Posted by: Dawn
I wished I'd thought to take progression photos but I assumed this issue was a one time thing. Nope, it was a three time issue.
Tina gave me an angel trumpet two winters ago and it did fine the first winter. It did not grow too much but took off once I planted it outside in the spring.
Since the winter in Maine would kill my precious angel trumpet I dug it up and babied it inside away from the cold weather. Well, I expected it to lose some leaves and it did. The leaves turned yellow and wilted. Soon enough though the plant was looking good with nice green growth on top, big leaves and such. I was proud of myself!
Over time I noticed the leaves wilting and turning a pale green again. Upon closer inspection I could see.....just barely.....a tough but faint webbing with little dots suspended inside of it. Eww. I cleaned the trumpet off and washed the leaves with water and some slight soap.Like I said this happened three times this winter but each time my trumpet had a nice recovery with good growth and then....behold the pesty problem. I'd like to know what this is and how to get rid of it for good. The pest has not bothered my other plants just my trumpet. I sure wish I could start the summer with a beautiful tree not just a thick green stick....
What is plaguing my trumpet vine? In the Garden
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