Showing posts with label Venom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venom. Show all posts

Sunday, October 26, 2014

[Mammalogy / Venom • 2014] Anaphylactic Shock following the Bite of A Wild Kayan Slow Loris (Nycticebus kayan): Implications for Slow Loris Conservation

Figure 1. This subadult slow loris bit the victim’s finger intensely resulting in a severe wound.
(Panel A) Subadult Nycticebus kayan before the victim handled it – already a large drop of saliva can be seen protruding from the animal’s mouth. (Panel B) The bite site 12 days after the bite.
(Photos by G. Madani) DOI: 10.1186/1678-9199-20-43

Asian slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are one of few known venomous mammals, yet until now only one published case report has documented the impact of their venomous bite on humans. We describe the reaction of a patient to the bite of a subadult Nycticebus kayan, which occurred in the Mulu District of Sarawak in 2012.

Within minutes of the bite, the patient experienced paraesthesia in the right side of the jaw, ear and right foot. By 40 minutes, swelling of the face was pronounced. The patient was admitted to Mulu National Park Health Clinic/Klinik Kesihatan Taman Mulu Tarikh, at which time he was experiencing: swollen mouth, chest pain, mild abdominal pain, nausea, numbness of the lips and mouth, shortness of breath, weakness, agitation and the sensation of pressure in the ears due to swelling. The blood pressure was 110/76, the heart ratio was 116 and oxygen saturation was 96%. The patient was treated intramuscularly with adrenaline (0.5 mL), followed by intravenous injection of hydrocortisone (400 mg) and then intravenous fluid therapy of normal saline (500 mg). By 8 h10 the next day, the patient’s condition had significantly improved with no nausea, and with blood pressure and pulse rate stable.

A handful of anecdotes further support the real danger that slow loris bites pose to humans. As the illegal pet trade is a major factor in the decline of these threatened species, we hope that by reporting on the danger of handling these animals it may help to reduce their desirability as a pet.

Keywords: Anaphylaxis; Hypersensitivity; Systemic reaction; Malaysia; Adrenaline; Necrosis; Paresthesia; Animal bite; Mammal venom; Hematuria

George Madani and K Anne-Isola Nekaris. 2014. Anaphylactic Shock following the Bite of A Wild Kayan Slow Loris (Nycticebus kayan): Implications for Slow Loris Conservation. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases. 20:43  doi:

When cute turns deadly – the story of a wildlife biologist who was bit by a venomous slow loris, and lived to tell the tale

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

[Mammalogy / Evolution • 2013] Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know: the Biochemistry, Ecology and Evolution of Slow Loris Nycticebus Venom

Figure 6 Potential mimicry of spectacled cobras in Javan and Bengal slow lorises
(1). Javan slow loris (2) Spectacled cobra (rear view) (3) Spectacled cobra (front view) (4) Bengal slow loris.
Only seven types of mammals are known to be venomous, including slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.). Despite the evolutionary significance of this unique adaptation amongst Nycticebus, the structure and function of slow loris venom is only just beginning to be understood. Here we review what is known about the chemical structure of slow loris venom. Research on a handful of captive samples from three of eight slow loris species reveals that the protein within slow loris venom resembles the disulphide-bridged heterodimeric structure of Fel-d1, more commonly known as cat allergen. In a comparison of N. pygmaeus and N. coucang, 212 and 68 compounds were found, respectively. Venom is activated by combining the oil from the brachial arm gland with saliva, and can cause death in small mammals and anaphylactic shock and death in humans. We examine four hypotheses for the function of slow loris venom. The least evidence is found for the hypothesis that loris venom evolved to kill prey. Although the venom's primary function in nature seems to be as a defense against parasites and conspecifics, it may also serve to thwart olfactory-orientated predators. Combined with numerous other serpentine features of slow lorises, including extra vertebra in the spine leading to snake-like movement, serpentine aggressive vocalisations, a long dark dorsal stripe and the venom itself, we propose that venom may have evolved to mimic cobras (Naja sp.). During the Miocene when both slow lorises and cobras migrated throughout Southeast Asia, the evolution of venom may have been an adaptive strategy against predators used by slow lorises as a form of Mullerian mimicry with spectacled cobras.
 Keywords: Venoms, Ecology, Primates, Intraspecific competition, Predation, Ectoparasite, Naja naja

Figure 1 The slow loris Nycticebus brachial gland (dark oblong area on the inside of the elbow region).

Figure 2 Slow lorises in defensive posture, whereby the arms are raised above the head to combine saliva with brachial gland exudate: Nycticebus menagensis, N. javanicus and N. coucang.  
Figure 5 Male wild Nycticebus javanicus, from Cipaganti near Garut, Java, during three successive captures in April 2012, November 2012 and February 2013, showing his appearance before receiving a severe conspecific bite wound, just afterwards, and 3 months afterwards.

 Anne-Isola Nekaris, Richard S Moore, Johanna Rode and Bryan G Fry. 2013. Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know: the Biochemistry, Ecology and Evolution of Slow Loris Venom. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases. 19(1):21. DOI: