Showing posts with label Linaceae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linaceae. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

[Botany • 2019] Linum aksehirense (sect. Dasylinum, Linaceae) • A New Species from Central Anatolia (Turkey)

Linum aksehirense Tugay & Ulukuş

in Tugay & Ulukuş, 2019.
Akşehir keteni  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.136.46477 

Linum aksehirense (Linaceae) is described as a new species known from the slopes of the Sultan Mountains in the Akşehir district of Konya in Central Anatolia (Turkey). It is most similar to L. pubescens Banks & Sol. and L. anisocalyx P.H.Davis, from which it is easily distinguished by its stem leaf shape, sepal shape and petal colour. Seed and pollen surface ornamentations were photographed under SEM microscopy to explore micromorphological characters distinguishing the new species from close relatives. In addition, photographs of living material, a distribution map, ecological details, and an identification key are provided.

Keywords: Endemic, Konya, Linaceae, Linum, taxonomy

Figure 2. Holotype specimen of Linum aksehirense Tugay & Ulukuş. 

Figure 3. General view of habit and flower A–C Linum aksehirense.

Linum aksehirense Tugay & Ulukuş, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Linum aksehirense belongs to Linum sect. Dasylinum. The new species is similar to L. pubescens but is distinguished by its spathulate lower stem leaves that are not evanescent (vs. oblong-spathulate evanescent), subequal lanceolate sepal shape (vs. subequal linear), petals 27–33 mm (vs. 18–27 mm) and petals that are blue-violet with a yellowish limb base (vs. pink with a bluish limb base).

Etymology: The species epithet comes from ‘Akşehir’, where the new species is found.

Proposed Turkish name for the new species: Akşehir keteni.

 Osman Tugay and Deniz Ulukuş. 2019. Linum aksehirense (sect. Dasylinum, Linaceae), A New Species from Central Anatolia (Turkey). PhytoKeys. 136: 23-34. DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.136.46477