The Azalea's have been beautiful this Spring in my GEORGIA GARDENS. The best I can tell, we are about 2 and half weeks ahead of normal bloom time after a very mild winter.
The front woods are filling in with green leaves making our house just about hidden from the street. To the right, you see our driveway.
We have 60 Azalea's scattered throughout the woods and garden's of our property. This one is my favorite as it always shines. I feared it would be harmed with our latest tree cuttings. If you go back to the first photo, you will see this bush in the middle just to the right of a tree stump. That was a very tall damaged tree that had to come down. But as you can see, Miss Azalea is just fine.
I like the red color to this one but the deer always get to it. Can you tell with the missing blooms?
This makes for a great view as we pull into our driveway. 3 large bushes that greenbrier likes to try and strangle. I have to dig that mess out every year it seems. Just when I think I have won the battle, one tuber seems to escaped me thus, more greenbrier to curse and pull.
The lighter pink ones are pretty but wish the planters of the bushes would have chosen a different color.
I am not that crazy about Pastel colors but do enjoy them mixed in with the brighter pinks.
The Pine trees and Azaleas compete for space and I like that look.
The bright Pinks are my favorite.
Lucky for me, these Azalea's were all planted by the previous homeowners to this house. They were well established when we move in here 15 years ago. I wonder the age of these beauties.
The entire street front to our front woods is filled with these large beauties. I wonder if the previous homeowners ever drive past to see them in Spring time in their full glory. I wish I could snap a photo of the entire row of Azalea's but it is impossible. My camera is not that smart nor is the operator of said camera.
Lets peek into the Semi-Formal garden. The dogwoods did not do well this spring. They pretty much went to leaf before the blooms could shine. But pretty just the same. Swamp Jasmine Exploded with blooms before the Honeysuckle.
The Jasmine is on its way out and the Honeysuckle is just starting to shine.
The newest Azaleas to my gardens do not bloom simultaneously. Deer nibbling in the Winter when I let my guard down does not help this garden.
Aguila is spreading and I am loving it! Not too crazy about all those pine needles falling from the trees above though.
St. Francis has a nice pathway of Creeping Jenny around him.
Tina, do you remember picking this plant out for me at McCorkle's? Tangerine Beauty seems to be happy.
Phlox is starting to really bloom now. I spotted a lot in the Garden Center's today and thought about adding some more as I love this little spring bloomer. Reminds me of my childhood as my grandmother had a huge planter full of phlox.
I was surprised to find the Fox Tail did not completely die out from our mild winter. Happy treat...
The Red Knockout Rose is blooming.
Not all of the Muscari I have planted returned but the few clumps that have, I assume will be fine in years to come. This is the 3rd year for it. Bulbs other then Daffodils do not do well in my gardens.
The Rock Garden has been under soggy conditions since last August. I feared loosing the Fringe Bush to the left of the little girl statue but it seems to be okay for now.
Crimson and Clover are filling in and look really nice with the wild purple violets. Mama ducky looks like she needs a coat of white paint though.
Iris are starting to bloom. Soon there will be iris all over the gardens as I have divided many and scattered them verses keeping them in an iris bed like most people do. Only problem with this method, I must keep the mulch away from the iris and all the beds are mulched.
This week is Spring Break here in our area as a little tournament called The Masters is in swing (yes, pun there). When most local people escape the hoopla, there is no other place that I want to be then HOME SWEET HOME, In the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,
In the Garden