I have had a busy morning! The Clarksville Garden Club sponsored educational gardening seminars today, along with a plant sale. The picture at left shows some of my buys with the exception of the white mum, bagged plant to the right of the mum and the huge lantana. These three plants were gifts. The small bagged plant is Mexican heather, and the huge potted plant is lantana, both of which Skeeter gave me from her garden. Thanks Skeeter! The white mum was a door prize given away at the seminars this morning.
The Clarksville Garden Club is one of three garden clubs in Clarksville (to the best of my knowledge). The other two are Les Candides and the Beachhaven Garden Club. I am a member of the Beachhaven Garden Club. We are the only garden club that meets in the evening. I have been a member for three years now and have gained immeasureable knowledge about gardens and gardening friends who also attend monthly meetings. I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every meeting. Today's seminars sponsored by the Clarksville Garden Club included some local notables as follows: Jeremy Meyers on Landscaping with Native Trees and Shrubs, Karla Kean on Low Maintenance Landscaping, Jason Groppel on Where have the Honeybees Gone, and Byron Dumas on Orchids. All great subjects and presented very well. Garden clubs are different from the Master Gardener Association in that the master gardening program offers a lot of information in a relatively short period of time, then you have to volunteer hours back to the community. Garden clubs require no volunteer hours and provide more informational programs than instructional programs.
Garden clubs are always in search of new members and welcome everyone. As an enticement for people to attend, door prizes are sometimes raffled off. I am not one to win much of anything so when I finally found my ticket which had the winning number, I was overjoyed. Of course, even without door prizes I would attend meetings and programs but the door prizes help make it fun. It is sometimes very hard to make time to attend meetings (there is that TIME thing again), but well worth it. So why not get out in your community and join a garden club? Meet new friends and learn about all the varied aspects of gardening to boot!
in the garden....