Many bloggers are posting about their berries. Berries are super great in the garden! Not only do they look great but they attract some fine birds. Such as the one above and in the video below. It was quite upset with me for disturbing its fine breakfast of Red Twig Dogwood berries. Red twig dogwood berries you all are saying? Yeah right! Now when I purchased this huge fellow at Wal-mart several years ago, the tag said, "Red twig Dogwood". This is not Cornus stolonifera, at least not as far I can tell. I have no idea what kind it it and am hoping you all can help. It does have red twigs in the winter. This is a good sign-yes? But that is where similarities seem to end. This shrub is easily 10 feet wide and nearly that tall. It does bloom the standard red twig blooms in the spring, but these are the berries! Not the usual white berries! They are huge and rather delectable to the wildlife because they do not hang around for long.
Can you all help me to identify this 'Red Twig' dogwood? Does anyone know what type or cultivar it really is?
The little bird was so cute I just had to tape him so you all can hear him. He was quite animated and annoyed with me for intruding. We know those birds can have such personalities!