Showing posts with label Jessamine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessamine. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Diverse Island

 I am going to take you back to early April today with our first voyage of the year to our beautiful Georgia Lake. Going under this bridge, I am always on the look out for Osprey as they like to nest on top of the bridge.
Zooming in, I spot the nest but no activity.
 Later with our return back under the bridge, we spot an Osprey on the nest. We see Osprey more often then Bald Eagles but enjoy them both.
 We took advantage of a beautiful day to beach the boat at several different islands in order to do some geocaching. While on this one island, we spotted a goose sitting on a nest.
 She was very quiet and still and we did not spot her as we arrived on the island. We spotted her as we were departing and after snapping a few photos of her from afar, we quietly left the island without disturbing her further.
We spotted many Loons on the lake this day.
We were lucky enough to hear them call out as well! Love that sound.
 I spotted wild Vinca on another island. The leaves were covered with pine pollen.
 The Vinca was just starting to bloom but I so wished this patch of it was in full bloom.
 While walking on the islands, I had on water shoes but the shoes would not protect my piggies from the massive amounts of Pine Pollen that was falling from those tall Georgia Pine Trees.
 Pine Pollen is so large that it is easily seen floating on top of the water at the lake.  
Yes, it was a yellow icky mess. But since this photo was snapped, the rains came and washed all the pollen out and the lake is once again clear! Luckily, this pollen does not affect sinus for people.
 As we beached the boat on an island, I spotted this Lady Bug hanging out enjoying the warm sunshine.
 This was our favorite island we visited this day. It is so diverse in terrain and so neat to explore.
 The pebbles on the beach were so unique and soft to the feet.
 These large rocks were the source of the pebbles as the pebbles crumbled from them. We suspect some type of Soft Slate type stone.
I spotted this large bush in full bloom! Master Gardener Tina, do you know this bush?
 The blooms looked like some sort of Bleeding Heart type bloom. 
 I also spotted Carolina Jessamine blooming on this island.
 Soft pebbles on one side of the island and Red Clay on the other.
Just up from the Red Clay, is this view. I tell you it is one DIVERSE ISLAND, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Clematis Collection

 Before we talk about Clematis today, I want to show you something I had been hoping to see here in my GEORGIA GARDENS. The Red Honeysuckle and Yellow Jessamine blooming simultaneously!
 The bright yellow Jessamine has since faded but I was so happy to see the two playing together!
 I have never had luck with Clematis in the past. Looking back, I have learned that I may have been too quick to assume the vine was dead. Thus, they were more then likely pulled from the ground before they awoke from a Winters Nap. I have learned my lesson. Here you see Ernest Markham. This one is located on the left side of the Garden Swing.
 Here you see a Multi Blue mingling with another Honeysuckle vine. These are located on the right side of the Garden Swing.
I love this shade of purple. I hope in time that the Honeysuckle, Multi and Ernest shall meet in the middle and mingle a bit. May have to update these beauties next year.

On the same vine, a bloom a bit older showing a whiter center. Or is this a different vine? Could be, as I planted several last year and I may have lost track of a second one in this area.
 Clematis 'Allanah' a hybrid is located in the Semi-Formal Gardens. It climbs a Shepherd's hook to a Birdcage. 
 After a drought year with me, they all appear to be happy. I hope to add more in time but for now, this is my CLEMATIS COLLECTION, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

5 Year Blogiversary & Giveaway!


 Dogwood and Swamp Jessamine are blooming in my GEORGIA GARDENS...
This vine is full of blooms, I tell ya...

The only thing that would make me happier, would be for the Honey Suckle to bloom at the same time. The red and yellow together would be an awesome sight. Too bad most of the jessamine blooms will be gone by the time the honeysuckle burst open. But as you can see, there is hope for me this year.
Miss Saigon, Dutch Iris is also blooming for me! I planted the bulbs 3 years ago and she gave me a nice show her first year. Last year, (being her second year with me) she did NOT bloom. The greenery was there but No Blooms. I left her alone and now look at her this year. Blooms once again! I have no idea why she did not bloom for me last year but ever so happy I did not disturb the bulbs.
I recently celebrated a milestone of hitting 50 years of age! The Saints parents were in Georgia to help us celebrate. Mom B brought me a Rose from a small table top type bush I had given her for Christmas. They arrived on March 22 and the rose hung on until the above picture was snapped on April 4. I was shocked as to how long it held onto its beauty. As you can see, the top leaf was nibbled as were all the rose leafs, by a Fur Baby of mine. Grrrrrr, I wish I could have flowers and plants inside.

BEEP BEEP BEEP, WE INTERUPT THIS BLOG FOR A SPECIAL UPDATE: The baby Wrens are about to leave the nest! I must say, these are some early spring fledglings. Now, we return to our regularly scheduled posting...

I am also celebrating another milestone. It has been 5 years since I started to Blog with Tina here at In the Garden. Hard for me to believe I have been at this for 5 years as it seems like yesterday when I started jotting down words about my garden.
As I gaze out my windows and into my gardens, I see what all I have accomplished in the past 5 years. I credit Blogging in assisting me in my gardens. I have learned so much from the many blogs I have visited over the years. I still visit blogs but not as often as I would like to. I find myself in the gardens more and on the computer less. But I believe that is a good thing.  
 I am going to celebrate my 5 year Victory with you, our wonderful readers! Don't ya just love a freebie? I would like to give one of you these cute little Frogs.  
 And a Second reader, shall receive this cute little frog rain gauge! Just make a comment on this posting and your name shall be put into the Magic Hat for a chance to win! The winners must provide me with your name and address for shipment of the item gifted. Due to Postal Regulations, this offer is only available to those with a Street Address in the USA. You have until April 14th to make a comment as a name shall be drawn at that time. I will be announcing the two winners names on Tuesday April 16, 2013...
Good Luck to each of you wonderful commenters of this blog! And HAPPY 5 YEAR BLOGIVERSARY TO ME, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Swamp Jessimine mingles with Honey Suckle

BY SKEETERThe Calendar now officially says Spring. But the HEAT in my Georgia Garden says SUMMER out there! I am trying to get the fast growing weeds in control but the heat is getting to me. Headaches, heat rashes, sunburn, etc. And it is just Spring? Geesh...As you can see, by the weeds, I have yet to get to the Semi-Formal Flower Garden. I am slowly working my way around the yard with this being the last Garden to tackle. 6 Bricks are laying by the entryway making it a bit longer and inviting. I shall get those bricks embedded into the ground and add more pea gravel. But this will have to wait until the weeds are pulled.
The Swamp Jessamine is doing great on the Arbor! The bright yellow flowers seem to glow in the sunshine. Heck, they glow without the sunshine.
The lone Honey Suckle plant that I added last fall survived our mild winter. The Red and Yellow look great together and I hope the Honey Suckle will work its way across to the other side.
Here is that other side. A bit difficult to see but the Dogwood is in full bloom in the background.
Ah, now we can see the Dogwood in the background better. Also a boat that continues to wait for the lake to rise. Our past two years drought has the lake so low. We are having some nice spring rains and hopefully, they will continue. Not only to raise the lake but to make SWAMP JESSAMINE MINGLE WITH HONEY SUCKLE, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Miss Saigon

By SKEETER I was out of my Georgia Garden for about 2 weeks. A Garden can really thrive when one is not looking. Kind of like that old saying, "A watched pot never boils" Well, a garden will not grow if you watch it daily. Be away for 2 weeks and you will find many surprises upon your return. I walked through the Semi-Formal Garden gate and was happy to see the Yellow Swamp Jessamine blooming and growing along the garden gate as planned. Once inside the garden, Look what I saw! Oh my goodness, Miss Saigon has arrived! I found Dutch Iris (Miss Saigon) bulbs a year ago while at Costco and could not resist the deal of 18 bulbs for $2.50. I planted them and did not mark the area where I had placed them into the ground. That happens when you purchase many bulbs and go on a planting frenzy and don't mark those areas. I thought maybe Voles had a great meal. The buds are so beautiful. The blooms are Awesome! Especially with phlox and dogwood in bloom. I plan to leave these beauties where they are located until they grow stronger. Once I feel they are strong and hardy, I will move some around to different gardens. But for now, I will sit back and enjoy MISS SAIGON, where she is located, In the Garden... Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden