Showing posts with label y: 1988. Show all posts
Showing posts with label y: 1988. Show all posts

2266. Tate Gallery Liverpool


Dear Suzanne,

"I believe that the shapes of a building should indicate
-perhaps display- the usage and way of life of its
occupants, and it is therefore likely to be rich and
varied in appearance, and its expression is unlikely
to be simple." (James Stirling)


2206. Saint Benedict Chapel. Sumvitg, Switzerland.


Dear Nuria,

"Architecture has its place in the concrete world.
This is where exists. This is where it makes its
statement." (Peter Zumthor)


2148. The Pavilion for Japanese Art, LACMA


Dear Corliss,

"Every time we do a building, it should be the first and
the last. We must begin again and again."
(Bruce Goff)

1988. St. Benedict Chapel Graubünden Switzerland


Dear Peter,

"When I start, my first idea for a building is with 
the material. I believe architecture is about that. 
It's not about paper, it's not about forms. It's about 
space and material.” (Peter Zumthor)


1695. Aalto Theater, Essen

Querida Sybi,

"Sin el encanto, lo demás es inútil"
(Jorge Luis Borges, Una, La Divina Comedia; Siete Noches)


1578. Aalto-Musiktheater Essen

Dear Elisa,

"Human life is a combination of tragedy and comedy. 
The shapes and design that surrounds us are the music accompanying this tragedy and this comedy" 
(Alvar Aalto)


1462. Aalto Musiktheater Essen

Dear Elissa,

"We should work for simple, good, undecorated things"
(Alvar Aalto)


1454. Rotterdam

Dear John,

"I am shaped by the crisis of the thirties and the constant fear of bankruptcy. Frugality, hard work, and business were important to me and have been shaped me as an architect."(Win Quist)


PS. The office building featuring this postcard is the
Willemswerf, designed by Quist and completed in 1988.

1394. Essen, Aalto - Theater

Querido Víctor,

"Cada producto digno del arte de construir, aspira a ser una prueba de que queremos edificar el paraíso terrenal para los hombres" (Alvar Aalto)


1320. Madrid. Torre Picasso

Dear Inés,,

"I feel that architects must think of architecture as a result of human experience. If we don't do this, architecture becomes either an abstract form, an example of certain technique, a clever device, a sculpture, or whatever it may be, which in any case are only expressing the architect's individual desire while thinking as an artist." 
(Minoru Yamasaki)


1267. Berlin Wilhelmstraße Ecke Kochstraße

Estimado Francesco,

"(...) Esta arquitectura en los dos extremos de la Wilhelmstraße está señalada por dos grandes 
columnas; tienen el valor de punto de referencia 
urbana, pueden ser entendidas como la columna de
Filarete en Venecia (en el Palazzo Sforza), como 
un obelisco, como un punto característico de la 
ciudad" (Gianni Braghieri- Aldo Rossi)


1106. Bond Centre Office Towers, Hong Kong

Dear Norman,

"Paul Rudolph believed that people
perceived the lower floors of a high-rise
building in a different manner: the upper
levels can be scaleless, but that at street
level should possess a human scale to
relate it to the urban context in which it
is located" (Tony Monk)


1033. Finland. Cultural Centre of Seinajoki

Dear Elisa,

"Yes, of course you can and must fly, but it should be
with one foot on the ground, or at least a big toe"
(Alvar Aalto)


916. Menara Maybank, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dear Gina,

"Good architecture has many elements of art. It all depends
on how you approach a building, whether you look at it as a
mechanical box or as a piece of sculpture.” (Hijjas Kasturi)


734. University of Bath. Aerial view

Querida Cristina,

Decian los Smithson que un edificio se debe en primer lugar al tejido del que forma parte. Este aforismo se manifiesta claramente en las diversas intervenciones que estos arquitectos llevaron a cabo desde 1979 hasta 1988 en la Universidad de Bath.
En la postal que te envio se pueden ver dos de estos
edificios que yo he encerrado en sendos circulos rojos para mejor localizarlos. El de más a la izquierda es el Edificio 6 East que alberga la Escuela de Arquitectura y Técnica de la Construcción y que se concluyó en 1988. El de la derecha es el Edificio Second Arts que tiene forma de delta triangular y que fue el primero que se acabó en 1981.
Alison y Peter Smithson dejaron una huella imborrable en la historia de la arquitectura moderna con su talento y su
permanente compromiso social. Ayer me llegaron tus maravillosas postales. Gracias de todo corazón. Las iré publicando aquí para compartirlas con todos.

Mil besos.

561. Aalto Theater in Essen

Dear Franz,

The Aalto Theater was finished in 1988, almost 30 years
after Aalto designed it. It is an incredible building that
wonderfully combines functionality and lyricism. When I
was there, I was very impressed with its elegant deep
indigo interiors and beautiful proportions.


377. Casa Genini a Breganzona

Dear Aldo,

"To build is a sacred act, an action that
transforms a condition of nature into a
condition of culture" (Mario Botta)
