Showing posts with label Chinese Cabbage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chinese Cabbage. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Star of My Winter Vegetable Garden: Chinese Cabbage


It has been a while since I've talked of my vegetable garden so today I wanted to share the star of my winter vegetable garden. I had to wait until I actually ate this Chinese cabbage first before sharing it. Sometimes I just grow things to grow them and don't really fully utilize my things once they are grown. Ever do that? Well I'm not doing it anymore-at least not in the case of this cabbage. I planted a six pack of these little starts last fall and my how they have surprised me. Winters in northern Middle Tennessee can be cold and brutal. Usually even the most hardy vegetables will succumb to the cold by the end of January. Not this Chinese cabbage! It laughs at the cold and is never fazed. I love it! It looks so pretty in the vegetable garden as it is the only green thing there in the winter. But what I really really like is how it tastes. 

I was a bit hesitant to eat this cabbage because I had nibbled a bit of it straight from the garden. Rabbit I am not as I did not like the taste of this very leafy vegetable when it was raw. My two rabbits adore it though. Well, one snowy evening when I was giving a talk to a home school group and talking about this vegetable I mentioned I did not know how to cook it. One of the ladies perked up and said I do! I asked "How then?" She replied, "Saute it." I happen to have a wok and we love stir fry so I thought that would be the perfect meal to try out this Chinese cabbage. It is so pretty cooked up and added that bit of green that makes stir fry dishes colorful. We all loved it here. The only downside, the two fertilizer bunnies might be eating a bit less Chinese cabbage....

in the garden....
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden