The gray color of artemesia is a great color to show off all the busy greens of most perennials. I try to use gray a lot in my garden. Why am I telling you this? At the time of purchase I knew nothing of this plant but knew I liked artemesias. I have since done a bit of research on 'Sea Foam'. The research says Sea Foam artemesia is a small artemesia which will NOT do well in high humidity areas. I thought mine would be doomed at some point in the future. Then wonders of wonders, Frances posted a picture of hers! I was so happy to see it growing somewhere else here in Tennessee. She told me it does well in her garden. What a relief.
This plant is great for xeriscaping and this was my view when I bought it. I thought that with its wiry feel it would be rather drought tolerant and do well. So far it has done well planted in my driveway garden under an oak tree facing the setting sun. I have never watered it and it is not languishing from either the lack of water or the tremendous amount of water (humidity) we have in the air. Good drainage is probably essential for successfully growing this artemesia though. Mine is planted on a slight slope so no drainage problems for it.
This new to me cultivar has been lots of fun. It has put on growth and is doing well. It is even pretty cool and quite a different type of plant that I like it very much....
in the garden....
Dave has asked that we post about our worst weed on his Worst Weed Wednesday. I've already posted about mine in a recent post about poison ivy. You can read it here. Check him out for more worst weed posts. You know we all have them!
Today is my sister Dawn's birthday. Happy Birthday to you and may you have a great one!