Showing posts with label England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label England. Show all posts

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gifts from the UK

This past April, The Saint and I opened our GEORGIA GARDENS to some guests from the United Kingdom. (Click HERE to read about that fun visit.) Upon their departure, they presented us with a Gift Card to one of our favorite Garden Centers. Here are some of the goodies we added to our gardens from that wonderful gift.
Camelot Lavender Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
Guardian Blue Larkspur (Delphinium elatum)
Scotch Broom and Echo Rojo Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia)
Lena Scotch Broom (Cytisus) Love those colors!
Miss Kim Lilac (Syringa patula)
Red Riding Hood Beard Tongue (Penstemon)
Ernest Markham Clematis
Harvest of Memories "Yellow" Bearded Iris (Iris Germanica)
Silver Sage (Salvia Argentea)
Tina, this is the plant we thought was a large Lambs Ear in Asheville.
I also could not resist this cute item. Look on the stump.
A closer look reveals a cute little kitty with his field glasses watching birds and butterflies In the Garden. Look behind kitty on the tree!
I just thought this kitty was adorable.
This Kitty caught my fancy as well.
Note to self: Time to paint the barn birdhouse.
I had to laugh when looking out my sun room windows and spotting this! If that kitty were real, this squirrel would not have a chance!

I also came home with other goodies such as Dianthus, Prostrate Yew, Flutterboy petite Butterfly Bush along with a few annuals. These are items I would normally not purchase for myself as they are priced much higher then I would spend on plants. These items are rarely found on the Bargain Bin so not my normal purchases. These are wonderful GIFTS FROM THE UK, In the Garden....

John, Jane, Terry and Claire, Thank You very much for these wonderful additions to my gardens. I am doing my best to keep them happy in our ever soaring temperatures and drought...  Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden