The Saint and I left our GEORGIA GARDENS for a little get-away in the Tennessee mountains. While there, I spotted lots of wild flowers along the roadside. This Sweet pea was so vibrant in color.
While nearby this Golden Rod was just starting to show its color.
Joe Pye Weed below a waterfall in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park.
Joe was mighty happy along the water side.
Cardinal Flower (Lobelia) was spotted in the middle of the water surrounded by large rocks.
Asters maybe?
Orange Jewel Weed and purple Asters mingling along with an orange colored leaf giving us a sign of Fall.
Orange Jewel Weed.
Wingstem (verbesina alternifolia) along the roadside.
Zooming inward, we see an Ant.
I believe this to be Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata var. humilis)
This one really caught our eye! I have researched to find this beauty identified as Hearts-a-Bustin' (euonymus americanus) also known as Strawberry Bush, Swamp Dogwood and Spindle Bush. The Saint and I found this to be a really cool Bloom or Pod.
No Wild Flower here in this picture but found it captivating. A high foot traffic area in the woods above a nice roaring water way. Over time, ground erosion has exposed the root system of this tree. At some point the roots will no longer keep ahold of this tree and it shall be laying in the water below. Sigh...
Not another wild flower but rather a Wild Snake spotted along a sunny walkway. I was happy to say I knew this was a Garter Snake the minute I spotted it. A beautiful creature along with SMOKEY MOUNTAIN WILD FLOWERS, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden