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Showing posts with label Author: J.C.R. Mendes. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

[Botany • 2023] Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae) • A threatened New Species from Southeastern Brazil


  Dalechampia seccoi  J.C.R. Mendes & Pereira-Silva,

in Mendes, Külkamp, Bigio, Torres-Leite et Pereira-Silva, 2023. 
Dalechampia seccoi is a new endemic species of Euphorbiaceae from the Atlantic Forest domain, southeastern Brazil. Here we describe and illustrate the new species. Collections of botanical material, and standard herbarium practices were applied. The new species is vegetatively similar to D. alata, D. erythrostyla, D. pentaphylla, D. violacea, and D. purpurata, however it is distinguished by exclusive characters such as involucral bracts 4‒5-lobed, pinkish, staminate sepals vinaceous, resin darkish and stigma yellow lobed to crateriform. The new species is restricted to Seasonal Semideciduous Forest with altitudes of ca. 700 m from Caparaó, south of the state of Espírito Santo. In addition, we provide field photographs, preliminary conservation status assessments using IUCN Red List guidelines, as well as a checklist and key for morphological correlated species.

Keywords: Acalyphoideae; Caparaó; endemism; Espírito Santo; Seasonal Semideciduous Forest; taxonomy

  Dalechampia seccoi
(watercolor painting by Cássia Dias).

 Dalechampia seccoi. A. Habit. B. General view of habit with pseudanthium. C-D. Pseudanthium with the two involucral bracts 4−5-lobed, showy, pinkish. E. Detail of staminate pleiochasium, and resin secreted darkish. F. Detail of pistillate cymule, and stigma crateriform to slightly lobed. G. Fruits (capsule).
(Photographs: A, B, C, E, F. André S. Pellanda; D. Filipe Leite; G. Karla Pedra).  

Dalechampia seccoi J.C.R. Mendes & Pereira-Silva, sp. nov.

Dalechampia seccoi is recognized by its involucral bracts 4−5-lobed, pinkish, with magenta veins; staminate column elongated beyond the sepal tips after anthesis; staminate sepals widely lanceolate, vinaceous; style tips not moderately down-curved and stigma crateriform to slightly lobed, yellow; pistillate sepals 12, pinnatifid; 4 bracteoles of staminate pleiochasium, deltoid to oblong, free; resiniferous gland with margin fimbriate, and resin secreted darkish; and seeds grayish with macules brownish.

Etymology ‒ The specific epithet honors Dr. Ricardo de S. Secco, renowned botanist at the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, who contributes significantly to knowledge of the Amazonian flora, as well as of the whole of Brazil, specifically the Euphorbiaceae family, and who greatly assists in the formation of stimulating human resources Euphorbiologists.

Mendes, Jone Clebson Ribeiro; Külkamp, Josimar; Bigio, Narcísio Costa; Torres-Leite, Filipe; Pereira-Silva, Rafaela Alves. 2023. Dalechampia seccoi (Euphorbiaceae), A threatened New Species from Southeastern Brazil. Acta Botanica Brasilica. 37;  DOI: