Saturday, April 4, 2009

Birds & Blooms from Friday

As I was walking the yard Friday morning I glanced over and saw
this female cardinal sitting on the back yard gate. Not sure if she was
sick or stunned. We have had a lot of birds running into our windows lately,
guess I should stop cleaning them...But anyways I went and grabbed the
camera and took a few photos since she was not the least upset by
my presence....

Friday evening we had a family of Scissor-tailed Flycatchers
flying around the house. They are beautiful birds but very shy and skittish...
This was the best I could do photo wise...

A Honey Mesquite blossom...

I also had time before the sun set to watch the hummingbirds
feed on the Aloe blooms and I managed one decent photo of
a buff-bellied Hummingbird

Nephew PJ's 13th Birthday Party!

Our Nephew PJ celebrated his 13th Birthday on April 2nd!

Happy Birthday!
PJ with is Dad and StepMom.

Michael ~ Swimming Lessons

Michael finished his last class of Tiny Tot swim lessons this past Thursday.
Their last lesson was learning water safety, the reason why he is wearing a life vest.
He's cold...Brrr...But Happy!
Splash Down!

Learning to float correctly with a life vest on...

And one last jump!! I love that I caught him in mid air...YeeHaw!

That is it for the swim lessons until possibly next fall...He is showing interest in Soccer or maybe that will be next on the Agenda...

Friday, April 3, 2009

An evening at our house...

I took these photos one evening last week while Michael and I were outside enjoying the beautiful weather....
I bought this Impatient while we were up in the Hill Country...
It was beautiful...but between the wind beating it up and the cat jumping in the middle of it I'm not sure how long it's going to last....
Michael heading out to play in the dirt!
I really need to fix our yard gate...don't you love the rope! Julie using it as a scratching post has taken it's tole...
Petunias...I bought this beautiful hanging basket in the Hill Country too!!

I think the Aloe loves the drought, it's blooming mad!!

Sweet Alyssum and Begonias

Michael decided he wanted to take Jake for a walk...I think Jake is saying "Save me MOM, PLEASE!" ha ha ha...

And they're Off....

Oops! Wait a minute...One cheesy grin for the camera before they leave!
Gotta love my Boys!!
Did you notice we have green grass coming up, YEA!! Now if we could get a wee bit more rain it would really help!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back at the Ranch...

Here are some more photos I took over at my In-laws ranch this past weekend...

Dad who dressed you this morning?
Ha Ha Ha...what's wrong can't fix your shirt with gloves on?

He's such a clown!

Uh Oh a B.S. session between Father and Son...
By the look the son is giving the father I don't think he believes his Dad, lol.

One of the kids....

Another kid (calf)...Mmm Mmm Good Range cubes!

Y'all remember the bull that almost trampled Michael last year? Well this is his son...Dad went on to a better place but he has a name sake and he seems to be just as ornery...Ekkk!
He's a nice looking young bull but NOT one I would trust!!

And Karin M. this one is for you...LOL....Your not the only one who can take photos of nose pickers!! Franky hates having his photo taken so this is what I get and I told him he'd best watch out...Because this was going on my BLOG!! Na Na Na time ignore me and let me take a decent photo of you!!

That's it for last weekends Ranch photos...

Life is Beautiful...

I've really left my comfort zone on this digi layout...a little bit funky but I liked this kit! So below is my attempt of a digi layout about me and my life right now...
I liked this photo Michael took of me at the top of Enchanted Rock and thought it would be perfect...I am hoping that Michael and his children can look back on this and say Wow!!

You can click on the Layout to read the journaling!
Oh and before I forget this kit was called "Wishes_Dreams" and was designed by Kitty designs (O'scraps) and Vinnie Pearce (Pixel Canvas).

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Layout Challenge by Taylor made...

I don't normally do challenges as I hate being pressured to scrap but Amanda from TaylorMade designs is in the Spotlight at O'scraps. She has so many freebies that I couldn't help but try out this challenge....Whew did I leave my comfort zone too!!
Here is her blog if you would like to check out her challenges, click here.

Challenge # 1 Modern
Challenge # 2 Expressive

Challenge # 3 Timeless

Thank you Amanda for all the goodies!
If you would like to read the journaling on the layouts please click on the layout!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

~ Wildflower ~

We went over to my InLaws Ranch on the Rio Grande River today. Just before we reached the house I noticed a few flowers in the ditch...One here and One there...So I put the Macro Lens on the camera and went for a walk in the ditch...I was amazed by the variety I found. They were scattered here and there and the roadway was not blanketed with them as in previous years...

I snipped the Indian Paintbrush and the Fringed Puccoon and laid them next to a bluebonnet for a colorful bouquet...cheating but it worked!!
White Prickly Poppy, not a flower you want to pick!

BlanketFlower/Firewheel/Indian Blanket/Rose-ring Gaillardia
I know it as an Indian Blanket...

Wine cup

Don't have a clue what this one is...Out of all my wildflower books, and I have a lot of them, this one wasn't in any of them...It's small and all the buds are on a single stalk...

I think of all the wildflowers this one is becoming one of my favorites.
It reminds me of fireworks exploding and I just love it.
Sensitive Brier

I found one with dew still on it...Sweet!

The wind was blowing a bit and this one has some blur to it...

Bull Nettle
This one stings like a SOB and I wouldn't touch it!!
This is one of the first plants Michael has learned about,
he's rubbed up against them enough, he now knows to stay away from them, OUCH!

Close up of a Bluebonnet

Engelmann's Daisy (with bug)

Phacelia/Blue Curls/Spiderflowers/Wild Heliotrope

Blue Curls next to Prickly Pear Cactus

Indian Paint Brush
Close-up of Indian Paint Brush

Fringed Puccoon - this one was new to me!

Possibly a type of Columbine?

Engelmann's Daisy Blooms

Since Fred was with me I was on a limited time schedule but still had fun and managed to capture some of our beautiful spring wildflowers...They are out there but they are scattered and scare...Hopefully more rain will come and next year we will again see the roadsides blanketed with color....
(If I am incorrect on any of the names please let me know, thank you!)