Showing posts with label Jasmine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jasmine. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Confederate Jasmine (Update)

June 2013
 I have talked about the Confederate Jasmine here in my GEORGIA GARDENS in the past. My love for the hardy vine and scent she gives off during the early summer.
June 2013
 Last years blooms were so intoxicating while filling the air with sweet scent. I love this vine as I have never had to give it any attention. No pruning, no water, no nothing. I just sit back and enjoy this plant!
Feb 2014
 This year is a different story though. The Ice Storm of February gave her a punch in the vine! 
Feb 2014
 I feared loosing all 3 of my vines but did hold out hope as I could still see some bright green leaves within. This photo is the same vine as seen in the first photo of this posting. It took the worse hit of all the vines. I assume due to it being a bit more exposed to the elements then the other two. I would say, I lost about 95% of this vine. Sigh...
April 2014
  It is tough pruning vines as they are connected together so a lot of healthy vine may be removed with the damaged vine.
June 2014
 Now is bloom time and they are indeed bouncing back and even have some blooms for me to enjoy!
June 2014
 It will take some time for the one on the right to get back to its once glory but that's okay, I can wait.
June 2014
 I am just happy to have not lost them.
June 2014
 And I know in time, they will once again stand tall and shine in my garden.
June 2014
And a bonus was blooms for me this year as I did not expect any at all. Ah, the Sweet Scent of CONFEDERATE JASMINE, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Winter Damage

 We had snow on Jan. 28 here in my GEORGIA GARDENS.
 Was only 2 inches but pretty as if a big snow fall.
 Palms always look funny with snow on them. But this Silver Fan Palm is hardy and can handle the snow. Click HERE to see my Beach Planter in its glory.
 Bur, the Bicycle Planter looks cold doesn't it?
 The birds were happy I had plenty of food for them during this little freeze.
 It has been a very cold Winter with us breaking Record Low Temperatures. I am starting to see some damage within my gardens. 
 The Confederate Jasmine is starting to brown.
 I have never seen it do this and hope it will bounce back come spring.
 Since we normally have such mild winters, I have always kept the Spike Plants outside. They have always done well in our winter climate but not so this year.
 Every one of them is laying over looking mighty unhappy.
 I find humor in this one though as the kitty seems to enjoy the hiding spot. Spike plants are inexpensive so they can easily be replaced but will take some time to mature such as these lost ones.
 My Oleander is not looking well. I am crossing my fingers in hopes it will bounce back to life with warmer temps.
 And now I am seeing signs of Spring!
 Crocus are giving me hope.
 Budding daffodils are giving me hope as well. 
As I strolled through the gardens, I looked up above the fence to spot the neighbors kitty Coco Bean. She is keeping a watchful eye over the WINTER DAMAGE, In the Garden... 

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Jasmine (a re-visit)

 I am really happy the Confederate Jasmine is climbing high in my GEORGIA GARDENS.
 It has taken ahold of a low branch of a heavily pruned tree and is climbing up it just as I had planned. I hope it finds its way to the tree trunk as that is the next plan I have for it. I also plan to heavily prune the other sweet gum trees as well. 
The scent of thousands of sweet Jasmine blooms in the air is so intoxicating! It fills the house when the windows are open. But lately, the humidity in the air keeps the windows closed. Sigh, Oh well, I can enjoy the view through the window of JASMINE, In the Garden... 
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Birthdays, Baby Birds & Blooms

What cute picture's of Tina's twin girls, Christine and Liz, taken when they were mere tots.

Look at those great big smiles... Mom and the rest of us here at In The Garden hope you both have big smiles upon your faces today and always.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!

Tina recently posted on the birth of baby Bluebirds and everyone seem to enjoy them so much that I decided to add a few pictures of some of the babies in our life as well... My all time favorite of course is the baby wren hatching from an egg. I was so lucky to be able to capture this moment but did not hang around after snapping the picture out of fear for disturbing nature.
I caught this baby Chickadee peeking out into the world getting ready to leave the nest...

Later on that day, I spotted the little guy on the watering hose watching my every move!
The Chickadee are such a small bird as an adult so this baby was really tiny...

Here is one of many baby Bluebirds we have had in our bluebird houses. The best we can tell, our houses have been home to about 75 baby bluebirds over the 6 years we have lived here! Unfortunately not all survive as the hawk and cats catch their share of unsuspecting babies...
Here is a baby Brown-headed Nuthatch. They have a cute squeak to their voice and walk upside down on trees looking for bugs...
This little baby bird is either a Downy or Hairy Woodpecker. Not sure which as they are so similar. This is the first woodpecker baby I have ever seen in the wild before so I was really excited to spot him this spring!
Here is a baby House finch nesting in a hanging plant. Each year I fight the little buggers off as they are so messy. We now have a deal with them, if you get a nest made and eggs in it, you win the plant but must deal with me watering it. I must get the step ladder with each watering. argggg....

I don't mind the wrens nesting in my ivy box because they are not messy plus the box is located on the railing of the porch so I do not have to get a ladder when watering...

The Eastern Phoebe nest on a metal beam in our garage each year. Last year while building a nest, we found one of the parent birds dead on the garage floor. Think the neighbors cat is to blame for that one. I have seen Phoebe this year but so far no one has made residency in the garage... Look at the cute baby swans! A pair of Swans nest in the Saints parents yard each spring. This year they had 3 babies and this was taken the day mommy kicked them out of the nest, which is within 24 hours of birth!
Here they are out for their first swim. These babies don't have a good survival rate as large snapping turtles will get them. The last I heard, Mom and Dad B reported only one of these babies remain. Nature can be so cruel at times...

Speaking of turtles, look at the cute little baby box turtle I found in the flower garden this morning when I went out to water a few things. Cute as can be...

Now to Blooms... I cut my finger this morning and typing is difficult as I keep having to stop and wipe up blood from the keys so I will just let the pictures do the talking for me. These are things that are blooming now or have bloomed and just now getting recognition from me...





I have Jasmine climbing along the trunks of 3 trees and the scent is wonderful and can be smelled throughout the yard!

Ignore the moss and weeds growing in the gravel. This picture was snapped before weed control...

The Ligustrum was blooming at the same time as the Jasmine and the lush green foliage of the leaves with the white blooms were spectacular together!

The Nandina Royal Princess plant which keeps my beloved Skeeter boy company at his grave, is now blooming as well.

I have never seen such white blooms on all of our bushes until this year. I assume they are happy and more mature now...

Here is one more picture I will share with you even though it does not fit in with the topic. As I went to replace a horrible looking zucchini in the veggie garden, Mr Peter Cottontail joined me. He let me walk right up to him as the Saint took this picture! I talked to him and he just sat there as if my little friend!

Am sure he had his eye on the veggie garden more so then me. Probably trying to see how I get inside the fence...

So Happy Birthday Liz & Christine and keep your eyes out for more Baby Birds and Blooms, In The Garden....