Showing posts with label y: 1997. Show all posts
Showing posts with label y: 1997. Show all posts

2316. Auditorio Alfredo Kraus. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


Querida Gloria,

"He vivido momentos muy difíciles, experiencias
muy negativas, pero cuando uno hace una obra 
completa como la del Auditorio Alfredo Kraus de
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, que la visitan cientos
de miles de personas, da un placer incomparable."
(Oscar Tusquets)


2007. Tokyo International Forum


Dear Lucy,

"Architecture is more of an exercise in 
translation than authorship."
(Rafael Viñoly)


1985. Tokyo International Forum. Interior


Dear Eladio,

"The best architecture redefines how things
are going to be, rather than repeating what
has been accepted, or what is already part of
the norm. (Rafael Viñoly)


1952. Guggenheim Bilbao


Dear Daniela,

"The best advice I've received is to be yourself.
The best artists do that" (Frank Gehry)


1925. Commerzbank Headquarters. Frankfurt am Main. Germany


Dear Sybi,

"With the Commerzbank Headquarters we combined 
an ambitious structural and aesthetic vision with a 
quest for natural ecological solutions and the 
well-being of the individual. For me, it is in this 
synthesis of these themes that the real achievement 
lies." (Norman Foster)


1907. Katuaq, Nuuk, Greenland


Dear Michael,

"My creative process is driven by the user's perception 
of a project through not only their physical senses, but 
also the soul and spirit" (Morten Schmidt)


1724. Longaberger basket building

Dear Louise,

"Symbol dominates space. Architecture is not enough. 
Because the spatial relationships are made by symbols 
more than by forms, architecture in this landscape 
becomes symbol in space rather than form in space." 
(Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, Steven Izenour, 
Learning from Las Vegas: The Forgotten Symbolism of 
Architectural Form)


1693. Atrio del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao

Mamá, Louis,

"...el mundo entero es un Bilbao más grande"
(Miguel de Unamuno, Rimas de dentro)

Besos muchos muchos,

1521. Festspielstadt Bregentz am Bodensee

Estimado Jim,

"La presencia es como un hueco en el flujo de la 
historia, donde todo lo repentino no es pasado ni 
futuro."(Peter Zumthor)


1447. Guggenheim Bilbao. Detalle del atrio

Dear Arantxa,

"One of my greatest influences is the Italian artist Gian
Lorenzo Bernini." (Frank Gehry)


1323. Museu Serralves, Porto, Portugal

Dear Frank,

"Complexity and order create in the materials, the volumes, and spaces a luminous vibration and 
permanent availability. This is why architecture 
does not regulate behavior in a significant way; 
but is in no way a neutral framework" (Alvaro Siza)

Best wishes,

1315. Bilbao, Zubi-Zuri

Dear Iñaki,

"l'architettura dipende dalle membra dell'uomo"
(Michelangelo Buonarroti)


1204. Glasgow, The Clyde Auditorium

Dear Sean,

"Architecture is an expression of values. The way we build is a reflection of the way we live" 
(Norman Foster)


1127. Amsterdam. New Metropolis

Dear Louis,

“Architecture is art, but art vastly contaminated by
many other things. Contaminated in the best sense
of the word – fed, fertilized by many things.”
(Renzo Piano)

A great picture of the whale-like Nemo Science
Center in Amsterdam.

Mobilis in Mobili,

1007. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus

Querido Joaquin,

Antes que el sueño (o el terror) tejiera
Mitologías y cosmogonías,
Antes que el tiempo se acuñara en días,
El mar, el siempre mar, ya estaba y era.
¿Quién es el mar? ¿Quién es aquel violento
Y antiguo ser que roe los pilares
De la tierra y es uno y muchos mares
Y abismo y resplandor y azar y viento?
Quien lo mira lo ve por vez primera,
Siempre. Con el asombro que las cosas
Elementales dejan, las hermosas
Tardes, la luna, el fuego de una hoguera.
¿Quién es el mar, quién soy? Lo sabré el día
Ulterior que sucede a la agonía.

(El mar. Jorge Luis Borges)


545. Malagueira, Evora

Dear Francesco,

"Each of my designs seeks to capture,
with the utmost rigor, a single concrete
moment of fleeting image, in all its
nuances" (Alvaro Siza)


408. Kunsthaus Bregenz. Fassadeninstallation James Turrell

Dear Jim,

"The real has it own magic. Of course, I know the magic
that lies in thought. The passion of a beautiful thought.
But what I'm talking about here is something I often find
even more incredible: the magic of things, the magic of
the real world" (Peter Zumthor)

Best regards.