Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2008

You've Been Tagged....

Gail, over at Clay and Limestone ( tagged me. Remember I told you all there are literally hundreds of garden blogs? We all talk and read and learn and participate in fun things. This is one of those. So bear with me....and look out as you may be tagged by me if you too have a blog!

Gail was tagged by Shady Gardener over at Does Everything Grow Better... at

The rules are simple. Once you have been tagged, you must list 10 weird things, random facts, or habits about yourself and tag five other bloggers. Not only must you list the bloggers and their blogs but you must tell why you tagged them and they then have to follow the rules. They cannot tag you back. Once you are done with your post you must comment back on the initial poster's blog that you have posted to let them know you took care of the tag.

Weird Things About Me In No Particular Order:

1. I used to be a lobsterman.

2. I talk to animals.

3. I think, eat, and breathe gardening.

4. Thinking and dreaming of gardening helped to sustain me through two deployments to war zones (my mother's care packages did the rest).

5. I am on my third marriage and truly believe in the saying, "The third time's the charm."

6. I secretly want to be a private detective.

7. I don't make my bed in the morning and am truly amazed that people do-even when no company is expected!

8. I hate it when people drive in the left lane on the interstate.

9. I love the song "It's Finally Friday!" and if I hear it when I am driving, I tend to speed.

10. I don't have any rhythm and cannot dance or sing.

The five people I am tagging are: Sandy over at the Pet People Blog ( because she is such a good writer and pet lover, that she surely has some weird things she wants to share with us.

I am also tagging Stacy at the Veteran's Voice Blog ( She posts about veterans and maybe it would be fun for her to try something a little different for her to share some of herself.

I am tagging Melissa at the "Hot or Not" Blog ( because I have commented on her blog before, and I liked her one time response to my comment about a certain famous star.

I am tagging Bill Cary at his "In the Garden" blog ( because the name of his blog is the same as mine.

I also tagged "An Artist..loosed in the garden" at the "Lost in the Landscape" blog (, because it is a new blog and because the name intriqued me.

The picture above is of the beautiful ocean in the great state of Maine. See all those luxury sailboats? Not many from Maine own these, these are mostly owned by out of staters visiting Maine in the summertime.

in the garden....hoping I won't be tagged again...Gail?!