A postcard featuring the Norwegian National Opera and
Ballet designed by Tarald Lundevall of Snøhetta,
"In many ways life is synonymous with place"
(Craig Dykers, founder of Snøhetta)
"No entiendo la arquitectura en sí misma como un foco
de atención. Siempre pienso en ese marco en el que deberíamos ser capaces de vivir la vida, ya sea leer un libro en una biblioteca, hacer la comida en una casa o trabajar en la mesa de una oficina".
(David Chipperfield)
PS. En la imagen de la postal que recibí desde Madrid, la Galería ‘Am Kupfergraben 10’ en Berlín.
"No importa dónde trabajes, la arquitectura en sí misma es
social y su objetivo final es ese: inducir relaciones y
comportamientos" (Giancarlo Mazzanti)
"We wished to make the Opera accesible in the widest
possible sense, by laying out a "carpet" of horizontal and
sloping surfaces on top of the building. This carpet has
been given an articulated form related to Oslo's cityscape"
(Tarald Lundevall of Snøhetta)
"Contemporary architecture will only be credible and honest when streets, open spaces, buildings and infrastructures reflect the image of urban reality, when the devastation of the cities has been transformed into fascinating symbols of devastation." (Wolf Prix of Coop Himmelb(l)au)
"Today, our world is conveyed mostly by electronic screens, witnesses to a world changing at every instant, belying stability. Waves express this representation of form over time. Waves, apparently camouflaged, blend with the landscape, trying to avoid any sense of consolidation" (Rafael Moneo)