Showing posts with label Canada Lily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Lily. Show all posts

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Last Lily

By Skeeter
I have one last lily to share with you from my Georgia Garden. This lily is located in my Beach Themed Planter.
This tall odd looking lily was given to me from our dear commenter Lola. She sent it to me with some Canna she dug from her Florida Garden and passed along to me. This bulb was hiding (unbeknown to us both) within the canna. I found the bulb and planted it in a container to over winter in the house not knowing what it could be.
The thing started to grow tall so I snapped a picture and sent it to Lola asking what I had in my pot. I was happy to find out I have a Formosa Lily also known as the August Lily in the South. I was saddened to lose the lily last year. I think I gave her too much to drink as I also lost the reed grass I planted in this planter. I am happy to say that the Lily left me some babies she produced. They survived our winter and lookie here, the lily gave me a bloom this year! See how long this bloom reaches out?
It was a single bloom verses the normal multi blooms on one stem but a bloom none the less!
She had dew drops on her the day I snapped this picture. I found a great read on Formosa Lily that Lola passed along to me. Click HERE to read more about her.
As you can see here, I have more baby Lilies popping up around this gal. I am saddened I lost the Reed Grass and also had to remove the Banana tree from this planter. It's replacement, The Silver European Fan Palm is doing well in its sandy spot in the planter. I just hope it will survive winter as her tag says she will.
The hanging fish and buoys have a new coat of paint on them to perk this planter up a bit.
I am not much of a painter but I must admit I had fun painting these guys. I am so happy to have one LAST LILY, In the Garden...

Thanks go out to Lola for this gift and Good Luck and a speedy recovery with knee surgery today!

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,

In the Garden

Monday, January 25, 2010

Canada Lily

Posted by: Dawn

The Canada Lily is a perennial wildflower that prefers moist meadows or wood margins. It's one of the more eye catching spots of yellow along the roadsides here in Maine.

I absolutely love this photo of my Queen Elizabeth rose taken last summer. As you can see, there is a yellow flower about to bloom in and amongst the fragrant pretties, how it manages to survive is more than a wonder to me. There are actually three stalks of Canada lily growing in this small crowded space, I allow it because if we have a bad year with the Japanese beetle, they will completely devour the lilies instead of touching my roses and this lily has always returned year after year no matter what.

I hadn't planned for a grouping of these funnel shaped, nodding flowers in this area and I'm quite surprised they took foot since they are mostly corms, the seeds must have been brewing for awhile, three to five years would be my guess.

This lily will grow to a height of 2 feet to 6 feet, some will have flowers of a count of fifteen, while others will have only two.

The flower is 2'' to 3'' wide and will engulf a hummingbird as it's a favorite of the ruby throated hummer.

The flower can be yellow, orange or red. They are native from Alabama to Quebec and bloom from June to July. They are also on The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. In the Garden.

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,

In the Garden