Showing posts with label Insect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Insect. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2024

[Entomology • 2023] Salassa sunwukongi • A New Species and A New Group of Salassa Moore, 1859 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) with a molecular study based on partial COI

 Salassa sunwukongi  Zheng & Wang, 2023
 (A-D) male; (E, F) female.
Salassa is a genus of the family Saturniidae. It comprises over 30 species that are widely distributed in Asia. This study describes a new species, Salassa sunwukongi sp. nov., found in Chinese Yunnan province. The first molecular study of Salassa was conducted using COI fragments. Molecular and morphological analyses revealed the presence of a monophyletic group, royi-group, distributed in the Himalayas. A key to members of the royi-group, along with species lists and distinguishing characteristics of all three groups of Salassa, is provided.

Lepidoptera, Salassinae, giant silk moth, systematics, taxonomy

 Adults of Salassa sunwukongi sp. nov.:
 (A) male holotype (dorsal view); (B) male holotype (ventral view);
(C) male paratype (dorsal view); (D) male paratype (dorsal view);
(E) female paratype (dorsal view); (F) female paratype (ventral view).
Scale bars: 10.0 mm.

Salassa sunwukongi sp. nov.

Distribution. China: Yunnan Province.

Etymology. The new species was named after Sun Wukong, the Monkey King in Chinese Mythology, for the diverse colours and monkey-face-like pattern in the hindwing of the new species.

Xuhongyi ZHENG and DONG WANG. 2023. Description of A New Species and A New Group of Salassa Moore, 1859 (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) with a molecular study based on partial COI.  Zootaxa. 5375(2); 285-296. DOI:

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Celaenorrhinus qianhanae • A New Species of the Genus Celaenorrhinus Hübner, [1819] (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) from Hainan, China


Celaenorrhinus qianhanae Li & Li, 
C. aspersa Leech, 1891

in H.-Z. Li, Liu et J.-L. Li. 2024.  

A new species, Celaenorrhinus qianhanae Li & Liu sp. nov., is described from Hainan, China. Its unique genital characteristics and wing markings are compared with other congeneric species from this island and adjacent regions, including Vietnam and China, etc. In addition, its COI gene is sequenced for molecular analysis, and the secondary sexual character, hair tufts on hind tibiae, is discussed for comparison.

Lepidoptera, Tagiadinae, Celaenorrhinini, genitalia, phylogeny

Hua-Zhao LI, Zhe LIU and, Jia-Ling LI. 2024. A New Species of the Genus Celaenorrhinus Hübner, [1819] from Hainan, China (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). Zootaxa. 5405(2); 265-272. DOI:

Sunday, September 29, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Fignya qiana, F. trigonum & F. samkosa • A Taxonomic Review of the Genus Fignya Solovyev & Witt, 2009 (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) with Descriptions of Three New Species and One New Combination

Fignya qiana sp. nov., F. trigonum sp. nov., 
F. samkosa sp. nov., F. brachygnatha (Wu & Fang, 2008)

Wu & Han, 2024

Three new species of the genus Fignya Solovyev & Witt, 2009, F. qiana sp. nov., F. trigonum sp. nov., and F. samkosa sp. nov., are described from China and Cambodia. Additionally, a new combination, F. brachygnatha (Wu & Fang, 2008), comb. nov., is proposed. The new species are illustrated with images of the adults and male genitalia, and compared with similar species. A key to all known species in the genus, along with their geographical distributions, is provided.

Key words: China, identification key, morphology, new combination, slug caterpillar moths, taxonomy, Zygaenoidea

Adults of Fignya spp.
Depositories of the specimens 1–2, 4–6 in NEFU 3 in MWM/ZSM.
Scale bars: 5 mm.

 Jun Wu and Huilin Han. 2024. A Taxonomic Review of the Genus Fignya Solovyev & Witt, 2009 (Lepidoptera, Limacodidae) with Descriptions of Three New Species and One New Combination. ZooKeys. 1213: 225-235. DOI:

Thursday, September 26, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Digitivalva bella • A remarkable New Species of the Genus Digitivalva Gaedike, 1970 (Lepidoptera: Glyphipterigidae: Acrolepiinae) from Japan

Digitivalva bella  
Zhang, Yagi & Hirowatari, 2024

A new species of the genus Digitivalva Gaedike, 1970 from Japan, D. bella Zhang, Yagi & Hirowatari, sp. nov., is described. The host plant of this species is identified as Carpesium divaricatum Sieb. & Zucc. (Asteraceae). Larvae of this species pupate beneath the host tissue; this habit is for the first time reported for the genus Digitivalva in Japan. Adult specimens with male and female genitalia and pupae are illustrated and described in detail. Although the wing markings differ, the new species is considered closely related to D. arnicella (Heyden, 1863) from Europe, with which it shares similar biological and morphological features.

Adults of Digitivalva bella sp. nov.
 A. Male, holotype. B. Female, paratype. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Digitivalva bella sp. nov.
Male genitalia slide No. XZG-24
Female genitalia slide No. XZG-29

Genus Digitivalva Gaedike, 1970 

 Digitivalva bella Zhang, Yagi & Hirowatari, sp. nov.

Diagnosis: This species can be easily distinguished from other Digitivalva species by its bright orange colour with silvery-white stripes on the forewing. The male genitalia are similar to those of D. arnicella (Heyden, 1863) by sharing the absence of a horizontal split in the costal arm of the valva and developed sacculus, and the broad vinculum-saccus combination. Male genitalia of this species can easily be distinguished from those of other Digitivalva species by possessing a single vertical split on each costal arm of the valva and a C-shaped valva (sacculus broad, extraordinary in D. arnicella). The female genitalia are similar to those of D. arnicella in the absence of a signum; however, this species can be distinguished by the ovally rounded ostium bursae (triangular in D. arnicella).

Etymology: The specific name of Digitivalva bella sp. nov. is the female form of the Latin adjective bellus, “beautiful,” to describe the fascinating bright orange with silvery white stripes of the forewing, which can be differentiated from other species of the genus Digitivalva.

The life history of Digitivalva bella sp. nov. at Tarai-misaki, Toji, Izu Peninsula, Japan.
A. Last instar larva. B, C. Last instar larvae mining inside the host. D. Pupation site (arrow) inside the leaf.
E. Cocoon with the pupa inside under the epidermis. F. Cut cocoon and pupal exuviae. G. Lateral, ventral, and dorsal views of pupal exuviae. H. Resting posture of an emerged adult.

Xinyu Zhang, Sadahisa Yagi and Toshiya Hirowatari. 2024. A remarkable New Species of the Genus Digitivalva Gaedike, 1970 (Lepidoptera, Glyphipterigidae, Acrolepiinae) from Japan. Nota Lepidopterologica. 47: 187-199. DOI:

Thursday, August 22, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Heleocoris stephanus • A New Species of Creeping Water Bug (Heteroptera: Naucoridae: Laccocorinae) from Kallada River, Kerala, India

Heleocoris stephanus 
Benchamin, Sreejai & Arya, 2024 

A new species of Heleocoris, Stål (1876) was collected from the upstream Kallada River in Kerala, southwestern India. This discovery brings the number of described species for this genus in India to twelve. This species can be diagnosed by the overall body coloration and distinct morphological & genital features. Descriptions including a habitus photograph, ecology, and diagnostic comparisons among congeners are provided.

Keywords: Coloration, congeners, genitalia, morphology, upstream, Urukunnu

Diagnostic features of Heleocoris stephanus sp. nov. (holotype):
 A—dorsal habitus | B—ventral habitus | C—phallotheca. © Dani Benchamin.

Urukunnu Station in the upstream of Kallada River, Kollam District, Kerala, India, the type locality of  Heleocoris stephanus sp. nov.

Heleocoris stephanus sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Heleocoris stephanus sp. nov. is similar to the congener H. vicinus (Montandon, 1910), by size, and overall coloration. However, H. stephanus is notably different from H. vicinus by the finely granulose, dark brown scutellum with irregular yellow apex and thick median longitudinal yellowish patch. H. majusculus (Montandon, 1908) and H. rotundatus (Montandon, 1908) are other congeners reported from the neighbouring state of Tamil Nadu. The former drastically differs from H. stephanus by its entirely black scutellum and overall body size, while the latter differs from H. stephanus by its black coloured body beneath with greyish pilose and body size. H. breviceps (Montandon, 1897) is another congener reported from the Indian states such as Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. This congener differs from H. stephanus by largely blackish abdomen beneath and brownish scutellum. As the name implies, H. elongatus (Montandon, 1897) differs from H. stephanus by its body ...

Etymology: This specific epithet “stephanus” refers to the Institution where this significant research was conducted at the Zoology Research Centre, St. Stephen’s College, Pathanapuram. St. Stephen’s College was founded in 1964 after the name of St. Stephen, one of the first seven ordained Deacons and the first Martyr of Christianity.

Dani Benchamin, R. Sreejai and M.S. Arya. 2024. Heleocoris stephanus (Heteroptera: Naucoridae: Laccocorinae), A New Species of Creeping Water Bug from Kallada River, Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 16(7): 25584–25589. DOI:

Friday, June 28, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Aspila pibooni • A peculiar New Species of Aspila (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Grapholitini) from Thailand

Aspila pibooni
Pinkaew, 2024

Aspila pibooni sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Thailand. The species is provisionally assigned to Aspila on the basis of morphological features of the male and female genitalia. Superficially, the new species resembles three Afrotropical species of Cydia (Grapholitini), all of which lack the distinctive coremata and a pair of short projections from the eight sternite that characterize the Grapholita group of genera to which Aspila belongs.

Lepidoptera, Cydia, Grapholita coremata, new species, Thailand.

 Nantasak Pinkaew. 2024. Aspila pibooni (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Grapholitini), A peculiar New Species from Thailand.  Zootaxa. 5397(3); 427-434. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5397.3.7

Thursday, June 20, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Homalernis fluctuosa • A New Species of Homalernis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Tortricinae) represents the First Record of the Tribe Schoenotenini in Japan

Homalernis fluctuosa Suzuki & Jinbo,

in Suzuki, Jinbo, Yagi et Hirowatari, 2024. 

Homalernis fluctuosa Suzuki & Jinbo, sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima Island, Amamiooshima Island, and Okinawajima Island, Japan. This is not only the first record of the genus Homalernis but also of the tribe Schoenotenini from warm temperate zones in the Palaearctic region. The association of males and females of the new species was confirmed based on the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase submit 1 (COI). We discuss the taxonomic positions of two alleged Homalernis species from Malaysia and the taxonomic position of Homalernis within Schoenotenini.

Homalernis fluctuosa, sp. nov. A. Holotype, male; B. Paratype, female (Fukuoka Prefecture, Soeda-machi, Mt Hikosan).
DB – dorsal blotch; MF – median fascia, STF – subterminal fascia; SAF – subapical fascia; PAF – preapical facia. Scale bars: 5 mm.

 Homalernis fluctuosa Suzuki & Jinbo, sp. nov. 
Japanese name: Sazanami-tatege-hamaki

Diagnosis: Homalernis fluctuosa, sp. nov., is most similar to H. arystis in characteristics of the forewings and female genitalia. The two species can be distinguished based on the following: in H. fluctuosa, the apical third of the forewing has three distinct narrow fasciae, and the hindwing is approximately 3/4 the length of the forewing, whereas in H. arystis, the apical third of the forewings has scattered dark scales and the hindwing is approximately 2/3 the length of the forewing. In addition, the pair of signa of the female genitalia of H. fluctuosa is narrower and less sclerotised than those in H. arystis.

Etymology: The specific name fluctuosa refers to the three narrow fasciae in the apical third of the forewing that appear as ripples (Latin: flucticulus).

Shinya Suzuki, Utsugi Jinbo, Sadahisa Yagi and Toshiya Hirowatari. 2024. A New Species of Homalernis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Tortricinae) represents the First Record of the Tribe Schoenotenini in Japan. Nota Lepidopterologica. 47: 113-123. DOI: 10.3897/nl.47.120384

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Paraparatrechina neela • A Remarkable New Species of Paraparatrechina Donisthorpe (1947) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae) from the Eastern Himalayas, India

Paraparatrechina neela
Sahanashree, Punnath & Priyadarsanan, 2024

A new ant species, Paraparatrechina neela sp. nov., with a captivating metallic-blue color is described based on the worker caste from the East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. This discovery signifies the first new species of Paraparatrechina in 121 years, since the description of the sole previously known species, P. aseta (Forel, 1902), in the Indian subcontinent.

Key words: Abor Expedition, Arunachal Pradesh, aspirator, East Siang, taxonomy

Paraparatrechina neela sp. nov., holotype worker AIMB/Hy/Fr 25006
A clypeus and mandibles B mesosoma in profile view C mesosoma in dorsal view D gaster in dorsal view.

 Paraparatrechina neela sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Paraparatrechina neela sp. nov. has the following unique combination of characters: 1) body opaque and largely metallic blue, except antennae, mandibles, and legs; 2) total length < 2 mm; 3), eyes large relative to head length (REL > 22); 3) scape with appressed pubescence and scape surpasses posterior margin of head by approximately length of first 4 funicular segments; 4) propodeal dorsal face short and angular, with a long declivitous face.

Etymology: The specific epithet neela is a noun in apposition, signifying the color blue in most Indian languages. It is used to describe the unique blue or sapphire color of this species.

Ramakrishnaiah Sahanashree, Aswaj Punnath, Dharma Rajan Priyadarsanan. 2024. A Remarkable New Species of Paraparatrechina Donisthorpe (1947) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Formicinae) from the Eastern Himalayas, India. ZooKeys. 1203: 159-172. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1203.114168

Thursday, May 23, 2024

[Entomology • 2024] Baetiella baei, B. lannaensis & B. bibranchia • Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Baetiella Uéno, 1931 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), with Description of Three New Species from Thailand

Baetiella (Baetiella) lannaensis
Phlai-ngam, Boonsoong, Gattolliat & Tungpairojwong, 2024

Based on material recently collected in northern Thailand, the present study provides an updated of the genus Baetiella, including Gratia. It comprises six species in Thailand, three of them being new speciesBaetiella (GratianarumonaeBaetiella (GratiasororculaenadinaeBaetiella (BaetiellabispinosaBaetiella (Baetiellabaei sp. nov.Baetiella (Baetiellalannaensis sp. nov. and Baetiella (Baetiellabibranchia sp. nov. Baetiella (Baetiellabaei sp. nov. can be distinguished from other species by the reduction of the posteromedian protuberances on abdominal tergites I–III, the asymmetrical coniform terminal segment of labial palp, the distal margin of abdominal sternites VII–X each with a row of long, spatulate setae, the dorsal margin of femur with two long, robust setae distally. Baetiella (Baetiellalannaensis sp. nov. is diagnosed by the posteromedian protuberances present on tergites I–VIII, dorsal margin of femur with a regular row of long, rounded, ciliated setae and body surface covered with numerous, dense, rounded scale-like setae. Baetiella (Baetiellabibranchia sp. nov. can be separated from other species by coxal gills present at the base of forelegs and midlegs. The molecular study based on the mitochondrial gene COI and a larval key to species of Thai Baetiella are also provided.

Key words: COI gene, diversity, mayflies, revision, Southeast Asia

Baetiella (Baetiella) lannaensis sp. nov., female larva A early larval stage B mature larva.

Sampling sites and the coexistence microhabitats of Baetiella (Baetiella) baei sp. nov. and Baetiella (Baetiella) lannaensis sp. nov.
A Siribhum waterfall (Chiang Mai province) B, C microhabitats of Siribhum waterfall and Mo Pang waterfall (Mae Hong Son Province) respectively. White arrows indicate coexisting microhabitats of B. (Baetiella) baei sp. nov. and Baetiella (Baetiella) lannaensis sp. nov.

Sirikamon Phlai-ngam, Boonsatien Boonsoong, Jean-Luc Gattolliat and Nisarat Tungpairojwong. 2024. Taxonomic Notes on the Genus Baetiella Uéno, 1931 (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae), with Description of Three New Species from Thailand. ZooKeys. 1200: 303-352. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1200.116787

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

[Entomology • 2023] Aenictus kadalarensis • A New Species of Army Ant Genus Aenictus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India

Aenictus kadalarensis
Sahoo, Ramakrishnaiah, Dharma Rajan & Datta-Roy, 2023

A new species, Aenictus kadalarensis sp. nov., belonging to the army ant genus Aenictus Shuckard 1840, is discovered from Kerala, India. The species is described based on the worker caste, and it belongs to the Aenictus pachycerus group. This paper provides a detailed discussion of its morphology and the characteristics that distinguish this species from its closely related species within the A. pachycerus group.

Keywords: Western Ghats, Kerala, A. pachycerus species group, A. kadalarensis sp. nov.

Bikash Sahoo, Sahanashree Ramakrishnaiah, Priyadarsanan Dharma Rajan, Aniruddha Datta-Roy. 2023. A New Species of Army Ant Genus Aenictus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India.  Journal of the Entomological Research Society. 25(3); 615–622. DOI: 10.51963/jers.v25i3.2504

Saturday, September 30, 2023

[Entomology • 2023] Neoleptophlebia uncinata • A New Species of Neoleptophlebia Kluge, 1997 (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae) from eastern China

 Neoleptophlebia uncinata Zhou,

in Wang, Yang et Zhou, 2023.
The genus Neoleptophlebia Kluge, 1997 includes five Asian species. Three of them were reported from northeastern Asia and two were found from Chinese Taiwan Island, leaving a huge geographic gap on the Chinese mainland. Here we find a new one, which is named N. uncinata Zhou sp. nov., from Nanjing municipality, eastern China. Via field collecting and indoor rearing, all life stages were obtained, and its nymphs are found living in small creeks (with a width less than 1 m) and shallow waters (with a depth less than 30 cm). Diagnostically, the imago of this new species has larger lateral penial appendages than its congeners, and its nymph has subequal broadened segments II and III of maxillary and labial palpi. Biogeographically, this species bridges two northern and southern groups of the genus.

Keywords: Ephemeroptera, mayfly, phylogeny, taxonomy, new species, China 

Nymphal structures of Neoleptophlebia uncinata sp. nov.:
(A) habitus (dorsal view); (B) habitus (ventral view); (C) nymphal exuviate of holotype (dorsal view). 

Adults of Neoleptophlebia uncinata sp. nov.:
(A) male imago (habitus); (B) male subimago (habitus);
(C) female imago (habitus); (D) female subimago (habitus).

Adults of Neoleptophlebia uncinata sp. nov.:
 (E) male abdomen (dorsal view); (F) male abdomen (ventral view);
(G) female abdomen (dorsal view); (H) female abdomen (ventral view).

Kai-Chen Wang, Qaing-Yi Yang and Chang-Fa Zhou. 2023. A New Neoleptophlebia Kluge, 1997 Species from eastern China (Ephemeroptera: Leptophlebiidae).  Zootaxa. 5343(4); 375-385.  DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5343.4.5

Friday, December 30, 2022

[Entomology • 2022] Alainites siamensis • A New Species of Alainites (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Thailand

Alainites siamensis  
Phlai-ngam, Tungpairojwong & Gattolliat, 2022

A new species of Baetidae, Alainites siamensis sp. nov., is described from Thailand. This new species is closely related to Alainites lingulatus Tong & Dudgeon, 2000, Alainites laetificus (Kang & Yang, 1994) and Alainites yixiani (Gui & Lu, 1999). Species delimitation based on morphological and molecular (mitochondrial COI sequences) evidence is provided. The discovery of this species confirms the wide distribution of Alainites Waltz & McCafferty, 1994 in Southeast Asia.

Key Words: distribution, diversity, mayflies, Southeast Asia, systematic

Alainites siamensis sp. nov., female larva (middle instar larva) habitus:
 A Dorsal view; B Lateral view; C Ventral view.
Scale bar: 1 mm.

Alainites siamensis sp. nov.

Diagnosis: Alainites siamensis sp. nov. is closely related to A. lingulatus, A. laetificus and A. yixiani; these species are distributed in the Southeast Asia. The new species can be separated from the other species by the following combination of characters: i) the shape of labial palp, ii) the setation on tibia, iii) the number of denticles of the claws, iv) the degree of development and spination of paraproct prolongation, v) the number of spines on distal margin of paraproct, vi) number of pairs of gills (Table 4).

Ecological notes: The larvae of Alainites siamensis sp. nov. mainly live among aquatic plants and roots of riparian plants in slow to moderately flowing streams (Fig. 6). The species seems to be rather widely distributed in the northwestern and northern Thailand, but is rare and not abundant (Fig. 7).

Etymology: The specific epithet of this species, siam (noun), refers to the old name of Thailand and to the known distribution of the species.

The sampling sites and habitats of Alainites siamensis sp. nov. larvae:
A–B Yakruae stream, Nam Nao National Park, Phetchabun Province (type locality);
C–D Stream in Mae Ra Mad District, Tak Province;
E–F Stream near the Mining Dr. Phol Kleepbuathe, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province.

Sirikamon Phlai-ngam, Nisarat Tungpairojwong and Jean-Luc Gattolliat. 2022. A New Species of Alainites (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from Thailand. Alpine Entomology. 6: 133-146.  DOI: 10.3897/alpento.6.96284

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

[Entomology • 2022] A Revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): A Comparative Analysis and Systematic Position of Eastern European and Asian Taxa with Dorso-lateral Eyes

Dietomorpha gonzalesi S. Chigray & Nabozhenko, 

Chigray, Nabozhenko, Chigray & Abakumov, 2022. 

A taxonomic review of tenebrionid platyopoid genera of the subfamily Pimeliinae from Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan is given. This group of taxa was known before 1994 as the tribe Platyopini Motschulsky, 1849, which is now interpreted as a junior synonym of Pimeliini Latreille, 1802. The group is different from other Pimeliini in having dorso-lateral eyes, located above the level of the genae, and it includes the following ultrapsammophilic genera at least from Central and Southern Asia: Apatopsis Semenov, 1891, Habrochiton Semenov-Tjan-Shansky, 1907, Habrobates Semenov, 1903 [= Kawiria Schuster, 1935 syn. nov.], Dietomorpha Reymond, 1938, Przewalskia Semenov, 1893, Mantichorula Reitter, 1889, Platyope Fischer von Waldheim, 1820 [= Homopsis Semenov, 1893 syn. nov.], Earophanta Semenov, 1903. These genera are distributed in almost all large deserts of Palaearctic Asia: Karakum, Kyzylkum, Muyunkum, Taklamakan, Gobi, Registan, Dasht-e-Kawir, Dasht-e-Lut, as well as in other arid and semi-arid sandy landscapes from European Russia to the south of Eastern Siberia. The group of platyopoid genera is polyphyletic. We propose at least two monophyletic branches: the Habrobates genus group (the first four genera mentioned above), which represents the subtribe Habrobatina Nabozhenko & S. Chigray subtrib. nov. and the Platyope genus group (latter four genera) within the nominotypical subtribe. A new species is described from Pakistan (Balochistan): Dietomorpha gonzalesi S. Chigray & Nabozhenko sp. nov. Platyope granulata Fischer von Waldheim, 1820 is recorded for Kazakhstan for the first time. The following synonymy is resurrected: Apatopsis grombczewskii Semenov, 1890 = Apatopsis conradti Semenov, 1890, syn. resurr. Two new combinations resulting from the synonymy of genera are given: Habrobates gabrieli Schuster, 1935 comb. nov. (from Kawiria), Platyope grumi Semenov, 1893 comb. nov. (from Homopsis). Lectotypes are designated for the following taxa: Apatopsis grombczewskii (Semenov, 1891), Apatopsis conradti Semenov, 1891, Habrochiton vernus Semenov-Tjan-Shansky, 1907, Habrobates vernalis Semenov, 1903, Kawiria gabrieli Schuster, 1935, Platyope dilatata Reitter, 1887; Mantichorula semenowi Reitter, 1889, Mantichorula grandis Semenov, 1893, Homopsis grumi Semenov, 1893, Platyope serrata Semenov, 1893, Platyope planidorsis Reitter, 1889, Platyope tomentosa Semenov, 1893. Additional information for type specimens studied by the authors is given for Habrochiton primaeveris Semenov-Tjan-Shansky, 1907 (holotype), Habrobates vejisovi Kelejnikova, 1977, Platyope ordossica Semenov-Tjan-Shansky, 1907 (holotype), Earophanta autumnalis Semenov, 1903 (holotype, junior synonym of E. planidorsis Reitter, 1889), Earophanta loudoni Semenov, 1903 (holotype, junior synonym of Earophanta pilosissima Reitter, 1895), Earophanta pubescens Skopin, 1960 (holotype, paratypes), Earophanta beludzhistana Bogatchev, 1957 (holotype).

Keywords: Tenebrionidae, Pimeliini, new taxa, synonymy, nomenclature

Dietomorpha gonzalesi S. Chigray & Nabozhenko sp. nov., ♀, holotype (MNHP).
C. dorsal view. D. Ditto, ventral view. E. Ditto, anterior view. F. Ditto, posterior view. G. Ditto, dorso-antero-lateral view.
 photographs by David Gonzales.

Fig. 3. Species of the genus Dietomorpha Kühnelt, 1957, habitus.
A. Dietomorpha pardalis Kühnelt, 1957, ♂ (ZIN), dorsal view. B. Ditto, ventral view.
C. Dietomorpha gonzalesi S. Chigray & Nabozhenko sp. nov., ♀, holotype (MNHP), dorsal view. D. Ditto, ventral view. E. Ditto, anterior view. F. Ditto, posterior view. G. Ditto, dorso-antero-lateral view. 
C–G: photographs by David Gonzales.

Dietomorpha gonzalesi S. Chigray & Nabozhenko sp. nov.
Etymology: The new species is named after David Gonzales (Saint-Laurent-du-Pape, France), who made a great contribution to the Tenebrionidae of the New and Old Worlds.

Svetlana N. Chigray, Maxim V. Nabozhenko, Ivan A. Chigray and Evgeny V. Abakumov. 2022. A Revision of the Palaearctic Pimeliini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): A Comparative Analysis and Systematic Position of Eastern European and Asian Taxa with Dorso-lateral Eyes. European Journal of Taxonomy. 809(1); 1–71. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.809.1719 [2022-04-05]

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

[Entomology • 2022] Paraphlebia akan, P. esperanza, P. ixchel, P. kukulkan, et al. • Untangling the Waterfall Damsels: A Review of the Mesoamerican Genus Paraphlebia Selys in Hagen, 1861 (Odonata: Thaumatoneuridae) with Descriptions of 11 New Species

Paraphlebia sp.   
Ortega-Salas, González-Soriano & Jocqué, 2022. 

A review of the Mesoamerican genus Paraphlebia Selys in Hagen, 1861 is presented, including diagnoses, illustrations of diagnostic characters, and distribution maps for all species. A key to the known males and females is provided. Eleven new species are described: P. akan Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano. sp. nov., P. chaak Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano sp. nov., P. chiarae Ortega-Salas sp. nov., P. esperanza Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano sp. nov., P. flinti Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano sp. nov., P. hunnal Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano sp. nov., P. itzamna Ortega-Salas, Jocque & González-Soriano sp. nov., P. ixchel Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano sp. nov., P. kauil Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano sp. nov., P. kinich Ortega-Salas & González-Soriano sp. nov., and P. kukulkan Jocque & Ortega-Salas sp. nov.

Keywords: Odonata, Damselfly, Central America, Mexico, male dimorphism, new species 

Héctor Ortega-Salas, Enrique González-Soriano and Merlijn Jocqué. 2022. Untangling the Waterfall Damsels: A Review of the Mesoamerican Genus Paraphlebia Selys in Hagen, 1861 (Odonata: Thaumatoneuridae) with Descriptions of 11 New Species.  Zootaxa. 5089(1); 1-66. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5089.1.1