Showing posts with label Azaleas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azaleas. Show all posts

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Azaleas have gone bye bye

 The Azaleas here in my GEORGIA GARDENS were really starting to light up the woods. I am disguising a project in the makings for a future Posting with that smiling ghost.  
 This one was as pretty and full of blooms as never before.

 Even though they were blooming 3-4 weeks ahead of normal, I was really seeing some beautiful full bushes this year.
 This is the my favorite of all the bushes as it is so huge after years of branches laying over and taking root. Now the sad news, we had the coldest day yet of our winter being 23 degrees last night. I just let nature take its course during the night.

And I awaken to a sad sight. All of my beautiful AZALEAS HAVE GONE BYE BYE, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Azalea's and Iris in February


 It is February (well the last day but still February) here in my GEORGIA GARDENS. And Azalea's in my driveway island are in full bloom! 3 to 4 weeks early. Wow, just wow.
And look at my first (which was also my last) iris of the year. This is a repeat type iris that bloomed 4 different times for me last year! Last time it bloomed was December 15. I wish all my bloomers were repeat as I love color. I find it amazing that I have AZALEA'S AND IRIS DURING FEBRUARY, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Home Sweet Home

The Azalea's have been beautiful this Spring in my GEORGIA GARDENS. The best I can tell, we are about 2 and half weeks ahead of normal bloom time after a very mild winter.

The front woods are filling in with green leaves making our house just about hidden from the street. To the right, you see our driveway.
 We have 60 Azalea's scattered throughout the woods and garden's of our property. This one is my favorite as it always shines. I feared it would be harmed with our latest tree cuttings. If you go back to the first photo, you will see this bush in the middle just to the right of a tree stump. That was a very tall damaged tree that had to come down. But as you can see, Miss Azalea is just fine.
 I like the red color to this one but the deer always get to it. Can you tell with the missing blooms?
 This makes for a great view as we pull into our driveway. 3 large bushes that greenbrier likes to try and strangle. I have to dig that mess out every year it seems. Just when I think I have won the battle, one tuber seems to escaped me thus, more greenbrier to curse and pull. 
 The lighter pink ones are pretty but wish the planters of the bushes would have chosen a different color.
 I am not that crazy about Pastel colors but do enjoy them mixed in with the brighter pinks.
 The Pine trees and Azaleas compete for space and I like that look.
 The bright Pinks are my favorite.  
 Lucky for me, these Azalea's were all planted by the previous homeowners to this house. They were well established when we move in here 15 years ago. I wonder the age of these beauties.
 The entire street front to our front woods is filled with these large beauties. I wonder if the previous homeowners ever drive past to see them in Spring time in their full glory. I wish I could snap a photo of the entire row of Azalea's but it is impossible. My camera is not that smart nor is the operator of said camera. 
 Lets peek into the Semi-Formal garden. The dogwoods did not do well this spring. They pretty much went to leaf before the blooms could shine. But pretty just the same. Swamp Jasmine Exploded with blooms before the Honeysuckle. 
 The Jasmine is on its way out and the Honeysuckle is just starting to shine.
 The newest Azaleas to my gardens do not bloom simultaneously. Deer nibbling in the Winter when I let my guard down does not help this garden. 
 Aguila is spreading and I am loving it! Not too crazy about all those pine needles falling from the trees above though.
 St. Francis has a nice pathway of Creeping Jenny around him.
 Tina, do you remember picking this plant out for me at McCorkle's? Tangerine Beauty seems to be happy.
 Phlox is starting to really bloom now. I spotted a lot in the Garden Center's today and thought about adding some more as I love this little spring bloomer. Reminds me of my childhood as my grandmother had a huge planter full of phlox.
 I was surprised to find the Fox Tail did not completely die out from our mild winter. Happy treat...
 The Red Knockout Rose is blooming.
 Not all of the Muscari I have planted returned but the few clumps that have, I assume will be fine in years to come. This is the 3rd year for it. Bulbs other then Daffodils do not do well in my gardens.
 The Rock Garden has been under soggy conditions since last August. I feared loosing the Fringe Bush to the left of the little girl statue but it seems to be okay for now.
 Crimson and Clover are filling in and look really nice with the wild purple violets. Mama ducky looks like she needs a coat of white paint though.
 Iris are starting to bloom. Soon there will be iris all over the gardens as I have divided many and scattered them verses keeping them in an iris bed like most people do. Only problem with this method, I must keep the mulch away from the iris and all the beds are mulched.  
This week is Spring Break here in our area as a little tournament called The Masters is in swing (yes, pun there). When most local people escape the hoopla, there is no other place that I want to be then HOME SWEET HOME, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Another Photo Shoot

 My friends from McCorkles Nursery visited my GEORGIA GARDENS once again! They represent the "Gardeners Confidence Collection" for the nursery.
Here they are snapping photos of one of the many azalea's they left with me after their first visit.
 I was so happy the recent rains did not knock over the Phlox as it accented the Snowball Azalea well.
 Need to get that perfect view.
 I peeked over their shoulders and got my own shot.
Love the Gardeners Confidence Collection!
 Over to the Semi-Formal garden to snap some shots. I missed this action as I had an important phone call to tend.
 Peachy Keen did not do too well in this spot. The height was wrong with the green background. I liked it, so I snapped this shot.
 Peachy Keen made its way to the old stump of the oak tree. Yep, that is dead fountain grass in the background. I have yet to clean out this garden. It is next on my list. I am way behind schedule with way too much going on lately. I so wish issues would not pop up during my Spring Garden play time but life does give us challenges at times.
 Yep, the height shows much better in this spot.
 Sprinkles of rain started to fall so to the porch we went. Don't want to mess up that new camera.
 Love-U-Lots was pampered and tucked into place.

These poor guys have to get into some really strange positions for the perfect photo. I enjoyed their visit and they should return soon for yet ANOTHER PHOTO SHOOT, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Thursday, March 5, 2015

New Spot for St Francis

 Warm weather and I am getting a bit creative in my GEORGIA GARDEN. I redid a planter in the Semi-Formal Garden last fall after a visit from the Gardeners Confidence Folks. St Francis once called that garden home being nestled into a round planter. Click HERE to see that old and new planter.

I had lots of bamboo sticks collected from my woods Scare-a-Crows and Bunny Displays. I found a use for the sticks other then the trash. It is now hiding a Telephone Pole and acting as a backdrop for St Francis, a Zen Frog and a couple Pink Explosion Azalea's. The azalea to the left was heavy pruned during the photo op in my garden. I hope it will pop back to life in time. I shall add a few new plants and items in time. This is how gardens are started in my yard! Ha..... I am letting my creativity flow with this NEW SPOT FOR ST FRANCIS, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Garden

It has been almost a year since we had a horrible Ice Storm here in my GEORGIA GARDENS. With such events comes destruction such as this fallen tree.
 And a very large tree indeed! Look at the root ball of that Willow Oak tree. 
In this area, we lost several large trees. With an open area for sunlight, came weeds that we did not like to see this past year.
 What does one do to get rid of weeds? Well, create a new Garden of course! In the Garden's, Master Gardener, Tina visited me during the McCorkles Giant Plant Sale last fall. I had her help me collect plants to start this new garden. How fun to have Tina's eye in my garden. 
 Next came the clean up of this area by the Saint and I. Piles of debris lay in the area from that Feb day until late Sept. Tina set the plants in place before she left us.
 Due to underground roots, the holes were not dug exactly where Tina had placed the plants. But we got them into the ground before winter which was our goal. We also spread many bales of pine straw as mulch. I was hoping that in time, it would become natural looking.
 The leaves begin to fall in time slowly blending the mulch.
 I was happy with the transformation taking place.
 We now jump to the present time and the area is really looking natural. We have yet to decide what to do with the tree stump but for now, I will NOT allow the Saint to cut it down as he so wants to! we checked into getting a chainsaw artist work magic but we did not have an extra 1,000.00 laying around for that! I see a birdhouse or something atop this tree and in time, something will happen. But for now, Back Away from this stump Saint!!!

Only issue I am having thus far, the deer have found the Azalea and Loropetalum plants and have enjoyed munching them! With all the rains we have had this winter, I let my guard down where the gardens are concerned. Last week, I sprayed Liquid Fence on the plants and hope they will make a comeback this spring. Thanks Tina for your help in creating this NEW GARDEN, In the Garden...

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden