We had snow on Jan. 28 here in my GEORGIA GARDENS.
Was only 2 inches but pretty as if a big snow fall.
Palms always look funny with snow on them. But this Silver Fan Palm is hardy and can handle the snow. Click HERE to see my Beach Planter in its glory.
Bur, the Bicycle Planter looks cold doesn't it?
The birds were happy I had plenty of food for them during this little freeze.
It has been a very cold Winter with us breaking Record Low Temperatures. I am starting to see some damage within my gardens.
The Confederate Jasmine is starting to brown.
I have never seen it do this and hope it will bounce back come spring.
Since we normally have such mild winters, I have always kept the Spike Plants outside. They have always done well in our winter climate but not so this year.
Every one of them is laying over looking mighty unhappy.
I find humor in this one though as the kitty seems to enjoy the hiding spot. Spike plants are inexpensive so they can easily be replaced but will take some time to mature such as these lost ones.
My Oleander is not looking well. I am crossing my fingers in hopes it will bounce back to life with warmer temps.
And now I am seeing signs of Spring!
Crocus are giving me hope.
Budding daffodils are giving me hope as well.
As I strolled through the gardens, I looked up above the fence to spot the neighbors kitty Coco Bean. She is keeping a watchful eye over the WINTER DAMAGE, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden