Showing posts with label Western Asia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western Asia. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Boswellia hesperia (Burseraceae) • A New Species from Socotra

Boswellia hesperia Thulin, M.H.Weber & Rzepecky, 

in Thulin, Weber, Mubarak et Rzepecky, 2025.

The new species Boswellia hesperia Thulin, M.H.Weber and Rzepecky is described, illustrated and mapped. It is a dwarf tree, restricted to westernmost Socotra (Yemen), growing on limestone rocks, in which the usually prostrate stems tend to fill out holes and crevices. It differs from B. nana Hepper, another dwarf tree endemic to Socotra but restricted to the easternmost parts of the island, by having leaves densely pubescent with whitish hairs beneath and by its smaller flowers and fruits.

Keywords: dwarf tree, frankincense, taxonomy, Yemen

Boswellia hesperia sp. nov. from mountain ridge above Neet, 5–6 km from the coast, Socotra, 18 May 2021.
(A) plant filling out crevice in limestone rock, leafless, showing reddish white flowers and fruits, (B) leafless plant with flowers and fruits. Photographs by Alain Rzepecky.

Boswellia hesperia sp. nov. from the type locality above Neet in Socotra, 30 Apr. 2023.
(A) plant showing upper surfaces of leaves and 5- or 4-merous flowers with reddish white petals, (B) flowers, showing calyx and outside of petals, and undersides of leaves with dense indumentum of crisped whitish hairs, (C) plant showing 3-locular fruit. Photographs by Michael Weber.

Boswellia hesperia sp. nov. from above Neet, Socotra, 17 May 2024.
 (A) plant showing flower and 4-locular fruits, (B) plant showing 4-merous flowers with cream or whitish petals, (C) plant showing 3-merous flower with whitish petals. Photographs by Michael Weber.

Boswellia hesperia sp. nov.
(A) flower, top view, (B) detail of petal margin, (C) flower, side view, (D) fruit, (E) pyrene, ventral view, (F) pyrene, dorsal view, (G) leaf from short shoot, upper side, (H) leaf from short shoot, lower side, (I) leaf from long shoot, upper side, (J) portion of plant with leaves, (K) long shoot, (L) seedling, showing lobed cotyledons. Drawing by Alain Rzepecky.

Boswellia hesperia sp. nov., plant filling out hole in limestone rock, showing leaves and reddish flowers; above Neet, Socotra, 31 Oct. 2007. Photograph by Lisa Banfield.

Boswellia hesperia Thulin, M.H.Weber and Rzepecky, sp. nov.  

A dwarf tree similar to Boswellia nana Hepper, but differing by having leaves densely pubescent with ± crisped whitish hairs (versus glabrous or subglabrous) beneath, smaller flowers with petals 3–4 mm (versus 4.5–5.5 mm) long and smaller fruits (5–7 mm versus ca 10 mm long).

Etymology: The epithet ‘hesperia' (Latin, western) refers to the distribution of this species that is restricted to the westernmost part of Socotra.

Mats Thulin, Michael Weber, Sami Ali Mohammed Mubarak and Alain Rzepecky. 2025. Boswellia hesperia sp. nov. (Burseraceae) from Socotra. Nordic Journal of Botany. DOI:

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

[Entomology • 2025] Davidlivingstonia mooseri • A New Species and A New Record of the Afrotropic Genus Davidlivingstonia Yakovlev, 2020 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in the Middle East

[A-B]. Davidlivingstonia lenzi Yakovlev, 2020;
[C-D] Davidlivingstonia mooseri Yakovlev, Müller, Saldaitis & Prozorov, 2025 

A new species, Davidlivingstonia mooseri sp. n. is described from Oman and compared with the closely related D. boisduvalii (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854), which is known from Sierra Leone. Additionally, Davidlivingstonia lenzi Yakovlev, 2020 is recorded for Egypt for the first time. These new records significantly extend the known distribution of the Afrotropical genus Davidlivingstonia Yakovlev, 2020, demonstrating its range reaches much farther north and northeast than previously documented.
Keywords: Cossoidea, Egypt, Oman, Saudi Arabia, new species, taxonomy

Davidlivingstonia, adult males and their genitalia:
A. D. lenzi, male, S. Egypt; B. D. lenzi, male genitalia, slide Prozorov 2022 0457;
C. Davidlivingstonia mooseri, Holotype; D. D. mooseri, male genitalia, slide Prozorov 2022 0458.

Roman V. Yakovlev, Günter C. Müller, Aidas Saldaitis and Alexey M. Prozorov. 2025. A New Species and A New Record of the Afrotropic Genus Davidlivingstonia Yakovlev, 2020 (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in the Middle East. Zoology in the Middle East. 71(1); 63-67. DOI: [09 Jan 2025]

Yakovlev, R.V. 2020. On the taxonomy of Zeuzera boisduvalii Herrich-Schäffer, 1854 (Cossidae, Zeuzerinae) species complex with description of A New Genus and Three New Species. Ecologica Montenegrina. 38, 215–226. DOI:

[Botany • 2024] Fritillaria nevzatcaglari (Liliaceae) • A New Species from southern Anatolia, Turkey


Fritillaria nevzatcaglari Yıldırım & Tekşen, 
in Tekşen, Çimen et Yıldırım, 2024.
Fritillaria nevzatcaglari Yıldırım & Tekşen (Liliaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from Turkey. It morphologically resembles F. ozdemir-elmasii, F. bithynica and F. elwesii, but differs from them by several characters, the most distinct one being a pale purple outer surface of the perigon. Due to human activities and grazing pressure in the are where F. nevzatcaglari grows, we assess its conservation status as critically endangered (CR).


 Mehtap Tekşen, Aşkın Öykü Çimen and Hasan Yıldırım. 2024. Fritillaria nevzatcaglari (Liliaceae), A New Species from southern Anatolia, Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici. 61(1); 41–46. DOI:

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Fritillaria pavehensis (Liliaceae) • A New Species from Western Iran


Fritillaria pavehensis Advay & Tekşen, 

in Advay, Tekşen et Soleimani, 2024. 

Fritillaria pavehensis Advay & Tekşen (Liliaceae) is described as a new species from Kermanshah Province in western Iran. In general habit, it resembles F. kurdica, F. crassifolia and F. hakkarensis of the informal F. crassifolia group, but differs from them by the shape and size of its lowest leaves and bracts, shape and colour of perigone segments, and style branches' length. A detailed taxonomic description, diagnostic characters, images, geographical distribution, habitat, phenology and conservation assessment are presented.

Fritillaria pavehensis Advay & Tekşen sp. nov.

A-C:Fritillaria pavehensis; D: F. kurdica; E-F: F. hakkarensis

Mahfouz Advay, Mehtap Tekşen and Fahmi Soleimani. 2024. Fritillaria pavehensis (Liliaceae), A New Species from Western Iran. Annales Botanici Fennici. 61(1); 55-61. DOI: (8 February 2024) 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

[Entomology • 2023] Philhammus dilaramae • A New Species of the Genus Philhammus Fairmaire, 1871 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Khorezm Region, Uzbekistan

Philhammus (s. str.) spp. of Middle Asia:
[1, 3, 5] Philhammus dilaramae sp. n. Nabozhenko et N. Bekchanov, 
[2, 4, 6] Ph. zaitsevi G.S. Medvedev, 1979;
in Nabozhenko, N. Kh. Bekchanov et Kh. U. Bekchanov, 2023.
Scale bare for figs 3–6 = 0.5 mm.

A new species of darkling beetles of the genus Philhammus Fairmaire, 1871 is described from Amudarya bank, Khorezm Region, Uzbekistan: Philhammus dilaramae Nabozhenko et N. Bekchanov, sp. n. This first representative of the genus in the country belongs to the nominotypical subgenus and most similar to Pre-Caspian Ph. zaitsevi G.S. Medvedev, 1979. The new species differs from the latter in the structure of genae, eyes and pronotum.

Key words: taxonomy, new species, Cnemeplatiini, Philhammus, Middle Asia. 

Philhammus (s. str.) spp. of Middle Asia:
1, 3, 5 – Ph. dilaramae sp. n.; 2, 4, 6 – Ph. zaitsevi;
1, 2 – habitus; 2, 3 – head and pronotum dorsally; 5, 6 – head and pronotum dorso-laterally.
Scale bare for figs 3–6 = 0.5 mm.

 Philhammus dilaramae Nabozhenko et N. Bekchanov, sp. n.
Ph. zaitsevi G.S. Medvedev, 1979

M. V. Nabozhenko, N. Kh. Bekchanov and Kh. U. Bekchanov. 2023. A NEW SPECIES OF THE GENUS PHILHAMMUS FAIRMAIRE, 1871 (COLEOPTERA: TENEBRIONIDAE) FROM UZBEKISTAN. Far Eastern Entomologist. 481; 1-6. DOI:

М. В. Набоженко, Н. Х. Бекчанов, Х. У. Бекчанов. Новый вид рода Philhammus Fairmaire, 1871 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) из Узбекистана // Дальневосточный энтомолог. 2023. N 481. С. 1-6.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

[Entomology • 2025] Xestotrogus sagrmaticus • A Revision of the Taxonomic Status of Xestotrogus Reitter, 1902 and related taxa (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae), with the Description of A New Species from Iraqi Kurdistan

Xestotrogus sagrmaticus 
Uliana & Khudhur, 2025 

An undescribed species of Rhizotrogini recently collected in Iraqi Kurdistan evidenced the unclear diagnosis of the genus-level taxa to which it could be attributed, prompting their revision. As a result, the currently monotypic subgenus Xestotrogus Reitter, 1902 is removed from subgeneric rank under the genus Xanthotrogus Reitter, 1902, treated as a valid genus and re-diagnosed. Cyprotrogus Nikolajev, 2004, also monotypic, is recognized as its junior subjective synonym. The new species, the third known of the genus, is then described as Xestotrogus sagrmaticus Uliana & Khudhur, new species. External morphology, aedeagus and endophallus of each species are illustrated.

Coleoptera, rhizotrogini, Middle East, Kurdistan, endophallus, new species, revision

Xestotrogus sagrmaticus Uliana & Khudhur, sp. nov.

Marco ULIANA and Farhad A. KHUDHUR. 2025. A Revision of the Taxonomic Status of Xestotrogus Reitter, 1902 and related taxa, with the Description of A New Species from Iraqi Kurdistan (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae).  Zootaxa. 5575(3); 477-490. DOI:  [2025-01-24]

Sunday, February 16, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Allium ahmet-tirasii (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Scorodon from Southern Anatolia (Türkiye)


Allium ahmet-tirasii Yıldırım, 

in Yıldırım, Özdöl et Erdem, 2024.
Alanya soğanı  ||  DOI: 

Allium ahmet-tirasii Yıldırım (Amaryllidaceae) is described as a new species from Alanya district in Antalya province, southern Türkiye. Diagnostic characteristics, a full description, and comprehensive illustrations are provided. Based on morphological features, it belongs to the Allium subgen. Polyprason sect. Scorodon. Allium ahmet-tirasii has no closely related species. It slightly resembles A. sivasicum, by the pale brownish-orange inner tunic and greenish-yellow perigone and A. opacum, by perigone size and color also style length. However, it is easily distinguished from both A. sivasicum and A. opacum by many other morphological characters and its habitat. It is characterized by 1–2 equal bulblets; spathe one or sometimes 2-valved, if with 2-valved, valves unilateral; filaments equal or slightly shorter than tepals; style 1.5–2 mm long before fertilization shorter than perigone.

Monocots, Allium, Scorodon, new species, Türkiye  

Allium ahmet-tirasii Yıldırım sp. nova


Eponymy:—This species is named after Mr. Ahmet Tıraş, an amateur botanist who collected the first specimen of the new species. The Turkish name of this species is suggested as “Alanya soğanı” according to the guidelines of Menemen et al. (2016). 

Hasan YILDIRIM, Tuğkan ÖZDÖL and Seval ERDEM. 2024. Allium ahmet-tirasii (Amaryllidaceae), A New Species from Southern Anatolia (Türkiye).  Phytotaxa. 644(2); 102-112. DOI: [2024-04-11]

[Botany • 2023] Allium beypazariense (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Codonoprasum from middle Anatolia (Türkiye)


Allium beypazariense Koçyiğit, Özhatay & E.Kaya,

in Koçyiğit, Erarslan, Özhatay et Kaya, 2023.  
Allium beypazariense, a newly discovered species from the A. section Codonoprasum, is described and illustrated in this study. The species is endemic to middle Anatolia, Beypazarı and Çayırhan districts in Ankara in Türkiye. This research provides a comprehensive examination of the species, including its morphology, phenology, leaf anatomy, seed testa micromorphology, and conservation status. A comprehensive description of this species is provided, including detailed photographs and illustration, geographical distribution map, habitat and ecology. Furthermore, the taxonomic relationships between Allium beypazariense and its closest relatives, A. opacum is thoroughly explored and discussed. The new species can be easily distinguished from the close species by its mucronate tepal apex, sessile ovary, different anther colour, and thick scape.

Anatolia, endemic, Sect. Codonoprasum, leaf anatomy, taxonomy, seed micromorphology, Monocots

Allium beypazariense Koçyiğit, Özhatay & E.Kaya, sp. nov.

Etymology:—The name of the species is derived from Beypazarı District. Beypazarı is a district of Ankara, Türkiye, and is the region where the new species was discovered for the first time. 

Mine KOÇYİĞİT, Zeynep Büşra ERARSLAN, Neriman ÖZHATAY and Erdal KAYA. 2023. Allium beypazariense (Amaryllidaceae), A New Species from middle Anatolia (Türkiye).  Phytotaxa. 630(1); 51-60. DOI: [2023-12-12]

[Botany • 2022] Allium ayhan-toprakii (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Codonoprasum from western Anatolia, Turkey

Allium ayhan-toprakii Yıldırım, 

in Özdöl, Erdem et Yıldırım, 2022.

Allium ayhan-toprakii Yıldırım (Amaryllidaceae) is described as a new species from Mt. Sandras, Muğla Province, western Anatolia, Turkey. Based on morphological features, it belongs in Allium subgen. Allium sect. Codonoprasum. It is similar to A. carium and A. flavum subsp. tauricum var. Pilosum, but differs from them in several morphological characters, such as its flexous stem, stem length, indumentum, pedicel length, perigone length and colour, and ovary shape.

Allium ayhan-toprakii Yıldırım

Tuğkan Özdöl, Seval Erdem, and Hasan Yıldırım. 2022. Allium ayhan-toprakii (Amaryllidaceae), A New Species from Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici. 59(1); 233-237. DOI: 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Allium taiseba (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Scorodon from Van Province, Turkey

A new species, Allium taiseba (A. sect. Scorodon), is described from Hoşap (Xoşap)/Van province, Turkey. It is morphologically similar to A. bingoelense, but it differs in several morphological features including inner tunic's colour of bulb, spathe length, tepal colours and size, stamen colour and length, ovary shape, style colour and length, capsule and seeds size. A comprehensive description of the new species is provided, including detailed photographs, geographical distribution map, habitat and ecology, vernacular names and IUCN conservation status.

 Allium taiseba sp. nov.
(A) Habitat and general view of the type locality, (B) habit.

 Allium taiseba sp. nov.  (photographed by M. Fırat): (A) inflorescence, (B) perigon.
 Allium bingoelense (photographed by Ş. Yıldırımlı): (C) inflorescence, (D) perigon.
Allium sivasicum (photographed by M. Koyuncu): (E) inflorescence, (F) perigon.
Allium wendelboanum (photographed by O. Eren): (E) inflorescence, (F) perigon.

Allium taiseba Fırat sp. nov.

Eponymy: The name of this species is attributed to ‘Taişeba’, known as the god of lightning and thunderstorms in mythological Kurdish history. Today, Tuşba, the old Kurdish name for the city of Van, is also named after this god. He is one of the three great gods known in Hurri and Urartu states. In Kurdish,‘Tav’ means light and ‘Şev’ means night (Tav û Şev), that is, the god who turns the night into light. 

Mehmet Fırat. 2024. Allium taiseba, A New Species of Allium sect. Scorodon (Amaryllidaceae) from Van Province (Turkey). Nordic Journal of Botany. DOI:

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Fritillaria arzuae (Liliaceae) • A New Species from Turkey

Fritillaria arzuae Tel,

in Tel, 2024. 

Fritillaria arzuae Tel (Liliaceae) is described as a new species from the Adıyaman Province, Turkey. It is endemic to the region and was found growing on slopes in stony areas at 1200 m a.s.l. The new species morphologically resembles F. carica and F. serpenticola. It differs from the former mainly by having a lanceolate, narrowly campanulate, yellow or sometimes reddish and smaller perigon, and from the latter by having a single leaf on the top of the stems. The pollen and seed micromorphology were studied by SEM. The conservation status was assessed to be Critically Endangered (CR).

Fritillaria arzuae Tel 

Ahmet Zafer Tel. 2024. Fritillaria arzuae (Liliaceae), a New Species from Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici. 61(1):289-296. DOI:

Saturday, January 4, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Colchicum akanii (Colchicaceae) • A New long-necked Species from Turkey


Colchicum akanii Sonay, M. Keskin & Balos, 

in Keskin, Sonay et Balos, 2025. 

Colchicum akanii Sonay, M. Keskin & Balos (Colchicaceae) from Elazığ, eastern Turkey, is described as a new species. It is morphologically similar to C. balansae and C. macrophyllum, but differs from them mainly by the structure of the corm and outer and inner tunics, cataphyll colour, leaf shape and size, tessellate perigon, filament that is much shorter than tepals, as well as capsule and seed structure. Following the IUCN criteria, we assessed C. akanii to be Critically Endangered (CR).

Colchicum akanii Sonay, M. Keskin & Balos

Keskin M., Sonay V. & Balos M.M. 2025. Colchicum akanii (Colchicaceae), A New long-necked Species from Turkey.  Ann. Bot. Fennici. 62: 11–17. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

[Botany • 2022] Sternbergia mishustinii (Amaryllidaceae: Amaryllidoideae) • A New Species from the Mersin Province in southern Turkey

Sternbergia mishustinii  Zubov & Trias-Blasi, 

in Zubov, Trias Blasi et Mishustin, 2022. 

Sternbergia mishustinii (Amaryllidaceae, Amaryllidoideae), a new species with hysteranthous leaves and mainly cleistogamous flowers, possibly endemic to the Mersin area (Cilician Plain, southern Turkey), is described and illustrated. Morphological differences between the new species and other related species are discussed. Photographs (habitat and morphology), a distribution map and a provisional conservation assessment are provided.

Key Words: Cilician Plain, cleistogamy, hysteranthous, Mediterranean flora

 Images of Sternbergia mishustinii in situ, Feb. 2019.
A habitat within Mediterranean garrigue community at type locality; B, C plants of S. mishustinii.
photos: R. Mishustin.

 Morphological features of seed grown and cultivated in Ukraine in adult plants of Sternbergia mishustinii vs S. colchiciflora.
 A fruiting plants in pots: S. colchiciflora (left pot, origin -Berezino, Odessa region, S Ukraine), S. mishustinii (right pot, ex locus classicus); B S. mishustinii plants lifted from pots: range of ages from seedlings to mature fruiting individuals (left to right); C fruiting plants lifted from pots with adventitious roots, basal sheaths, bulbs, leaves, scapes and capsules: S. colchiciflora (left three plants, origin -Berezino, Odessa region, S Ukraine), S. mishustinii (right two plants, ex locus classicus); D S. mishustinii bulb with a chasmogamous flower; E S. mishustinii bulbs with cleistogamous flowers; F S. mishustinii chasmogamous flower; G S. mishustinii ripening capsule; H seeds with strophioles (marked by arrows): S. colchiciflora (left side: ± C-shaped, origin -Berezino, Odessa region, S Ukraine), S. mishustinii (right side: ± Ç-shaped, ex locus classicus).
 photos: R. Mishustin.

Sternbergia mishustinii Zubov & Trias Blasi sp. nov. 

Etymology. Named after Mr Ruslan Mishustin, Ukrainian nature explorer, who found and collected its seeds in 1997 during a zoological trip in southern Turkey.

Dimitri Zubov, Anna Trias Blasi and Ruslan Mishustin. 2022. Sternbergia mishustinii (Amaryllidaceae): A New Species from the Mersin Province in southern Turkey. Kew Bulletin. DOI: 10.1007/s12225-022-10013-8 

[Botany • 2020] Allium schisticola (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Melanocrommyum from West Azarbaijan (Iran), with peculiar morphological characters and an unexpected phylogenetic position


 Allium schisticola R.M. Fritsch, Moazzeni & Dolatyari, 

in DolatyariMoazzeniHosseiniBlattner et Fritsch, 2020. 

Allium schisticola is described from West Azarbaijan (Iran) as a new species. It is closely related to A. sabalense and A. sahandicum in having a similar flower color but differs by leaf, filament, and tepal characters. We investigated the phylogenetic relationship of the new species based on sequences of the chloroplast trnL-trnF and nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions in A. subg. Melanocrommyum compared with 109 accessions of this subgenus. Our results confirm its placement in A. subg. Melanocrommyum. However, the ITS tree showed that the new species should belong to A. sect. Melanocrommyum despite the fact that it represents many morphological characters of A. sect. Acanthoprason. Most peculiar for the new species are obtuse tepals broadest near the tip (vs. very narrowly lanceolate up to triangular tepals in A. sect. Acanthoprason), with adaxially inconspicuous median vein (vs. conspicuous median vein in sect. Acanthoprason). The new species is diploid with a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 16. Karyotype features and meiotic chromosomes behavior are presented for the new taxon. A detailed morphological description, illustrations, and a distribution map of the new species are given.

Keywords: Allium sabalense, Allium sahandicum, Iran, phylogeny, section Acanthoprason, subg. Melanocrommyum, Monocots

 Allium schisticola
A-C: Cultivated plant at anthesis. D-F: Plants in their natural habitat; D: Plant in the fruiting stage; E: Close-up of fruits; F: Bulb; G: Seeds (Millimeter paper as background).
All photos by Hamid Moazzeni.

Allium schisticola R.M. Fritsch, Moazzeni & Dolatyari, sp. nov.

Alireza DOLATYARI, Hamid MOAZZENI, Saeide HOSSEINI, Frank R. BLATTNER and Reinhard M. FRITSCH. 2020. Allium schisticola, A New Species with peculiar morphological characters and an unexpected phylogenetic position. Phytotaxa. 450(3):246-256. DOI: 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Fritillaria ecerii (Liliaceae) • A New Species from Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey


 Fritillaria ecerii Balos & Eker,  

in Eker et Balo, 2023. 
Fritillaria ecerii Balos & Eker sp. nova (Liliaceae) is described from the province of Mardin, SE Anatolia, Turkey. It is morphologically similar to F. melananthera in having a striped perigone, to F. caucasica and F. baskilensis in having a long style, and to F. assyriaca in having the same number of leaves. However, it clearly differs from F. melananthera and F. assyriaca mainly by its smooth style, longer filaments and more numerous bracts, and from F. caucasica and F. baskilensis mainly by its striped perigone and more numerous bracts. Diagnostic characteristics, a description, images, and a conservation assessment are provided.

 Fritillaria ecerii.
— A: Habitat. — B: Habit. — C, F and G: Lateral view of flowers. — D: Top view of flower. — E: Bottom view of flower. — H: Habit of fruiting plant.

 Fritillaria ecerii Balos & Eker sp. nova 

İsmail Eker and Mehmet Maruf Balo. 2023. Fritillaria ecerii (Liliaceae), A New Species from Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey. Annales Botanici Fennici. 60(1), 231-236. DOI: 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

[Crustacea • 2024] Stenasellus stygopersicus • A Second Species of Stenasellus Dollfus, 1897 (Isopoda: Stenasellidae) from sulfidic groundwater of Iran described using morphological and molecular methods


[A] Stenasellus stygopersicus Jugovic, Malek-Hosseini & Issartel sp. nov. in sulfidic water of Chah Kabootari Cave, Iran.
[B, C] S. tashanicus Khalaji-Pirbalouty, Fatemi, Malek-Hosseini & Kuntner, 2018 in Tashan Cave, Iran.  

 Jugovic, Malek-Hosseini, Issartel, Konecny-Dupré, Kuntner, Fatemi, Flot, Douady et Malard, 2024.

We report on a new species of Stenasellus Dollfus, 1897 (Isopoda, Stenasellidae) from groundwater of Iran. Stenasellus stygopersicus Jugovic, Malek-Hosseini & Issartel sp. nov. inhabits the Chah Kabootari Cave that is adjacent to the Tashan Cave, the type locality of the first recorded species of Stenasellidae from Iran, Stenasellus tashanicus Khalaji-Pirbalouty, Fatemi, Malek-Hosseini & Kuntner, 2018. Both caves are fed by sulfidic groundwater and belong to the Tashan-Chah Kabootari species-rich aquifer on the Zagros Mountains. Both species are characterized by a large body size (≥ 20 mm), a female-biased sexual size dimorphism, and a distinct black-pigmented Bellonci’s organ. Stenasellus stygopersicus differs from S. tashanicus by a short and wide protopodite of pleopod I, setae set essentially along the apical margin of pleopod I exopodite, the subequal length and width of the male pleopod II protopodite, and deeply bilobed endopodites of pleopods III–V. Molecular evidence suggests that while Stenasellus stygopersicus is sister to S. tashanicus, the species are genetically distinguishable, with divergence time estimates ranging from 23 to 39.8 Ma.

Keywords: biodiversity, phylogeny, Stenasellidae, groundwater, sulfidic cave

 A. Five specimens of Stenasellus stygopersicus Jugovic, Malek-Hosseini & Issartel sp. nov. in sulfidic water of Chah Kabootari Cave, Iran.
B. A specimen of S. tashanicus Khalaji-Pirbalouty, Fatemi, Malek-Hosseini & Kuntner, 2018 in Tashan Cave, Iran. C. Another specimen of S. tashanicus, hanging on the white biofilm floating at the surface of sulfidic water in Tashan Cave, Iran.

Order Isopoda Latreille, 1816
Superfamily Aselloidea Latreille, 1802
Family Stenasellidae Dudich, 1924

Genus Stenasellus Dollfus, 1897

Stenasellus stygopersicus Jugovic, Malek-Hosseini & Issartel sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Body dorsal smooth, pleotelson being barely longer than its width (about 1.1 its width), short antennula (in males with only up to 34 segments in flagellum), barely overreaching antennal peduncle ( Fig. 3  ). Antenna with minute squama, ultimate segment of mandible palp without setae ( Fig. 3  ). Short and wide (length <width) protopodite of pleopod I, setae only along mesiodistal margin of pleopod I exopodite ( Fig. 5  ). Pleopod II protopodite subequal in length and width, exopodite segment II with only about 10 (9–11) plumose setae; endopod of pleopods III–V in males distally deeply bifurcated (i.e. bifurcation overreaches half of endopodite III–V length). A species with strongly female-biased sexual dimorphism in body size.

Etymology: The name of the new species is formed from the prefix ‘stygo’ (from ancient Greek ‘stýx’), a common prefix used to refer to groundwater dwelling animals, and the Latin word ‘persicus’ referring to Persia.

Jure Jugovic, Mohammad Javad Malek-Hosseini, Colin Issartel, Lara Konecny-Dupré, Matjaž Kuntner, Yaser Fatemi, Jean-François Flot, Christophe J. Douady and Florian Malard. 2024. A Second Species of Stenasellus Dollfus, 1897 (Isopoda, Stenasellidae) from sulfidic groundwater of Iran described using morphological and molecular methods. European Journal of Taxonomy. 968(1); 256–274. DOI: