Noontime on Day 3 of the Garden Bloggers Spring Fling took us way, way, way up into the mountains. Bloggers gathered at the home of our very own Fling Organizer, Christopher of "Outside Clyde". Here you see him surrounded by listeners as he told of how he and his father built his home together. I failed to snap pictures of his home but Click HERE and go to Christopher's Blog and see several postings of this charming home nestled on the mountain side.
Christopher sent us next door through this Wild Meadow. It looks a bit difficult to walk in this photo but I assure you it is not at all.
See, nice paths that his mother, better known as "Bulbarella" pretty much walks daily!
What a treat to be able to stroll through this beautiful woodland haven.
Pathways led us past such beauties as this Iris.
Pathways wound all around the woods that were filled with shade favorites such as hosta. Must not be any deer at Bonnie Brae...
One had no idea what would be around the next path, such as this neat work of art.
We could have spent hours upon hours wandering those beautiful woods but time was not on our side.
As we stroll back through the Wild Meadow, I spotted this old chimney. All that remains of a place once called home for someone. When I see such structures, I cannot help but wonder the story of such a place. A large tree now grows in what was once maybe the living room.
Back to Christopher's Driveway where Bloggers had gathered for a Plant Development Forum. This is where The Saint and I had to say goodbye. Sigh, but time for this dream to end and for us to get back to our real world.
I hope to make it back up that mountain some day to see the progress made at Ku'ulei 'Aina and to stroll about Bonnie Brae and maybe see those bulbs in bloom.
I tell ya, Asheville is full of beautiful gardens, art and people. Wonderful places to visit and such a charming downtown area filled with fun shops. Biltmore was on my Bucket List but I never thought of Asheville. If you ever get a chance to visit Biltmore, be sure to check out Asheville as well. You are in for a wonderful treat. Click HERE to find out more through Explore Asheville. And tell "Del" that Skeeter Sent ya!