Thursday, March 14, 2013

This week...Spring Break!

Sorry I haven't posted lately. It's Michaels Spring Break at school and we've been out and about. Last Saturday we went to the LadyBird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin Texas. A beautiful place and yes I have plenty of photos to share from there. Then Sunday Michael had friends come over. They stayed until Tuesday and the boys had a blast. Weds. we went and worked at the property and Michael took a Cold dip in the pool and then we went to Victoria to visit some friends and have dinner with them. Today, Thurs., we went to the Goliad County Fair (livestock show and carnival). I was a judge for the 4H kids photograph entrys. It was great to see all the photographs they took, lots of talent. Tomorrow Michael said he wants to stay home all day and play video games, sigh. It's his spring break so I will oblige him and maybe I'll get some photos posted too.
Hope y'all are having a great week.