Hello you all! Spring has sprung in Tennessee-even with a freeze expected this weekend do not let that worry you--spring is here! I ventured out to the Nashville Lawn and Garden Show a few weeks ago and it was ever so nice to see some flowers, because on the day I went (Saturday) we still had a lot of snow on the ground. In fact, I daresay the show was a bit lacking in visitors on the first two days of its opening (Thursday and Friday) due to the snow; tho I can't say for sure. In the thirteen years or so since I've been going to the show this has never happened before. We've had tornado watches, cold weather, rainy weather, but never a snow storm!

Saturday's visitors more than made up for the snow days because it was practically standing room only on Saturday. Everyone was very nice and would talk about the weather and spring and flowers and they all seemed to have a great time moseying along the aisles enjoying the gardens and what wares the vendors had for sale-it was a lot!

Each year I visit I tend to take a shot of a pond. A pond very similar to this one was my initial inspiration when I built my first pond back in 2012.

Gardens were well done. Can you imagine all the work required to build this garden and then to take it down after only one week? Impressive.

One of the trees had decorative fruit hanging from it. It was quite the eyecatcher.

Stone pillars are a favorite of mine. I love this one!

A nice place to sit that looks as tho it is straight out of the northwest.

There were also good places to eat! The show has everything anyone could want to get their spring started....
in the garden....