Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Friday, October 12, 2012

Eddie Rabbitt's Mural in the Austin Peay State University President's Residence and a Blogger Visit

Folks in the Clarksville area are most likely aware of our local state university called Austin Peay State University (APSU), but they may not be aware of some gems hidden on the campus. The above home is the residence of the President of APSU. At the present time the President is Tim Hall. Mr. Hall and his lovely wife Lee reside in this historical mansion located in the heart of APSU's campus. Today's post is not so much about the home as it is about the history of this home and I shall share with you all a story told to my garden club by Lee.
Let's enter the home so we can view the subject of our story. To really appreciate this mural you must see it in person as it is beautiful, scenic, and so very appropriate to the home. The mural depicts several bucolic scenes of Americana. One in particular shows Niagara Falls in New York. It adds so much charm and warmth to this central hall and home that it needs no more embellishment right? Well, let me tell you its story first so you can decide.
Have you ever heard of Eddie Rabbitt? Eddie Rabbitt was a famous singer/songwriter from the 1960s to the 1980s. He wrote and sang songs which were country but which had a popular crossover to pop music. He was a rather famous guy and almost everyone over a certain age (perhaps 40?) has heard of Eddie Rabbitt.
Eddie Rabbitt passed away in 1998 due to lung cancer. He was only 56. His death was not announced to the public until after the burial. He is buried in Nashville; which is where he resided with his wife in his later years. After his death, as the story goes, Eddie's wife was looking for a home for Eddie's mural. I think Lee said the house where Eddie Rabbitt resided was going to be demolished but I'm not sure. This mural was in that house. It is a mural which can be removed and placed in another house. So Eddie's wife began looking around for an older home where the mural would be appropriate and where it would find a good home.
It just so happened that in 1999 a terrible tornado tore through downtown Clarksville and demolished most of the city; including the residence at APSU. About the time the mural needed to be removed from Eddie Rabbitt's home was about the time the residence was being rebuilt and renovated after the tornado and Eddie Rabbitt's wife offered to donate the mural to the university.

The donation was an awesome thing to do but when it was discovered it would cost $17,000 to remove and reinstall the mural into the residence the deal almost didn't happen. $17,000 is a lot of money! And the university apparently did not want to spend that kind of money on a mural. The person responsible for installing it then donated his time to remove and install the mural. Isn't that a great story? Don't you think this mural is even more special now?

I have shared one of Eddie Rabbitt's duets with Crystal Gayle. I hope you like it. 

in the garden....

I had a visit from an old blogging friend this past weekend and I must say we really enjoyed W2W and her husband stopping by for a wonderful visit. Please check out her post found here to see how our visit went and why she was up this way from Florida.

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

In the Garden by Elvis Presley

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Monday, September 20, 2010

Three Years of Blogging and Butterfly Kisses

From In the Garden

Three years of blogging and as I look back I wonder how time passed so quickly. Blogging has been great with so many ups and so few downs that I still love to blog! Today is a light day for me as I will be relaxing in the garden but I wanted to say to all of you who have ever stopped in to read, to comment, or just to browse-thanks! I want to give a special thanks to all of the regular commenters and readers too! I sometimes feel as though I know you all and that you have become friends. It's been a great three years and I look forward to many more!

I am not normally sentimental but thought 'Butterfly Kisses' by Bob Carlisle would be a treat for anyone who would just like to sit and relax and listen to a lovely song about butterflies and people this morning....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,

In the Garden

Monday, September 6, 2010

No Nectar For the Hummers-The Honeybees Got It All

It has been extremely dry here in my Tennessee garden and I think all the animals and insects are beginning to notice. The dryness is about the only explanation I can find for the swarm of honeybees that enjoyed a full hummingbird feeder of sugar water. Surely they did not get the word that today is Labor Day?

At first the hummers would just move to another feeding spot on the feeder and avoided the bees. It then got so bad that not even the hummers could get a drink. I was a bit nervous for my well being filming all the honey bees. I have since removed the feeders because the swarm of bees was just too much and too close to our back door. It was amazing to watch though and I thought you all might enjoy the show....

in the garden....

Other than bee guards is there another way to dissuade the bees? I have poured water over the feeder and that seems to help for a bit but the bees drink way more than the hummers. They have not harmed us in any way but were none too happy when I removed both feeders they were swarming.

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,

In the Garden

Monday, September 14, 2009

Praying Mantis and Life is Good

From In the Garden

Life is good in the garden. All life is welcomed in Tiger Gardens most of the time because gardens are good. I especially like the beneficial insects such as this huge praying mantis that paid us a visit. I am hoping she (if it is a she) lay some eggs so even more will come to visit and chomp down on bad insects. I think it is female because she is so big.

She moved like a skink so much that I was a bit startled when I nearly stepped on her. I took a short video of her movements for your pleasure. During the video I got a small stick I was hoping she would climb upon, but she did not. What she did do was turn quickly as though she was ready to fight the stick-not me mind you as I kept my distance.

Enjoy the video and please share what kind of beneficial predators you've seen lately....

in the garden....

I want to say a big public thanks to Lzyjo. I won a drawing on her blog for a very nice set of potholders which arrived this past weekend. Thanks!

P.S. I believe this is a Chinese praying mantis and a female. Hence its different coloring. If anyone knows, do let me know. Thanks.