Showing posts with label Mexican Petuna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexican Petuna. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stopping Erosion

This circled area had an erosion issue for some time. A bit difficult to see in this picture but the grass slopes down to the asphalt driveway. Rain runoff was slowly eroding the earth at the corner of the retaining brick wall. I say slowly as we are under drought conditions most of the time in my Georgia Gardens.  After 10 years, erosion was becoming a problem.
I failed to snap a "Before" photo of this eroded area last Fall. The day I created this little Rock Garden, I was not planning it. It just kind of happen. I collected some large stones and placed them around the larger eroded gaps. I then added pea gravel into the smaller gaps. I pulled some Phlox Moss sprigs from a planter and dug it into the ground in hopes it would root over winter. I planted a Mexican Petunia in the center and I was careful to remember to water this little spot often. A few little statues of dogs and a frog and I decided this garden was complete. Is any garden ever complete? Ha... The above picture was snapped in early May.

Moving to late July, we see the Mexican Petunia (Ruellia brittoniana) is blooming. We also see a blooming Crepe Myrtle bush. This bush was a tree until last year when a storm had Miss Myrtle doing the splits. Click HERE to see that sad saga. She is making a comeback! Back to the Petunia; this is a new plant to me as I added 3 of them last fall. I believe it was Darla that told me they are a bully plant in Florida. They are on the FL Exotic Pest Plant Council (EPPC) so I am a bit concerned with these new additions to my gardens. I shall keep an eye on them. 
At 10:00 in the morning, I find beautiful purple blooms!
By 8:00 in the evening, they have all fallen to the ground. Is this normal?
They look pretty lying on the lush green Moss Phlox but I would think that the butterflies, bees and hummingbirds would rather they remain on the plant.
If you follow the brick wall down a bit, you can see a second Petunia in the Tri-angle Planter which is outside the Porch Planter. This is the West side of the house. The Porch Planter faces North and holds Japanese Maple, Nandina and Camellia.The third Petunia is located on the East side of the other Porch Planter. In the other Tri-angle Planter. These two Porch Planters and Tri-angle Planters are a sort of mirror image of each other. 

This little Rock Garden is thus far doing its job of STOPPING EROSION, In the Garden...