And of course, I had the gift of Free Lilies from our wonderful neighbor this spring. In that batch of Freebies, were about a dozen strange looking plants that I assumed were some type of Lily. Being new to Lilies, I am learning as I go along. What fun that can be for a Gardener. Above you can see one of the strange looking plant as I have circled it for you.
This plant kept getting taller and taller and remained a mystery until recently. This one reached a height of 4 foot tall while the remainder are around 3 feet tall.
When the buds finally open for me, I was ever so excited to see the beautiful blooms.
Bright Orange Flowers with big Black Spots all over them with some protruding outward!
I was thinking they were some type of Toad Lily due to the spots but then upon talking this over with my Mother in Law, she informed me I may have Tiger Lilies.
Tiger Lilies would make sense as they do have the colors of a beautiful Orange and Black Tiger. I also mentioned these berry type things on the stem of the Plant. I was assuming they are seeds and once again, my Mother in law says they are indeed seeds. I am hoping for many more of these beautiful lilies as I think they are so darn neat. If only the blooms would last longer, sigh. Hum, I wonder if Tiger Gardens has any Tiger Lilies? What say you Tina?
Here are some more of the Free beauties in bloom during the past month. This yellow beauty may be a Freebie or a Bargain find. I found some bargain Lilies with no name tags at the end of the season last year. Silly me, planted the Freebies in the general area of the Bargain Lilies and did not mark them. Duh on my part but if I don't know the name, I don't care as I am more interested in the show then the name of the performance.
This bright Orange was a Freebie.
As were many in this color.
This little unknown beauty was a freebie as well.
Here are a few that I planted last year and have tags for Identification. Darling Deception.
Blueberry Candy (I believe)
Mini Pearl
And Pandora's Box.
I have talked a lot about Lilies this year but they are such fantastic plants to talk about. I am still wondering why it took me so long to add them to my gardens. I will have one more surprise Lily to talk about soon as I see a bud forming on the top and I cannot wait to see what this one will have in store for me. I am ever so excited about this one as it was a pass along that I thought was a goner last year! I am so pleased to have A TIGER OR TWO, in the Garden...
Words and Photos Property of In the Garden Blog Team,In the Garden