1714. Bruxelles 1958. Pavillon de la Yougoslavie

Dear Sam,

This elegant and graceful, almost ethereal Yugoslav Pavilion was highly admired when built in the occasion of the Brussel's Exposition of 1958.  Today it is still standing in a different location: Saint Paulus College at Wevelgem, Belgium.

Best regards,

1712. Republic Square, Tbilisi, Georgia

Dear Zurab,

The monumental concrete arches nicknamed "Andropov's Ears" were built to honor an oficial visit of Yuri Andropov, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and former chairman of the KGB.
The monument was demolished in 2005 after Georgia's
independence from the Soviet Union occurred in 1991.


1711. Baghdad University. Office Tower.

Dear George,

"Baghdad is an ideal project.(...) The total design of a
university is a goal achieved" (Walter Gropius)


1710. L'Ecole la plus moderne de France

Querido Walter,

"No les evitéis a vuestros hijos las dificultades de la 
vida, enseñadles más bien a superarlas" 
(Louis Pasteur)

Un abrazo,

1709. MIT's Ray and María Stata Center

Dear Sarah,

"The Stata's appearance is a metaphor for the freedom, daring, and creativity of the research that's supposed 
to occur inside it." (Robert Campbell)


1708. Hotel Xenia, Poros

Dear Dimitri,

"You have to become laòs (the people of God) yourself
first before you can show others what is valuable from
your own people" (Aris Konstantinidis)


1707. The Kruševo Makedonium, Macedonia

Querido José,

En 1903 un grupo de macedonios hizo frente al ataque del
Imperio Otomano iniciando un movimiento que desembocaría en la creación de la República de Macedonia. En 1974 se levantó este monumento-edificio que recuerda extrañamente a las válvulas de un corazón, quizá inspirado por los corazones de aquel grupo.

Un abrazo,