Now I am back in my Georgia Gardens and a lot has been going on. With all the Fling talk, time did not stand still and my gardens are ever blooming and expanding. As I sit at the computer in the sunroom, I look to the right and this is my view out the window!
Right in the middle of composing long postings on the Fling, the McCorkles "Giant Plant Sale" (Open to the public) took place. The Saint took the day off from work and accompanied me to the event! We had agreed we would not get any trees as this is not the ideal time of year to plant them with the heat taking off and our continued drought conditions. The first plant in our little red wagon; A darn tree! The Saint grabbed a 10 gallon Leyland Cypress for $8.00. He said he could not resist and the hole was already dug and ready. The tree is now in the spot where we lost a leyland from last years drought. It did not take me long to get my wagon full several times. Once I felt there was nothing more for me to see and I was starting to melt from the heat of the day, we cashed out and left. I came home with a nice haul.
And my pride and joy find was this Persian Palm @ $8.00! I have seen them priced at this size for $29.00 and up! I happen to be at the truck when it came in from the fields. I am a seasoned veteran with this sale and know that when a closed truck comes in from the field that you better be by it when the back doors open as you may miss out on something great. I was there when the worker took the Palm off the truck and I said to just hand that one to me rather then stock it. He said I was the lucky winner as it was the only one they had from the greenhouse's! As I walk to my truck with it, people kept oohing and aahing and asking me about it. It is hardy in zone 8-11 and I fear it will perish if I plant it outside. We do have mild winters and I may plant it. At that price, it will not be a great loss. I may weaken up and bring it inside and into the NO NO Room away from the cats for the winter. Only time will tell as to my decision.
I also found Silver Berrys @ 6.00 when I normally pay $15.00 for them Retail. Yes, this is a bargain hunters world, this twice a year Open to the Public Sale! McCorkles grows for Companies such as "Southern Winners" ... "Gardens Confidence Collection"... "Southern Living"... "Knock Out Rose" amongst others. These are some of the goodies I have in my collection.
Mark your calendars for the next sale this fall where we plan to rack up on some evergreen items. September 21-22, 2012. You can find Magnolia's, Leyland Cypress, Giant Green, etc in 15 gallon pots for $15.00! There are bargains galore and you never know what they will be bringing in from the field next! I spotted an Atlas Cedar Tree in 15 gallon pot for $75.00. Garden centers have them at retail in 10 gallon pots for $128.00 and up!
They have lots of bushes also but I do not know much about them. I so need for someone that knows these plants to come to GA for a visit and go with me! Tina, Janet, are y'all listening? You will have free Room and Board.
I have most of my new goodies in the ground as I have been working my rump off the past few days. We had a low humidity spot and I took total advantage of it. I have a few remaining items that must find a hole but I have decided it is time for The Saint to dig a hole or two as I am not a good hole digger.
As you can see, I am BACK AT IT, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden