Saturday, July 26, 2008

So Sweet

I was driving down the driveway when I spotted this little one in the brush next to the drive! My first ever fawn in hiding photo and I was sooo Thrilled with it!! Mind you it's not the sharpest photo but I still love it!! She was so tiny!! Fawns here usually arrive in May/June so this was quiet a surprise to see one at the end of July!

Concrete Slab and Fishing

My husband was up at 6am and raring to go...Today we were pouring the concrete slab around the waterwell...Michael and I were a bit sleepy so we slept until 7am and then headed down to the property to help, lol... My Father in law came to help. He is pretty darn good with concrete and showed us how it was done!! I am so glad he came as I am not experienced in concrete at all and well Fred he kind of knows how to do it but not as good as his dad!

Smoothing it out...

I couldn't resist this photo, is an erect dayflower and was at my feet...Yes I was distracted from the work at hand...Oops!

Now back to the slab...almost done.

I think Michael was fix'in to swim in our tank, lol...We had to use it for water for the concrete and Michael soo wanted to get in it but it was pretty darn cold...The tanks other use is our swimming pool on really HOT days and today would have qualified if we hadn't had work to do...
it reached 100 F. don't say?

Naaw it can't be....

Give me a break!!! you see what I have to put up with you see those looks!! Isn't he cute and funny...good thing he doesn't read or look at my blog!!

A peacock butterfly, one of my favorites! See I was working at taking beautiful photos for y'all to enjoy!! LOL...

We had to wait for the concrete to set a bit before we could finish it up...So I suggested we all go fishing at the creek and everyone agreed, Yea!!

Michael was just thrilled to go fishing with Daddy and Grandpocka!! I love that photo above as they both have their rubber boots on and fishing poles in hand...Off they go to catch that WHOPPER of a fish!!

I was even nice enough to let Grandpocka fish in my fishing hole...He was aiming for one of the giant catfish or bass but no luck! He did catch quiet a few bluegill and sunfish and was enjoying himself...A nice break from working concrete I think!

I was just tickled when this little guy landed in the brush on the other side of the creek. He is a Green Kingfisher. I've seen them fly up and down the creek but they've never stopped near enough for a photo. This isn't the greatest but I didn't want to get to close and scare him away...Fred did that for me, ugh!! MEN!!!

Fred even managed to catch a few fish too...

A little quality time between Father and Son!!

We finished up the slab but I couldn't get a photo as it is under a tarp for a few days...Michael was able to (with help) write his name the date and add handprints & footprints to it...Momma even got to put her name on it too...Follow up photos will follow next week.

We had a pretty busy day but enjoyed the time spent together and accomplished something too!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Just think...

What I could do if I had a Macro lens...A whole lot better than these...
Queen or Tropical Queen butterfly.
Shooting Mode Manual
ExposureTv( Shutter Speed ) 1/320
Av( Aperture Value ) 4.5
ISO Speed 100
Lens EF28-105mm f/3.5-4.5
Focal Length 105.0 mm

Large Bee Fly
Shooting Mode Manual~ExposureTv( Shutter Speed ) 1/800~Av( Aperture Value ) 5.0~ISO Speed 100~Lens EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6~Focal Length 41.0 mm~AF Mode Manual focusing

Assorted Flys

Shooting Mode Manual~ExposureTv( Shutter Speed ) 1/320~Av( Aperture Value ) 5.0~ISO Speed 100~Lens EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6~Focal Length 41.0 mm~AF Mode Manual focusing

Differential Grasshopper

Shooting Mode Manual~ExposureTv( Shutter Speed ) 1/800~Av( Aperture Value ) 4.5~ISO Speed 100~Lens EF28-105mm f/3.5-4.5~Focal Length 105.0 mm~AF Mode One-Shot AF

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Like water...

Helen started a new blog that contains her word-art creations. When I saw this word art I knew exactly what photo I wanted to use in a digi-layout. Thank you Helen for the inspiration!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The first of the rain bands from Dolly...

We had a rain band come through this evening about 7pm and you know me I couldn't resist photos of the clouds...

Ominous looking....

Yep I spent most of the morning buffing and polishing the Beast and it has water spots on it now...and No I did not go out there and wipe her down either, lol...I love seeing water bead up on a vehicle though...

This is looking South towards the Rio Grande Valley at about 7:30pm.

This is looking East towards the Gulf of Mexico at about 7:30pm...this is a huge rain band that is out in the Gulf...and yes I climbed up on the roof, lol...I just couldn't get a decent view on the ground...

LOL...oh this is a Com-trail from a jet...I looked up and saw it and thought was flying from South to North...After these photos I came in the house thinking I was done for the night but then just after I finished going through these photos I noticed the beautiful colors in the sky from the sunset...I couldn't resist going back outside...

Looking South...

I know I've got electric lines and poles in the photo but it can't be helped they are all over this place...grrr...but I just loved the colors of this photo and I didn't feel like taking the time in PSE 6 to take out the just ignore the clutter and enjoy the colors...This is looking North.

This was directly over the house, looking up...truly awesome with the sunset hitting it...

looking WestSouthWest...

Okay I know, what is it? It's a Jack Rabbit and it was pretty dark out so not the greatest photo...but this little guy was running all over the place and I was laughing at him...Everytime I looked out towards the pasture he was running here and there and he was making me laugh...I was watching a skunk and he ran by the skunk...there were also some deer out there and he ran by them too...guess he was in a hurry to go somewhere...

I have noticed the dogs are pacing and won't settle down tonight and today I have seen quiet a bit of the wildlife moving about...I heard the coyotes howling this evening too...Guess they know there is a storm out in the gulf and can feel the pressure changes...

Monday, July 21, 2008

The newest member of the family...

One week from today Cheyanne was born. Tonight I finally got to meet her. She is so tiny and sweet!!


Great-Grandma Cristi with her Great Granddaughter

Michael checking her out!

What a beautiful baby girl.

Proud Daddy and Mommy!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

As I was saying in Yesterdays post...

My husband was up to NO good yesterday (Saturday)! We had gone to town to get groceries and he suggested we go over to Port Lavaca to the Dodge dealership. Since I've been in Texas that is where I go as I like the people there...I asked him what for? He said he just wanted to look at trucks, ugh! He promised me we were just looking! (Yea Right!)...I had been discussing with him that I wanted to get a small car/vehicle that was good on gas and use it to drive around in and save my Truck for when I need to haul something or work on the property...Mind you I said SMALL ECONOMY CAR!!!!!! It seems Fred had other things on his mind and it wasn't SMALL...
We got over there and he immediately headed to the trucks, hmmm, something is wrong with this picture...I told him those are NOT small cars they are NOT good on gas, he laughed!
Before I knew it he had picked out a blue metallic MEGA cab 1500 truck, ARGH!!!!!
We talked to the manager and decided to leave and talk about the deal they offered us...Well the manager didn't want us to leave and came up with an even better that was in our that I couldn't pass up...As it was trade for trade for my Mega cab, My baby, My sweet girl...shes gone, boohoo...This BEAST has replaced her...

Here is my husbands baby...sigh...It's BLUE!! Metallic BLUE at that YIKES!!
Do you know how hard it is to keep a dark Blue truck clean!! Do you know who will be cleaning this truck?? ME!! GRRRRR....Do you know why my husband fell in love with this truck? Because it is Blue like the Dallas Cowboy colors, oh GOOD GRIEF!!!

This is why it is called a MEGA cab it has room and lots of room for a growing 4 yr old to stretch out in...and a Momma that is over 5'10" tall too, lol...I have to admit I do like the interior...It has leather seats...the cloth seats in my "Old girl" were fabric and were constantly being steam cleaned every month...not kid friendly at all...Dodge really needs to do something about their fabrics...even rain would stain them!!

This morning when I walked out of the house and saw this Blue BEAST in my parking spot I grimaced...It's BLUE, ugh!! Where is my sleek silver baby the one that hardly shows the dirt?...Oh how I miss my girl!! But then my husband walked out and just beamed from ear to ear, he is tickled!! He loves the Blue Beast, he is positively glowing...Do Men glow?

Yes my husband has established this as his truck, see he already has the Cowboy steering wheel cover's a lost cause...When I asked him why we got another gas guzzler as I have to sit home all the time to save money and not burn it up in fuel he laughed and said that was the whole IDEA!! The little imp!!

I had to throw this photo up here...My sleek silver girl is gone and this is one of the memories I have of her...She traveled well, and like me loved the Hill Country!! Now she is all alone and sitting in the dealerships lot awaiting her fate...good bye baby girl!!

I do have to say my husband is thoughful...He knows the hell I went through in the first chapter of my life and how I never had a reliable-dependable vehicle...It is a nice to have peace of mind while traveling down the South Texas roads...

(On anther note I made a deal with the Manager at the dealership that hopefully in the not to distant future I will be back for my economy vehicle and he quoted me a price that was a bit hard to refuse...we shall see what the future holds)

Shhh it's a surprise...

My sister in law, Bernice is celebrating her 40th Birthday and we had a little dinner for her tonight! She thought she was just going to dinner with a few family members so was a bit shocked when a LARGE group met her at the restaurant!!
The photographer was late, oops, but more on that tomorrow!
I used a lens that I don't normally use and was very disappointed with the photos, sigh! I can see I have a lot more to learn and quiet a bit of practicing to still do...These are some of the better photos I took...

Birthday Girl!!

hmmm wonder who drank that? he he was delicious and well deserved after the stunt my husband pulled today!

My in-laws!

Ohh la la there were even Mariachi's there to sing to the Birthday girl!!

I wonder who this gorgeous couple was...I never see them together often!

Wow and here is Tia Annana (Diana) and Uncle Larry...

There are more photos on my flickr site if you'd like to take a peek...