Showing posts with label C. Colston Burrell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label C. Colston Burrell. Show all posts

Friday, August 20, 2010

Perennial Plant Society's Premiere Garden Speakers and Chihuly at Cheekwood

From In the Garden
I feel awfully lucky to be a part of such a great gardening organization called the Perennial Plant Society of Middle Tennessee (PPSMT) here in Tennessee that I simply must talk about it. Not only do they have over 200 members from all around Middle Tennessee, but they have great garden speakers, garden tours and a plant sale that is a big fundraiser for the organization. Meetings are the third Tuesday of each month at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens in the Belle Meade area of Nashville. And what a treat Cheekwood can be for visitors! When PPSMT members walk into the Botanic Hall area for their meeting they are greeted by a wonderful display of ferns and other tender perennials along with a couple of macaws. A special feature that is on display in this area (for just a short time) and amongst the whole garden is a Chihuly exhibit. If you haven't seen Chihuly you simply must! I know a few of my blogging friends have seen his exhibits-namely Rose and Cosmos (who no longer blogs). I will not go into detail about the exhibit because I was there to hear a wonderful speaker talk about hellebores on this particular night so let's get on with it. If you wish to check out Chihuly at Cheekwood just check this link. Hurry-time is running out.

From In the Garden
Once you enter the Botanic Hall proper you are greeted with a wonderful wide open space filled with chairs-filled with members of the PPSMT who have come to hear C. Colston Burrell speak on hellebores.

From In the Garden

He was an absolutely awesome speaker! Not only was he funny, he imparted a great deal of useful information for us gardeners. He also showed a lot of grace when the presentation equipment occasionally malfunctioned. I learned so much about hellebores as I think all members present did.

Mr. Burrell is an award winning garden author who has authored many good garden books that are most useful to gardeners. He is a native plant enthusiast and well versed on hellebores. His presentation had wonderful photos of all the types of hellebores from around the world. Great shots of some great gardens too! I so wish he had brought some of his books to sell so I could have gotten him to autograph one for me. You see, last month's PPSMT speaker was none other than Peter Loewr and boy oh boy did I ever wish I had brought my copy of Ornamental Grasses so he could autograph that book for me. How cool is it that we in Middle Tennessee can see these award winning authors come to this little capital city of Nashville to speak to us? I just think the PPSMT is top notch. In addition to great speakers we get a plant swap each month (gotta know what you are getting though) and we also get free garden tours!
From In the Garden

Speaking of gardens I'm going to leave you with this teaser of an outside display of Chihuly. Members of the PPSMT were not allowed to wonder the Cheekwood grounds and google and gaggle along the displays but some of the displays are within sight of the parking area so many of us took advantage of the situation and snapped some photos. I have not actually seen the whole exhibit but it is on my to do list. How beautiful is Cheekwood with Chihuly? I just had such a great time I had to share it with you all....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,

In the Garden