I am going to take you back to early April today with our first voyage of the year to our beautiful Georgia Lake. Going under this bridge, I am always on the look out for Osprey as they like to nest on top of the bridge.
Zooming in, I spot the nest but no activity.
Later with our return back under the bridge, we spot an Osprey on the nest. We see Osprey more often then Bald Eagles but enjoy them both.
We took advantage of a beautiful day to beach the boat at several different islands in order to do some geocaching. While on this one island, we spotted a goose sitting on a nest.
She was very quiet and still and we did not spot her as we arrived on the island. We spotted her as we were departing and after snapping a few photos of her from afar, we quietly left the island without disturbing her further.
We spotted many Loons on the lake this day.
We were lucky enough to hear them call out as well! Love that sound.
We spotted many Loons on the lake this day.
We were lucky enough to hear them call out as well! Love that sound.
I spotted wild Vinca on another island. The leaves were covered with pine pollen.
The Vinca was just starting to bloom but I so wished this patch of it was in full bloom.
While walking on the islands, I had on water shoes but the shoes would not protect my piggies from the massive amounts of Pine Pollen that was falling from those tall Georgia Pine Trees.
Pine Pollen is so large that it is easily seen floating on top of the water at the lake.
Yes, it was a yellow icky mess. But since this photo was snapped, the rains came and washed all the pollen out and the lake is once again clear! Luckily, this pollen does not affect sinus for people.
As we beached the boat on an island, I spotted this Lady Bug hanging out enjoying the warm sunshine.
This was our favorite island we visited this day. It is so diverse in terrain and so neat to explore.
The pebbles on the beach were so unique and soft to the feet.
These large rocks were the source of the pebbles as the pebbles crumbled from them. We suspect some type of Soft Slate type stone.
I spotted this large bush in full bloom! Master Gardener Tina, do you know this bush?
The blooms looked like some sort of Bleeding Heart type bloom.
I also spotted Carolina Jessamine blooming on this island.
Soft pebbles on one side of the island and Red Clay on the other.
Just up from the Red Clay, is this view. I tell you it is one DIVERSE ISLAND, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden