887. Corse. Calvi-Plage

Queridos Ines, Paula, Javier,

Hoy, el dia que se clausura esta maravillosa experiencia
que ha sido Re: Colección. Postales Inventadas. Otra 
historia sobre arquitectura, os envio esta imagen llena 
de historia de un edificio maravilloso que el mitico 
André Lurçat levantó en la mágica isla de Corcega 
en 1929.

He elegido esta imagen para vosotros no solo por su 
intrínsica belleza sino también porque este edificio se 
construyó para que en sus siete estudios con vistas al 
inefable Mar Mediterraneo pudieran albergarse una 
pequeña comunidad de artistas. Re: Coleccion, ha sido 
para mi como este edificio, donde las visiones y 
sensibilidades de cada uno de nosotros y de todos
aquellos que se implicaron en este proyecto, han 
tenido cabida y acogida.

Una vez mas gracias, por vuestro trabajo, ilusión, 
creatividad y sobre todo generosidad. Yo, como 
siempre, seguiré aquí, espero que durante mucho 
tiempo, escribiendo sobre la mágica belleza de la 


886. Das Haus Behrens

Dear Harry,

"It isn't from individual forms in nature that we can deduce a useful pattern or model, but from its structure, its construction, the mighty law of nature" 
(Peter Behrens)

The father of the modern movement in architecture the
self-taught architect and industrial designer Peter Behrens, built his own house, in 1901 at the Darmstadt Artists' Colony. It was his first architectural commission and it represented for Behrens a turning point from the Arts and Crafts Movement ideas to a more ascetic and fresh way of design.


885. Kobenhavn. Tycho Brahe Planetarium

Dear Arianna,

The exquisite Tycho Brahe Planetarium was designed by 

Knud Munk, the architect of the wonderful Carlsberg 
Brewery building in Northampton, UK. The planetarium, 
that somehow resembles some other buildings of Mario 
Botta, is dedicated in honor of Danish astronomer and 
alchemist Tycho Ottesen Brahe.


884. Sonsbeek, Arnhem

Dear Tom,

"Architecture becomes an environment and nothing more" 

(Gerrit Th. Rietveld)


883. Lanzarote, Islas Canarias. Mirador del Rio.

Querido Paco,

Al norte de la isla de Lanzarote en el risco
de Famara existe un mirador excavado
en la roca. Un espacio fascinante con unas
vistas privilegiadas del archipielago canario
de Chinijo, que fue creado por el pintor,
escultor y arquitecto Cesar Manrique que
fue capaz de convertir la belleza oculta de
Lanzarote en una obra de arte.

Un abrazo.

882. Stockholmsutstallningen, 1930. Huvudentren

Dear Colin, 

When asked about the main entrance building to the 1930 
Stockholm Exhibition, Asplund responded: "It is perhaps 
not a building, but rather a necessary festive advertising 
arrangement, dressed during the day in colorful international flags and at night in rich illumination" 

Best regards.

881. Turun Teatteri. Suomi

Dear Raija,

The mixed-use Southwestern Finland Agricultural 
Cooperative Building designed by Alvar Aalto in 
1928 included a hotel, a restaurant, a banking center,
several shops, many flats and the 500 seat Turku City 
Theater. Shown in this vintage picture of this vanished
theater is one of the entrances to the symmetrical 
auditorium. These entrances were passages below a 
tier of the auditorium seats, very much like the 
vomitoria in the ancient roman amphitheaters.

Good wishes.

880. Exposition des Arts Decoratifs. Pavillion des Republiques Sovietiques

Estimado Santiago,

Tu, como Oscar y tantos otros
compañeros, luchastes por un ideal,
un sueño de igualdad y tolerancia.
Este pabellon, que se levanto en
Paris cuando tu eras solo un niño,
represento de alguna manera ese
sueño, que desgraciadamente
despues se trunco.

Gracias por todo.

879. Residentie Jozef Schobbens

Dear Geert,

"The central problem at this moment is how to develop 

functionalism in such a way that it expresses positive human  values and aspirations, as the best architecture of the past did." (Renaat Braem)


878. The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

Dear George,

The first of the two building additions Mies van der Rohe
undertook for the Museum of Fine Arts-Houston is shown on the top postcard picture. The free-span exhibition space was named Cullinan Hall and the interior space with all the works of art was fully visible from the adjacent street. 

The second postcard is a picture of the Brown Pavilion that was built in front of the Cullinan Hall 16 years later to serve as a new entrance lobby, exhibition gallery and auditorium.

This is the only curved building built by Mies and one of the two Museums he realized.

Best wishes.

876. Marina City and IBM Building, Chicago

Estimado Gianni,

"De Mies van der Rohe aprendi que lo 
peculiar solo es creacion cuando es 
aplicacion de la mente a la claridad del 
resultado, y que asi nos defiende de la 
falsedad del mismo" (Aldo Rossi)


875. Gedenkteeken op den afsluitdijk

Dear Herman,

"Architecture, besides being an enthralling 
play of spatial relationships and tensions, 
should also contain a sublimation of 
substance in form" (W.M. Dudok)


874. Altstadter Schule, Celle

Dear Simon,

Back in the twenties the new Functionalist Architecture 

embraced all kind of new building types. New types of 
schools such as the "pavilion" schools developed by 
Ernst May or the "hall" schools proposed by Otto Haesler,
are just some examples of those highly creative times. In 

the "hall" school of Celle built in 1927, all the classrooms 
and offices are grouped around a covered central area 
that serves as gymnasium and assembly hall.


873. BEST, Houston, Texas

Dear Louis,

"Architect in general, don't deal with conceptual ideas.
There must be an unbelievably small percentage of 
architects who are interested in practicing as an art 
form" (James Wine, founder of SITE)

Best regards.

872. Nigeria. View of Kuti Hall. Ibadan University

Dear Edwin,

"...an architecture and form of urbanism will emerge closely connected  with the set of ideas that have international validity, but reflecting the conditions of climate, the habits of the people, and the aspirations 
of  the countries lying under the cloudy belt of the 
equatorial world." (Maxwell Fry & Jane Drew) 
