No matter what one may think about vultures, or buzzards, they are quite a sight when spotted in nature. Here in Tennessee buzzards are a very common sight in the air and along the roadways where they avidly feed upon the many dead animals killed from collisions with vehicles. I got quite a thrill recently while sitting in my home office when two black buzzards came calling in my neighbor's front yard. I am not sure what attracted the buzzards but they did not stay around for very long. They are so very majestic when they take off, but then I think all large birds are most majestic.
Oftentimes old timers and folks from the south call buzzards turkey buzzards. At first thought I too thought all buzzards were called turkey buzzards. So when I looked on Google for pictures and information about turkey buzzards I was surprised to find this buzzard did not look anything like a turkey buzzard. Turkey buzzards have a red sleeve like covering around their heads whereas this one was all black. Further investigation revealed that this buzzarrd was most likely a black buzzard. Black buzzards are also known as carrion crows or black vultures. I learn something new every day....
in the garden....
If you are local and like crinums, our local Walmart located on Fort Campbell Blvd has three packaged crinum bulbs for less than $10. These are fabulous plants for this area. See my post for information on them or search the sidebar for their beautiful blooms.
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden