Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden
Thursday, April 3, 2014
A Spring Walk
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Geocaching in High Falls State Park, GA
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Trick or Treat?

My Cheetah kitty |
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Turtle's Plant
The history of this turtle goes: Son wants turtle, Mommy gets son a turtle. Son bores of turtle, Turtle has sad life of neglect. Turtle finds new home which is much better. Then turtle's provider gets a promotion; which now means more travel time from home with turtle. This is where the Saint and I came into play. We found a new home for turtle (poor thing did not have a name) in Nashville, TN through blogging with some "Pet People" through my hometown newspaper. How do we get turtle from Virginia to Tennessee? We went to VA for Easter and brought turtle home with us until our planned TN trip to celebrate a niece graduating from High School in May.
We set up a long folding table by the window in the guest room. We researched high and low about desert turtles on the computer. We created her a nice home of moist straw, water, a tunnel, mulch and warm sand under spot light.
We gave her weekly baths and name her Miss Tuttle! She would eat a diet of greens to include Romane Lettuce, Spinach, Turnip greens and her favorite treat was Hibiscus blooms! So one day I took off the garden center to find her a hibiscus plant. I was lucky to find one on the cheap for $7.00. She loved to munch the blooms and I was happy for her as the blooms only last one day anyway. I would enjoy the pretty bright red blooms in the day and Miss Tuttle would eat them later that evening. The time came to take Miss Tuttle to her new home in TN. We packed up all her belongings except for the hibiscus plant. I was also hauling 10 bales of GA Pine Straw to my mom for Mothers Day so I could mulch her bushes. So the truck was full to the brim with so much stuff that there really was no room for a plant this size.
The hibiscus stayed on the front porch and produced beautiful blooms all summer long. Then it was starting to chill with winter setting in. We did not have the heart to allow Miss Tuttle's plant to die so we brought it inside for the winter.
We kept the Hibiscus safe away from paws reach in the guest bedroom with the doors closed all winter long. Anyone with cats in the house know that a closed door does not make for a happy cat! My two would jump at any chance they had to get into the room especially knowing that a yummy treat awaits them!
The hibiscus had the most beautiful blooms this past year while continuing to grow and thrive on the front porch. The tag reads: Place in full sun and water every day. Cold Hardiness 40-degrees. I kept it on the shade of the porch receiving only the morning sun shine and water it about once a week. Total opposite from the tags directions. I have always been a bit of a rebel. tee hee...
Sure we live in the Deep South but we do have freezing temps in the winter months although very little if any snow in our area occurs. I have seen lots of hibiscus in landscapes of business and also yards but doubt they are the same type hibiscus. One thing for sure that I have learned since starting to chat with you Garden Bloggers is, not all plants are the same! I use to think that a Peony was just a peony then found out there are many different varieties just as Roses and other beauties in our gardens.
I have wanted to put this hibiscus in the ground to see what happens. But knowing it does like the water and also knowing we have been in a drought the past few years, I have delayed in my experiment. I was debating just letting it go to nature on the front porch but it grew so beautiful and lush this past year that I did not have the heart to let it stay on the porch and die without giving it a chance in the ground.
Lola sent me some bulbs late last fall and I put them into pots and in the guest room which has become the No No Room to the cats. Since I had to keep the door closed this winter, I brought Miss Tuttle's plant inside for one more winter. It will go into the ground this summer if we are out of the drought or back on the front porch then I will find a new home for it next fall. Stayed tuned for this one....
The Guest room has become a nursery of sorts this winter with gourds hanging in the closet and lots of potted bulbs and a huge hibiscus staying warm. I did close off the vents to the room to keep the plants cool so they don't take over the room. Look at how tall the Ginger is getting Lola! Thank you again for such a wonderful Gift from your Florida Garden! I will continue to keep my guard when opening the door to the No No room as my girls will jump at the change to get a nibble of THE TURTLE'S PLANT, but hopefully before long, it will be, In the Garden...
Miss Tuttle is happy with her new home and has a pet of her own. Look at Gracie the cat keeping a close eye on her little friend Miss Tuttle. I just love Happy Endings...