Showing posts with label Halesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halesia. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Silver Bells in the Garden

"Silverbells, silverbells,
It's Christmastime in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them sing
Soon it will be Christmas day" 

I can't help but think of the famous Bing Crosby song 'Silver Bells' when I think of my Carolina Silverbell (4 winged Halesia tetraptera). If you saw the flowers in person you would surely think of silverbells, though maybe not about the Christmas song 'Silverbells' as I do. 

This multi-stemmed tree has been growing in Tiger Gardens for about three to four years now. It has finally gained some stature and is blooming wonderfully. This is a tree that is not a tree that yells 'look at me' from afar. You really have to be up close in order to enjoy the blooms.

Mine is sited along a fence line that gets afternoon sun. It is in organically rich soil under some oaks and a hickory tree. It will eventually grow to about 20' and is determined to be a multi-stemmed tree. I have tried in vain to grow it into a single stem tree but the trunk keeps putting out so many additional sprouts that I have decided to give up fighting the trees' nature to be multi-stemmed. This is a tree that will make the move to the new Tiger Gardens next winter. I will site it close to the house where I can enjoy it up close and personal and I will always think of  'Silverbells'...

in the garden....

It's May! Can you believe it??
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden