I left my Georgia Gardens for a few days of R & R (Rest and Relaxation) last week. One of my favorite get-a-ways is Savannah, Georgia. My last overnight visit to this fun city was back in 2009 when I talked about the Bonaventure Cemetery. Click HERE to see. Being so close to this wonderful city, (3.5 hours) we should get there more often then we do.
I enjoy visiting the Bonaventure Cemetery. The History alone is worth the visit. Click HERE to learn more. It's stately Live Oak Trees are covered with Spanish Moss found throughout the cemetery.
The trees are magnificent sculptors of nature. Standing tall and hundreds of years old, they have seen a lot. The Live Oaks at Bonaventure Cemetery (once a Plantation) were put on the Georgia Landmark and Historic Tree Register in 2004. Click HERE to see more.
Spanish Moss drapes most trees Old and Young within the grounds. Click HERE to learn about this Moss.
Wildflowers can be spotted as one strolls about.
I was happy to see this sign and was looking for the "Garden" portion from this sign.
As you can see, the
Water Pumps remain but I could only see few signs of a garden from long ago.
Garden beauties such as Hydrangea are seen as one lingers about.
Some interesting blooms too. A Hibiscus maybe?
Gulf Fritillary and Yellow Butterflies were fluttering all over this Cemetery. Telling me, there's plenty of nectar for them to enjoy. There were so many Fritillary's that I first thought I was in the middle of a Migration of the Monarch Butterflies. This one above was kind enough to stop for a picture on a large Lantana Bush.
This is a view I did not expect to see in the Cemetery. But being on the coast, these palm trees did not surprise me. Even though, I was in a Cemetery, scenes such as this put smiles on my face.
Sago Palms were scattered about as well.
This wall caught my eye. Looks as if old stones were reused to make a wall. This gave me inspiration.
I could only salivate for this bench. I have never seen one so ornate. It has been there so long that the legs are starting to fade below the soil. I wanted to remove the sandy soil but decided I should leave well enough alone. After all, this Cemetery is protected by the City and I did not want to have to explain that I was not going to steal it but rather show its beauty. The Saint was happy I walked away.
I spotted flowers on many grave markers as well as animals, angels, etc. I shall show you more of these markers on Thursday. I must first weed through tons of pictures I snapped. I just love the BONAVENTURE OAK TREES, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,
In the Garden