Showing posts with label Spiderwort. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiderwort. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2015

Wildflower Hill of Phlox and a Few Other Wildings

Wildflowers in the garden are still beautifying the area. I marvel each day when I spot something new blooming. Spiderworts have a been a favorite in my garden lately. Their sweet little flowers are so petite and perfect, but you must enjoy the flowers in the morning for by the afternoon they will all be gone.
Phlox is a flower that is long lasting tho. Our Wildflower Hill is covered in phlox and it is such an amazing sight I had to share. The pictures do not really do the hill justice I'm sorry to say. The big leaved plant in the center of the above picture is American Columbo. It is a native wildflower and this particular one is about to bloom. The property will be loaded with these blooms soon and it is quite a sight to see these tall wildflowers in bloom. Once their bloom is over the plants will die for they are monocarps; bloom once and then die.
Another shot of the phlox. Once we cleared this hill of all the tree saplings and cleaned it up the sun was really able to reach the ground. This has surely caused so many more wildflowers to pop out. Each month it is a different view. This entire month and part of last month we have been loaded down with phlox. The phlox is such a sight as are all the pollinators it attracts. Butterflies flit to and fro all among these flowers.
The hill is about 800 feet long but I mow a portion so the wildflowers end up being in an area bout 600 feet long and 300 feet wide. The hill slopes at a rather steep angle down to our little path and a small seasonal stream. Mr. Fix-it and I always had the goal of making this property a wildlife habitat and this hill is integral to that plan. It faces east and all sorts of wildlife use it.
At the opposite end of the Wildflower Hill along the driveway; which is about the only shady part on the property that I can garden; are a few of the spiderworts I showcased in the first picture of this post. These two were planted by me but there are spiderworts growing on Wildflower Hill naturally. Behind the chartreuse (Sweet Kate) and green (Blueberry Sunday-also the bloom pictured in the first photo) spiderworts Packera glabella, aka Butterweed, grows nicely. I love the yellow contrast. I actually dug up these 'wildings' from my other house and moved them there. I hope they self seed and spread themselves about because the yellow is a very pretty eye catcher and pollinators like the flowers. The Illinois Wildflower site says cottontail rabbits and white tailed deer avoid this plant. That's another reason I like it in this area because it is tough and I don't have to worry about it being eaten.
In the wild orchard we still have some of the over 10000 daffodil bulbs blooming. It was always my intent to allow the orchard floor to grow up naturally but I am rethinking that strategy simply because waist high grass is no fun to walk through. That is a problem I will have to work on. But for now allowing the grass to grow ensures the daffodil foliage will have a chance to ripen up before being mowed down. I do think the long grass is beautiful but just tough to walk in. Surprisingly we have not had a tick problem in the orchard. This most likely be because wild animals generally cannot get into the orchard due to the electric fence, and also because there are no large trees in the orchard. So for now the long grass is not a major problem for me.
I leave you with one last picture of my little Cornus kousa, Korean dogwood. It is quite the bloomer this year-18 months after having been moved out to the new property. I love its blooms and all the blooms, wild or not....

in the garden....
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Many Faces of Spiderworts

'Blueberry Sundae'
'Sweet Kate'

It always surprises me when I see the variety within plants-even within the same plant. Spiderworts, aka Tradescantia virginiana. This is one genus I love not only for its variety but for its toughness and ability to procreate itself-even in the darkest depths of my gardens. It is a great plant for home gardening. This plant is beloved by the bees and helps to bring a fantastic presence to the garden in the form of a filler or weaver or even the queen...

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team, In the Garden

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wildflower/Native Wednesday-Tradescantia

From In the Garden

This month's Wildflower Wednesday (brought to you by Gail of Clay and Limestone)Tradescantia virginiana. This native wildflower is a favorite of mine because it thrives in woodland conditions. I have a lot of woods here and a lot of shade. Thanks goodness for these sweet little spiderworts!

Spiderworts come in all shades of pink, purple, and blue. I grow all the colors and I think they tend to hybridize freely so I never know what kind of mix I am going to get. I also have a special cultivar called 'Sweet Kate'. This little spiderwort has chartreuse foliage with a dark blue flower. It has grown in my garden for five years and I've never found seedlings of it-though they'd be welcomed.

Spiderworts can grow to a height of one foot to three or more feet. I have a big mix of them here and enjoy them all. Some are squat, some are tall and gangly, but all are easy care perennials that return each year without fail.

An interesting note is spiderwort is named after John Tradescant. Tradescant was a famous plant collector who helped to introduce many native North American plants to Great Britain and Europe.

Do you grow spiderwort....

in the garden....

Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,
In the Garden

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Perennial Plant Society's April 09 Monthly Meeting and Spiderwort

From In the Garden

Spiderwort, aka Tradescantia virginiana or species is a native perennial plant that works well in the shade garden. It has flowers that last only one day then fade away. I grow it here all through my gardens, and like it very much as it is an easy to grow reliable perennial. Once planted it returns each year and even self seeds around a bit. The one pictured above is a new addition to my gardens. It is 'Sweet Kate' spiderwort. A lovely plant with chartreuse foliage and a vivid blue flower that works well in any garden.

Spidewort was named for John Tradescant, a gardener for King Charles I of England. He and his son are credited with introducing many new plants to England, more info on that soon.

A really neat thing I found out about spiderwort is that if you break off a tip of a leaf, wait for a drop of sap to appear then touch the sap between two fingers and try to pull the sap apart. It resembles a spider's silky web. Perhaps that is where the common name spiderwort comes from. I found this information on this website. Do check it out for more neat information and try the sap trick.

Tonight's meeting of the Perennial Plant Society of Middle Tennessee features Cathy Green of Green and Hagstrom Inc. The title of her program is "Garden Ponds and Aquatic Plants". She will be speaking about the differences between water features; including koi and garden ponds and what type of plants work best in them. Spiderworts would well around any water feature in a natural setting. For more information on the program visit the PPS's website located here. All meetings are held at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens and begin at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there....

in the garden....

I found some research online (several sources) that say spiderworts are ephemeral, then some sources that say the flowers are ephemeral (fading away when the sun comes out). I checked my Southern Living Garden book and it does not mention spiderworts being ephemeral, so I have backtracked on that fact. In my garden, the spiderworts do tend to fade away in late summer, but not completely. They return robustly the next spring.