Showing posts with label Author: Mustaqim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Author: Mustaqim. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Bulbophyllum bonjolianum (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae: Bulbophyllinae) • A New Species of section Macrocaulia from Sumatra, Indonesia

 Bulbophyllum bonjolianum Yudistira, Candra & Mustaqim, 

in Yudistira, Candra et Mustaqim, 2024. 

Bulbophyllum bonjolianum Yudistira, Candra & Mustaqim, a member of section Macrocaulia, is described here based on a specimen collected from the mountains of West Sumatra. It is similar to B. tristriatum Carr. and B. pyridion J.J.Verm. but differs in the morphology of the dorsal sepal, petal and labellum. A key to B. bonjolianum and morphologically similar species is presented.

Keywords. Endemic, epiphyte, Malesia, orchids, taxonomy

 Bulbophyllum bonjolianum Yudistira, Candra & Mustaqim.
 A. Plant habit with inflorescence. B. Flower top view. C. Median sepal, abaxial view. D. Median sepal, adaxial view. E. Lateral sepal, abaxial view. F. Lateral sepal, adaxial view. G. Petal, abaxial view. H. Petal, adaxial view. I. Labellum, lateral view. J, K. Labellum, abaxial and adaxial surface. L. Column stelidium. M. Anther cap, adaxial view. N. Anther cap, abaxial view. O. Pollinarium.
Drawing by Yuanito Eliazar.

 Bulbophyllum bonjolianum Yudistira, Candra & Mustaqim.
A. Plant habit. B. Inflorescence. C, D. Flower, lateral view, with close-up view showing basal node of the pedicel. E. Flower, front view without median sepal. F. Flower, view from above. G. Median sepal, abaxial and adaxial views. H. Petal, abaxial and adaxial views. I. Lateral sepal, abaxial, adaxial and side views. J. Labellum, adaxial, abaxial and side views. K. Column with stelidia, side view. L. Column stelidia, front view.
 ab = abaxial, ad = adaxial, sv = side view. (Photos: Y.R. Yudistira)

Bulbophyllum bonjolianum Yudistira, Candra & Mustaqim, sp. nov.

Bulbophyllum bonjolianum is morphologically similar to B. tristriatum Carr. and B. pyridion J.J.Verm., but differs in the dorsal sepals abruptly tapering from the middle upwards (vs gradually narrowing), pentagonal petal (vs elliptic-(ob)-ovate in B. tristriatum and elliptic in B. pyridion), and longer labellum (6.8–7 mm vs 3.5–5 mm in B. tristriatum and c. 3.2 mm long in B. pyridion) with the proximal adaxial surface coarsely papillose (vs smooth). The species is also similar to the Peninsular Malaysian species B. hodgsonii M.R.Hend., but the new species differs in its dorsal sepals abruptly tapering from the middle upwards (vs gradually narrowing), lateral sepals with 3 veins (vs 5), and the coarsely papillose adaxial surface of the labellum in the lower proximal part (vs smooth).

Etymology. The species is named in honour of Tuanku Imam Bonjol, a national hero of Indonesia from West Sumatra Province.   

Yudistira, Y.R., Candra, R. and Mustaqim, W.A. 2024. A New Species of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae: Bulbophyllinae) section Macrocaulia from Sumatra, Indonesia. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore. 76(1); 251 - 258.


Monday, December 9, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Impatiens bungeusing (Balsaminaceae) • A New species from the Northern Gayo Plateau, Sumatra, Indonesia


Impatiens bungeusing Mustaqim & Ruchis.,  

in Mustaqim, Arico, Jayanthi, Andini, Pratiwi et Ruchisansakun, 2024.   

Impatiens is a diverse genus within the Balsaminaceae family, comprising over 1,120 species. The northern Gayo Plateau of Sumatra, an island in Southeast Asia, is renowned for its rich Impatiens diversity. In this paper, we described and illustrated a new species named Impatiens bungeusing from this area. This species is most similar to Impatiens vitellina Grey-Wilson but differs in having the distinct abaxial leaf venation in a dry state (vs obscure), lateral sepals falcate-oblong (vs narrowly lanceolate), lower sepals with U-shaped spur (vs straight), broadly ovate dorsal petal (vs ovate), and ovate sub-rhomboidal upper lateral united petals (vs oblong). This discovery brings the total number of known Impatiens species in Sumatra to forty-eight.

Keyword: Ericales, herbs, Impatiens tapanuliensis, Impatiens vitellina, Malesia, limestone plant, taxonomy, Uniflorae

Morphology of Impatiens bungeusing Mustaqim & Ruchis., sp. nov.
 A. Plants in habitat. B. Living plant. C. Inflorescence. D. Flower. E. Lateral sepals. F. Dorsal petals. G. Lateral united petals. H. Lower sepal. I. Pedicel and ovary. J. Fruit.
Scale: A = 4 cm, B = 3 cm, C–D = 1 cm, E = 2 mm, F = 3 mm, G–J = 5 mm. Photographs by Wendy A. Mustaqim.

Morphology of Impatiens bungeusing Mustaqim & Ruchis., sp. nov.
A. Plant. B. Leaves showing petiole. C. Leaves showing apex and margin. D. Inflorescence. E. Flower, frontal view. F. Flower, lateral view. G. Pedicel, lower sepal, stamens, and ovary. H. Lateral sepal. I. Dorsal petal. J. Lateral united petals.
Scale: A = 3 cm, B–D = 5 mm, E–G = 1 cm, H = 3 mm, I–J = 5 mm. 
Illustrated by Yuanito Eliazar.

Impatiens bungeusing Mustaqim & Ruchis., sp. nov. 

Type: Indonesia. Aceh Province: Aceh Tengah Regency, Jagong Jeget, ..., 2100 m asl, 11 January 2023, Mustaqim 2577 (holotype: LGS; isotype: MEDA). 

Diagnosis: Impatiens bungeusing is similar to Impatiens vitellina Grey-Wilson. However, it differs in having the distinct abaxial leaf venation in a dry state (vs obscure), flowers with lower sepal having U-shaped spur (vs straight), broadly ovate dorsal petal (vs ovate), and ovate sub-rhomboidal upper lateral united petals (vs oblong) (Table 1).

Etymology: The specific epithet "bungeusing" is derived from the Gayo language. "Bunge" means flower, and "using" means yellow, reflecting the plant's bright yellow flowers.

Wendy A. Mustaqim, Zulfan Arico, Sri Jayanthi, Wanda R. Andini, Devi Pratiwi and Saroj Ruchisansakun. 2024. Impatiens bungeusing (Balsaminaceae), A New species from the Northern Gayo Plateau, Sumatra, Indonesia. Taiwania. 69(4); 554-559. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.554

Thursday, August 1, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Schoenorchis kembangleutik (Orchidaceae: Aeridinae) • A New Species from West Java, Indonesia

  Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim, 
in Yudistira et Mustaqim, 2023.  
 Photograph by Y.R. Yudistira. 

Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim described here as new to science is an orchid species currently considered endemic to West Java. It is similar to S. pachyachris (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm. from Sumatra and Java but differs in having flowers with midlobe of labellum orbicular (vs oblong) with horizontal and rounded (vs pointing upwards and tapering to a point) apex, the labellum side lobes white, uncinate and retrorse at the apex (vs yellow, straight and erect at apex), and in having shorter spurs with straight base (2 vs 4 mm long, with geniculate base). A morphological description, notes on distribution, habitat and ecology, an illustration, photographs and a key to the five species of Schoenorchis of Java are provided.

Keywords: Aeridinae; Malesia; Schoenorchis kembangleutik; Flora of Indonesia; taxonomy

  Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim.
 a. Plant; b. leaves; c. inflorescence; d. dorsal sepals; e. petals (one petal is broken); f. lateral sepals; g. labellum and column; h. anther-cap and pollinarium.
 Photographs by Y.R. Yudistira, 2022.

  Schoenorchis kembangleutik Yudistira & Mustaqim in its natural habitat.
 Photograph by Y.R. Yudistira, 2022.

Yuda Rehata Yudistira and Wendy A. Mustaqim. 2023. A New Species of Schoenorchis (Orchidaceae) from West Java, Indonesia. Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of PlantsDOI: 10.3767/blumea.2023.68.01.07 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Rigiolepis gayoensis (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) • A New Species from the Gayo Plateau, Aceh Province, Indonesia

Rigiolepis gayoensis Mustaqim, M.N.Tamayo & P.W.Fritsch, 

in Mustaqim, Tamayo, Hutabarat, Arico et Fritsch, 2023.

A new species of Ericaceae from the Gayo Plateau, Aceh Province, Indonesia is described. Rigiolepis gayoensis resembles R. lanceolata but differs by having shorter leaves, non-protruding basal leaf glands, longer flowering pedicels, a glabrous hypanthium, and a dark red or maroon corolla. A detailed morphological description, ecological notes, conservation status, and photographs are presented. The new species represents the third species of Rigiolepis found in the island of Sumatra. A key to the species of Rigiolepis in Sumatra is provided.

Keywords: epiphyte, Rigiolepis, Sumatra, taxonomy, Vaccinioideae

Rigiolepis gayoensis Mustaqim, M.N.Tamayo & P.W.Fritsch.
A. Leafy branchlet. B. Portion of stem showing indumentum, per-ennating buds, and cordate leaf blade base. C. Adaxial leaf surface. D. Abaxial leaf surface. E. Inflorescence. F. Anterior view of flower. G. Ovary cross-section. H. Immature fruits. I. Mature (left) and submature (right) fruits.
Scale bar: A = 1 cm, B, G = 2 mm, C, D, H, I = 5 mm, E = 2 mm, F = 1 mm. 
Photographs by Wendy A. Mustaqim. A–F, H, I from the holotype W.A. Mustaqim 2563; G from W.A. Mustaqim 2575.

Rigiolepis gayoensis Mustaqim, M.N.Tamayo &. P.W.Fritsch, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Rigiolepis gayoensis closely resembles R. lanceolata (Blume) J.J.Sm. but differs by having shorter leaves [4.6–5.5 cm vs. c. 9.0 cm (or longer)], non-protruding basal leaf glands (vs. protruding), longer flowering pedicels (c. 11 mm vs. 2–3 mm), a glabrous hypanthium (vs. densely hairy), and a dark red or maroon corolla (vs. creamy white).

Etymology: The epithet gayoensis is derived from the Gayo Plateau, the name of the area where the species was found.

Wendy A. Mustaqim, Maverick N. Tamayo, Prima W.K. Hutabarat, Zulfan Arico and Peter W. Fritsch. 2023. A New Species of Rigiolepis (Ericaceae: Vaccinioideae) from the Gayo Plateau, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Webbia. 78(2); 73-78. DOI: 10.36253/jopt-14872

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Impatiens bungeilang (Balsaminaceae) • A New Species from northern Gayo Plateau, northern Sumatra

Impatiens bungeilang Mustaqim,

in Mustaqim, Mahardhika, Fauzan, Arico, Primananda et Robiansyah, 2024. 

Impatiens bungeilang Mustaqim is described here as a species new to science based on plants collected from the northern Gayo Plateau, northern Sumatra. A detailed description, notes on distribution, ecology, phenology, notes, and color photographs are provided. According to the IUCN Red List Criteria, this species is here considered Critically Endangered due to its small geographic range and heavily fragmented as well as degraded habitats.

Keyword: Impatiens bungeilang, Impatiens calendulina, Impatiens heterosepala, Indonesia, Malesia, montane plant, taxonomy

Morphology of Impatiens bungeilang Mustaqim, sp. nov.
A. Living plant. B. Leaf (adaxial). C. Leaf (abaxial). D. Inflorescence. E. Flower (front-view). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Dorsal petal. H. Lateral sepals. I. Lateral united petals. J. Lower sepal. K. Stamens and pistil.
Photographs By Wendy A. Mustaqim.

Impatiens bungeilang Mustaqim, sp. nov.

Diagnosis. Impatiens bungeilang has a similar flower morphology to Impatiens heterosepala Hook.f. by the flowers arranged in raceme, each with bucciniform lower sepal that more or less abruptly constricted into a filiform spur, and long lateral sepals. However, I. bungeilang differs in having pseudowhorled leaves (vs spiral), lamina with more lateral veins (9 (–10) vs 3–6 pairs), more flowers per inflorescence (5–14 vs 1–2), and larger flowers having lower sepals with spur thickened in the upper 3/5 (vs only at the apex). Besides that, I. bungeilang is also similar to Impatiens calendulina Grey-Wilson, especially by having the whorled leaves and the bucciniform lower sepal, but differs by the leaves bearing more lateral veins (9 (–10) vs 5–6 pairs), flower bracts ovate (vs linear-lanceolate) and longer (9–11 mm vs 5–7 mm), lower sepal more or less gradually (vs abruptly) constricted into spur, spur shorter (16 mm vs 21 mm long) thickened for 3/5 of its length (vs only at the very apex), and lower petals of lateral petals with small oblong and strongly recurved lobes at the base of apical margin (vs lobes absent or short and not recurved) (Table 1).

Distribution and Ecology: Endemic to Sumatra: northern part of Gayo Plateau (Fig. 2). This species was found in mid montane forest, usually on shaded localities, from 1805 to 1985 m elevation. 

Etymology: The epithet bungeilang is derived from the Gayonese language (‘bunge’ means flower, ‘ilang’ means red), refers to the red color of the flower.

Living photographs of Impatiens rubiflora from Mount Tujuh, Jambi Province, one of the species in Sumatra that possess red flowers.  A. Plant. B. Flowers.
Photographs by Wendy A. Mustaqim.

Wendy A. Mustaqim, Ahmad Y. Mahardhika, Yusuf S.A. Fauzan, Zulfan Arico, Enggal Primananda and Iyan Robiansyah. 2024. A New Species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from northern Gayo Plateau, northern Sumatra. Taiwania. 69(1); 57-61. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2024.69.57