Saturday, May 26, 2007


We are going to go get Michael this afternoon! He has been with Bridgette and Jeremy since Weds. night and has been doing really well! It's funny I really missed him yesterday morning but this morning it's been really nice, peace and quiet! Fred and I had a really good evening yesterday. He called and asked me to come meet him in town. He had gone and gotten me a new cellphone, that I absolutely love. My other phone was about 3 yrs old, it wasn't holding a charge and I couldn't hear on it. Then we decided to go rent some movies and bought a pizza and came home. We watched movies and ate pizza, it was really nice! I think we both needed it! It's been so long (May 2005) since we've had time (more than a few hours) without Michael to honestly enjoy each others company and relax. Made me realize how much I love my husband!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


It's unbelievable but Michael is staying with Bridgette and Jeremy. He went with them last night after Trey's graduation. He had a rough time last night at 11pm but I talked to him on the phone and got him calmed down. I called Bridgette this morning and she said he had a few moments but otherwise was watching tv and doing okay. I just spoke with her again this afternoon and they were at McDonalds and eating lunch and he was wanting to go play on the toys. It's nice but weird not having my shadow here following me everywhere and trying to help me! I did get some work done on the driveway this morning with the tractor. I was also able to trim some overhanging branches with the chainsaw. I'm hoping to get some layouts done for our scrapbook too! A nap sounds good too, lol. I'm hoping this evening to go to the creek and go fishing! Well I'm off....

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Me and Michael

I just snapped this photo for a friend in a far away place and thought I'd put it on here for the rest of everyone to see. I'm exhausted after cleaning the house and then driving 4 hours to bring Trey back from Bay City for his graduation tomorrow and some little sweet heart had a nap and is not ready for bed yet! Can you tell by his grin that he's wide awake!!

Monday, May 21, 2007


Not sure what is wrong with me but I haven't wanted to do any scrapbook layouts lately so I've been taking tons of photos...why I don't know...I have so many photos I want to put in layouts the photos!
The Hawk I think is a Harris Hawk. He was quiet a ways away and the photo wasn't to clear so I can't really tell what he is but saw the bars on his tail so I know he is not a redtailed or redshouldered hawk. He was hanging out on top of the electric poles all morning looking for breakfast and I tried to get a decent photo of him, but not easy when he is over a 1/4 of a mile away.
The cows are my landlord and landladies cows. They have 12 of them. The white one I call her Africa because she reminds me of cows I've seen in Africa...She is a Brahma mix. The Red cow I call her Heifer cow. When we first moved in here she was just a calf and very curious. Was always up here at the house staring at us, lol. She had her first calf last year so she is no longer a heifer and pretty much stays with the other cows now instead of here at the house. The wildflower is one I found that (if you can beleive) I did not have a photo of yet, lol. The Lantana is growing in my garden. We have lantana that grows wild here but it is not blooming yet!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wildflowers ~ Bugs ~ Michael headed home!

Here are some more wildflower photos and some Red Harvester Ants. These ants can pack a powerful punch and not something you want to get on you as they will bite/pinch! Michael learned early on about staying away from them and NO I did not get bit by one while taking the photo thank goodness :o) And of course Michael hauling his wagon (he calls it his trailer) home!