lots of interesting things. Hope you and the family have a great 4th.