Showing posts with label Author: Docot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Author: Docot. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2023

[Botany • 2022] Wurfbainia rubrofasciata (Zingiberaceae) • A New Species from Palawan, Philippines

Wurfbainia rubrofasciata Docot & Domingo, 

in Docot, Domingo, Moran, Camangeg & Poulsen, 2022.    

 A ginger species collected in Palawan, Philippines was initially thought to be Wurfbainia palawanensis but differs by the dark brown fertile bracts and red spinose fruits. This species is also morphologically similar to the continental Asian Wurfbainia microcarpa but can be distinguished from this by the entire ligule, petiolate lamina, congested rachis, and presence of red stripes at the base of the labellum. Therefore, we here describe Wurfbainia rubrofasciata providing colour plates, data on phenology, distribution, habitat, and a provisional conservation assessment. A key to five species of Wurfbainia in the Philippines is provided and we discuss the likely closest relatives of Wurfbainia palawanensis

Keywords: Amomum s.l., endemic, endangered, taxonomy, Wurfbainia.

Wurfbainia rubrofasciata Docot & Domingo
 (A) Habit. (B) Ligule. (C) Inflorescence and infructescence. (D) Inflorescence showing different angle of the flowers. (E) Infructescence. (F) Floral dissection. (G) Stamen at different views. (notice the white arrow pointing a lateral staminode).
Based from C.B.M. Domingo & R.V.A. Docot PL18-006 (type). 
Abbreviations: br: bracteole; ca: calyx tube; dc: dorsal corolla lobe; fb: fertile bract; fl: flower; inf: inflorescence; la: labellum; lc: lateral corolla lobes; ov: ovary with epigynous glands on the top.
 Scale bars = 1 cm. (Photographs by R.V.A. Docot).

Wurfbainia rubrofasciata Docot & Domingo, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Wurfbainia rubrofasciata is morphologically similar to W. microcarpa (C.F.Liang & D.Fang) Skornick. & A.D.Poulsen in having white flowers with a clawed and saccate labellum but differs in the entire ligule (vs emarginate to bilobed), 7−11 mm long petiole (vs < 2 mm); 2−4 flowers open at a time (vs 1−2); congested rachis (vs elongated); white calyx tube and corolla lobes (vs white to red), presence of 10−12 red stripes at the base of the labellum (vs minute red dots) and ovate and petaloid lateral lobes of the anther crest (vs oblong and fleshy).

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the red stripes at the base of the labellum.

Rudolph Valentino A. Docot, Carl Bryan M. Domingo, Cecilia B. Moran, Lea M. Camangeg and Axel Dalberg Poulsen. 2022. Wurfbainia rubrofasciata (Zingiberaceae), A New Species from Palawan, Philippines. Webbia. Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 77(2); 277-283. DOI: 10.36253/jopt-13461 

Friday, June 17, 2022

[Botany • 2021] Hornstedtia olivacea (Zingiberaceae) • Taxonomic Notes on Philippine Hornstedtia including A Description of A New Species from Luzon, Philippines

Hornstedtia olivacea Docot & Pranada, 

 in Docot, Pranada & Mendez, 2021.
Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore. 73(2)

 A new species, Hornstedtia olivacea Docot & Pranada, from the province of Quezon, Philippines is described here with information on its distribution, habitat and phenology, along with a provisional IUCN conservation assessment. A second-step lectotypification of Hornstedtia conoidea Ridl. is proposed and a previous lectotypification of Hornstedtia microcheila Ridl. is clarified. Examination of the collection Ramos & Edaño 44454 supports the occurrence of Hornstedtia havilandii (K.Schum.) K.Schum. in the Philippines but new material is needed to check if the populations in the province of Sulu are distinct enough from the populations in Borneo to be recognised as a distinct taxon. An updated key to the Hornstedtia species of the Philippines is also provided. 

Keywords. Critically endangered, endemic, Hornstedtia conoidea, Hornstedtia havilandii, Hornstedtia microcheila, lectotypification

Hornstedtia olivacea Docot & Pranada.
A. Habit. B. Ligule. Insets: base of the lamina (front and back view). C. Inflorescence. D. Fruit from spirit material. E. Floral parts.
Abbreviations: br, bracteoles; ca, calyx tube; dc, dorsal corolla lobe; eg, epigynous glands; fb, fertile bract; inf, inflorescence; la, labellum; lc, lateral corolla lobes; ls, lateral staminodes; ov, ovary; sb, sterile bract; st, stamen.
 All from the type M.A.K. Pranada 2. (Photos: M.A.K. Pranada)

Hornstedtia olivacea Docot & Pranada, sp. nov.

 Similar to Hornstedtia microcheila Ridl. but differs in the generally longer petiole (1.5−3 cm vs 1−2 cm long in H. microcheila), shape and margin of the lamina (linear and undulate vs narrowly elliptic and plane), colour and apex of the sterile bract (olive green and mucronate vs red and acute), number of flowers open at anthesis (1 only vs 1 or 2), colour of the corolla lobes (red vs white), colour of the base of the labellum (red vs yellow), and presence of petaloid lateral staminodes.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the olive-green sterile bracts.

Taxonomic notes on Philippine Hornstedtia 
  • Hornstedtia conoidea Ridl., Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 2: 605 (1909). 
  • Hornstedtia havilandii (K.Schum.) K.Schum., Pflanzenr. IV, 46 (Heft 20): 193 (1904).
  • Hornstedtia microcheila Ridl., Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 2: 606 (1909).
  • H. crispata
  • H. garbosa
  • H. lophophora
  • H. annadeguzmaniae  

Rudolph Valentino Abrenica Docot, Mc Andrew Pranada and Noe Mendez. 2021. Taxonomic Notes on Philippine Hornstedtia (Zingiberaceae) including A Description of A New Species. Gardens’ Bulletin Singapore. 73(2); 413 - 423. DOI: 10.26492/gbs73(2).2021-11