Showing posts with label Begoniaceae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Begoniaceae. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

[Botany • 2024] Begonia fangchengensis (Begoniaceae, sect. Diploclinium) • A New Species from Guangxi, South China


 Begonia fangchengensis  Y.N.Huang, X.X. Feng & R.K.Li,  

Hu, Y.-N. Huang, Zhang, Chen, S.-S. Huang, Li, Wang et Feng, 2024. 
防城秋海棠  ||  DOI:

Although Guangxi represents one of the distribution centres of begonias in China, the sect. Diploclinium (Wright) A. DC is not well documented herein. In this article, we illustrate a new species belonging to this section, Begonia fangchengensis Y.N.Huang, X.X. Feng & R.K.Li, which has been discovered in southern Guangxi. Begonia fangchengensis mostly resembles B. rotundilimba in elliptic leaf blade, palmate veins, dichasial cyme, three styles, axile placentation, and unequally 3-winged capsule. On the other hand, B. fangchengensis is characterized by creeping rhizome, pilose stipule, red and densely pilose petiole, pubescent leaf blade and pilose inflorescence bract, sparsely pilose ovary and the zygomorphic androecium, differing from the erect stem at anthesis, the green and densely villous petiole, the glabrous stipule, leaf blade, inflorescence bract, ovary and actinomorphic androecium in B. rotundilimba. Considering its small population size and narrow distribution, its conservation status is categorized as ‘Endangered (D)’ according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Key words: Limestone karst, morphology, new taxon, south China, taxonomy

 Begonia fangchengensis 
A habitat B stipule C, D bracts of inflorescences E, F front and back view of staminate flower G androecium H stamens I, J pistillate flower with 3 or 5 tepals K styles L styles and ovary M–Q ovary section from upper to lower positions.
Drawn by Yunxiao Liu 

Habitat and morphology of Begonia fangchengensis
A habitat B flowering plant C creeping rhizome D stipules E leaf blade (adaxial) F, G leaf blade (abaxial) H juvenile leaf I inflorescence J bracts K, L front and side views of staminate flower M, N front and side views of androecium O stamens P pistillate flower with 3 tepals Q, R, S pistillate flower with 5 tepals T stigmas and ovary U ovary sections from upper to lower positions V capsule
(Photos by Z.X. Liu).

 Begonia fangchengensis Y.N.Huang, X.X.Feng & R.K.Li, sp. nov.
 Chinese name: 防城秋海棠

Diagnosis: Begonia fangchengensis mostly resembles B. rotundilimba in its elliptic leaf blade, palmate veins, dichasial cyme, three styles, axile placentation, and unequally 3-winged capsule. However, there are creeping rhizome, pilose stipule, red and densely pilose petiole, pubescent leaf blade and pilose inflorescence bract, sparsely pilose ovary and the zygomorphic androecium in B. fangchengensis. These characters differ from the erect stem at anthesis, the green and densely villous petiole, the glabrous stipule, leaf blade, inflorescence bract, ovary and actinomorphic androecium in B. rotundilimba.

Etymology: The specific epithet “fangchengensis” refers to the Fangcheng District, Guangxi where the species is distributed.

 Ping-Ting Hu, Yu-Ni Huang, Meng-Ni Zhang, Bi-Xuan Chen, Shu-Shu Huang, Ren-Kun Li, Wen-Guang Wang and Xin-Xin Feng. 2024. A New Species in Begonia sect. Diploclinium (Begoniaceae) from Guangxi, South China. PhytoKeys. 249: 277-285. DOI:

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Begonia butuanensis (Begoniaceae, sect. Baryandra) • Morpho-anatomical Description of New Begonia Species from Butuan City, Mindanao Island, Philippines

Begonia butuanensis Bucay, Tandang & K.F.Chung,

in BucayTandang, Chen, Rubite et Chung, 2025.

Begonia butuanensis, a new species of Begonia sect. Baryandra endemic in northeastern Mindanao is described. We compared it to another species endemic to southern Mindanao, B. copelandii. Both species have ciliate leaf margins, rounded outer tepals, and lanceolate inner tepals of staminate flowers. However, B. butuanensis is distinct in its smaller perianth size, triangular capsule lateral wing with subfalcate apex (vs. rectangular with subacute to truncate apex in B. copelandii), puberulous peduncles (vs. glabrous), and orbicular to slightly ovate lamina with rounded to obtuse apices (vs. ovate to orbicular lamina with obtuse to acuminate apex). The species is observed only from the type locality, and we recommend the species to be listed as Critically Endangered (CR) following the 2024 IUCN guidelines.

archipelago, Begoniaceae, big genera, Pleistocene Aggregate Island Complexes, Eudicots 

Begonia butuanensis Bucay, Tandang & K.F.Chung.
A. Stipules; B–C Staminate flower; D. Pistillate flower; E–F Capsule; G. Habit.
Illustration by Danilo N. TANDANG.

Begonia butuanensis Bucay, Tandang & K.F.Chung.
A. Habitat; B. Habit; C. Rhizome; D. Stipules; E. Petiole and leaf abaxial side; F. Multiple leaf adaxial side variations; G. Leaf margins; H. Bracts; I–K Staminate flower (angled, front, back); L. Pistillate flower; M. Pistillate flower side view showing ovary; N. Subfalcate capsules.
Photos by Danilo N. TANDANG and Mark Angelo C. BUCAY.

Begonia butuanensis Bucay, Tandang & K.F.Chung, sp. nov. 
§ Baryandra 

Type:—PHILIPPINES. Mindanao, Province of Agusan del Norte, western portion of Butuan City, ..., ca. 65 masl, 15 August 2023, MAC Bucay & DN Tandang 0981 (holotype PNH, isotype HAST). 

Diagnosis:—Begonia butuanensis was found in northern portion of Mindanao but resembles another Mindanao-endemic species, B. copelandii found only in Mt. Apo, southern portion of the island. Both species have ciliated hairs in the leaf margins and abaxial venation. Main difference is on the perianth size as B. butuanensis is comparatively smaller than that of B. copelandii’s distinct big flowers. B. butuanensis also differs significantly on capsule’s lateral wing by having triangular shape with subfalcate apex (vs rectangular with subacute to truncated apex), puberulous peduncles (vs glabrous), and generally orbicular to slightly ovate lamina with rounded to obtuse apices (vs ovate with obtuse to acuminate apices).

Etymology:—The specific epithet, “butuanensis” is derived from the type locality, Butuan City, province of Agusan del Norte, Mindanao island.

Mark Angelo C. BUCAY, Danilo N. TANDANG, Hong-Wun CHEN, Rosario R. RUBITE, Kuo-Fang CHUNG. 2025. Morpho-anatomical Description of New Begonia Species (sect. Baryandra, Begoniaceae) from Butuan City, Mindanao Island, Philippines.  Phytotaxa. 681(1); 102-108. DOI:  

Saturday, January 4, 2025

[Botany • 2025] Begonia pingxiangensis (Begoniaceae, sect. Coelocentrum) • A New Species from Guangxi, China

 Begonia pingxiangensis W.G. Wang, F.Y. Nong & H.C. Xi, 

in Xi, Nong, Shen, Ma, Jiang et Wang, 2025.  

Begonia pingxiangensis, a new species from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species resembles B. daxinensis in the leaf blade and flower, but can be distinguished by its leaf blade shape (ovate to broadly ovate vs obliquely ovate to suborbicular), size (4–8 × 3–7 cm vs 10–24 × 10–17 cm), flower color (white vs white or pinkish), smaller staminate flowers (outer two 5–8 × 6–10 mm, inner two ca. 3–4 × 2 mm vs outer two 12–19 × 10–16 mm, inner two 12–14 × 4–5 mm) and pistillate flowers (outer two tepals 7–8 × 8–10 mm, inner one 3–4 × 2 mm vs outer two tepals 10–15 × 10–12 mm, inner one 5–7.5 × 2–5 mm) sizes. Detailed description is provided.

Keyword: Begonia, Begonia daxinensis, China, Guangxi, new taxon, taxonomy

  Illustration of Begonia pingxiangensis W.G. Wang, F.Y. Nong & H.C. Xi.
A. Cultivated plant. B. Rhizome. C. Stipules. D. Part of petiole. E. Leaf blade, adaxial and abaxial. F. Inflorescence. G. Bracts. H. Part of peduncle. I. Staminate flower, adaxial view and abaxial view. J. Dissected corolla of staminate flower. K. Androecium. L. Pistillate flower, different views. M. Pistil. N. Dissected corolla of pistillate flower. O. Dissected ovary, showing parietal placentation. P. Capsule. Q. Seeds.


Begonia pingxiangensis W.G.Wang, F.Y.Nong & H.C.Xi, sp. nov. 
 Sect. Coelocentrum 

Diagnosis: The new species resembles Begonia daxinensis T. C. Ku (Wu and Ku, 1997) in the leaf and flower, but can be distinguished by its leaf blade shape (ovate to broadly ovate vs obliquely ovate to suborbicular), size (4–8 × 3–7 cm vs 10–24 × 10–17 cm), flower color (white vs white or pinkish), smaller staminate flower (outer two 5–8×6–10 mm, inner two ca. 3–4 × 2 mm vs outer two 12–19 × 10–16 mm, inner two 12–14 × 4–5 mm) and pistillate flower (outer two tepals 7–8 × 8–10 mm, inner one 3–4 × 2 mm vs outer two tepals 10–15 × 10–12 mm, inner one 5–7.5 × 2–5 mm) sizes ...

Etymology: The specific epithet “pingxiangensis” refers to the type locality in Pingxiang City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. Chinese name is proposed here as “凭祥秋海棠” (凭祥-refer to Pingxiang, 秋海棠-refer to Begonia).  

Hou-Cheng Xi, Fu-Yang Nong, Jian-Yong Shen, Xing-Da Ma, Li-Ju Jiang and Wen-Guang Wang. 2025. Begonia pingxiangensis, A New Species of Begonia sect. Coelocentrum (Begoniaceae) from Guangxi, China.  Taiwania. 70(1); 1-3. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2025.70.1 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia corazoniae (Begoniaceae, sect. Petermannia) • A New endemic Species from southeastern Mindanao, Philippines


Begonia corazoniae Naive,

in Naive, Medina et Villegas. 2024. 

A new Begonia section Petermannia speciesBegonia corazoniae Naive, discovered in the forest ecosystems of Davao Oriental, southeastern Mindanao, Philippines, is herein described and illustrated. It closely resembles B. rieckei, but is easily recognized by having paniculate inflorescences with prominently winged ovary and capsule. A comprehensive morphological description, geographic distribution, ecology, phenology and a discussion of similar species is provided. In addition, we assessed this species as ‘Endangered' (EN B1(iii) + 2(iii)) following the criteria of the IUCN.

Keywords: buffer zone, Davao Oriental, endangered, Philippine Begonia, tropical taxonomy

 Begonia corazoniae Naive

Mark Arcebal K. Naive, Milton Norman D. Medina and Jhonnel P. Villegas. 2024. Begonia corazoniae (Begoniaceae, section Petermannia), A New endemic Species from southeastern Mindanao, Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany. DOI:

Saturday, November 30, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia triquetra (Begoniaceae, sect. Platycentrum) • A New subpeltate-leaved Species from limestone hills in Son La province, Northwestern Vietnam

Begonia triquetra  T.P. Anh, C.W. Lin, K.S. Nguyen, & B.H. Quang,
 in Anh, N. T. Thanh, Quang, Binh, T. X. Thanh, Le, Nguyen et Lin. 2024. 
Begonia triquetra, a new species endemic to the limestone karst regions of Son La province in Northwestern Vietnam, is described and illustrated here. This new species resembles B. xenos in its suberect habit, subpeltate lamina, 4-tepaled staminate flowers, and 2-locular ovary. However, B. triquetra differs significantly from B. xenos in having triangular (vs. terete) cross section of petiole, entire (vs. slightly crenulate) staminate tepals, and zygomorphic (vs. actinomorphic) androecium with 18–24 (vs. 52–85) stamens. Notes on ecology and conservation status are preliminarily provided to the new species.

biodiversity, endemism, Indochina, plant conservation, taxonomy, Eudicots

Begonia triquetra  T.P. Anh, C.W. Lin, K.S. Nguyen, & B.H. Quang sp. nov.

Tran Thi Phuong Anh, Nguyen Thi Thanh, Bui Hong Quang, Tran Duc Binh, Trinh Xuan Thanh, Anh Tuan Le, Khang Sinh Nguyen and Che Wei Lin. 2024. Begonia triquetra (sect. Platycentrum, Begoniaceae), A New subpeltate-leaved Species from limestone hills in Son La province, Northwestern Vietnam.  Phytotaxa. 674(3); 281-287. DOI:

Sunday, November 10, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia laxiflora (Begoniaceae, sect. Platycentrum) • A New Species from Central Vietnam

Begonia laxiflora   

in Bui, Nguyen, M. T. Le, Nghiem, Uong, Truong, A. T. Le et Lin, 2024.   

Begonia laxiflora is described as a new species endemic to Vietnam from granite boulder habitats in the Dakrong district. It is most similar to B. abbreviata in its creeping habit, broadly ovate leaves, persistent bracts, and the number of tepals in both staminate and pistillate flowers. The new species is different in its inflorescence having internodes much longer than the bracts (vs. internodes are hidden by the bracts), the outer tepals glabrous in both staminate and pistillate flowers (vs. sparsely scabrescent on the abaxial surface), ovary covered with minutely glandular trichomes (vs. hirsute) and the wings of the capsule distally pointed (vs. rounded).

Central Truong Son, Dakrong Nature Reserve, endemism, Quang Tri province, plant diversity, plant taxonomy, Eudicots

Begonia laxiflora sp. nov.

Van Thanh Bui, Khang Sinh Nguyen, Manh Tuan Le, Duc Trong Nghiem, Sy Hung Uong, Quang Trung Truong, Anh Tu Le and  Che Wei Lin. 2024. Begonia laxiflora (Begoniaceae), A New Species in sect. Petermannia from Central Vietnam.  Phytotaxa. 671(1); 98-104. DOI:

Sunday, October 27, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia tamoiana (Begoniaceae) • A New Species from Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil


Begonia tamoiana  

in Jacques, Moonlight et José dos Santos, 2024.
Begonia tamoiana is a new species endemic to Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest, a biome rich in endemism and species diversity, and it is described and illustrated herein. Begonia tamoiana is morphologically similar to B. magdalenensis but differs in having abaxial leaf blades with simple trichomes throughout (vs. 2-branched trichomes throughout) and ovate wings capsule (vs. triangular). A description, ecological comments, illustrations, color photographs, and a provisional IUCN conservation assessment of this species are provided. Begonia tamoiana is preliminarily classified as Vulnerable (VU) due to its very small populations and restricted distribution.

Atlantic Coastal Forest, conservation, endemism, taxonomy, Eudicots

Begonia tamoiana 

Eliane de Lima Jacques, Peter W. Moonlight and Alfredo José dos Santos Jr. 2024. Begonia tamoiana (Begoniaceae), A New Species from Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil.  Phytotaxa. 669(2); 159-164. DOI:

Saturday, October 19, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia neisti (Begoniaceae, sect. Platycentrum) • A New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India

 Begonia neisti  

in Hajong, Bhat et Bharali. 2024.  

Begonia neisti sp. nov., a new species of B. sect. Platycentrum, from Dibang valley of Arunachal Pradesh, India is described and illustrated. A detailed taxonomic description, along with a photographic plate, illustration, distribution map and conservation status are provided. The conservation status of the new species is preliminarily assessed as data deficient (DD) according to the IUCN red list criteria. Molecular data (ITS2) underwent phylogenetic analysis (maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI)) to elucidate the relationships of the studied species within the genus.

Keywords: Begonia, Eastern Himalaya, new taxon, phylogeny, Platycentrum, taxonomy

Begonia neisti sp. nov. 

Bipankar Hajong, Nazir Ahmad Bhat and Pankaj Bharali. 2024. Begonia neisti sp. nov. (Sect. Platycentrum, Begoniaceae), A New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Nordic Journal of Botany. e04463. DOI:

Saturday, September 28, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia bijantiae (Begoniaceae, sect. Diploclinium) • A New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India and notes on Begonia ovatifolia


Begonia bijantiae D.Borah, Taram & M.Hughes, 

in Borah, Taram, Das et Hughes, 2024.
Repeated expeditions conducted in Arunachal Pradesh resulted in the discovery of a unique Begonia, Begonia bijantiae D.Borah, Taram & M.Hughes, belonging to Begonia sect. Diploclinium. This species is described here based on collections made in Hunli, Lower Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh. Additionally, a poorly known species, Begonia ovatifolia is illustrated with first-ever published photographs, accompanied by an expanded description based on a collection from West Kameng district of the state.

Keywords: Begonia, Eastern Himalaya, Northeast India, taxonomy, new species

Begonia bijantiae D.Borah, Taram & M.Hughes

Dipankar Borah, Momang Taram, Niku Das and Mark Hughes. 2024. Begonia bijantiae, A New Species of Begonia from Arunachal Pradesh, northeast India and notes on Begonia ovatifoliaNordic Journal of Botany. DOI:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia nahauensis (Begoniaceae, sect. Platycentrum) • A New Species from northern Vietnam

Begonia nahauensis  C.H. Nguyen &  C.W. Lin, 

in Bui, C. H. Nguyen, Tran, L. V. Nguyen et Lin, 2024.  
A new species of Begonia sect. PlatycentrumBegonia nahauensis, is described based on morphological characters. The new species is morphologically similar to B. auritalata, however, it is clearly distinct from the latter due to its petioles and ovary, which are densely covered with gland-tipped hairs (vs. non-glandular hairs), capsule with three complete locules (vs. three locules, but one of them is either underdeveloped or degenerated) and three straight wings (vs. adaxial wing being concave). A morphological description and diagnosis, information on distribution and ecology, and a preliminary conservation assessment are provided.

endemism, Na Hau Nature Reserve, plant diversity, plant taxonomy, Yen Bai province, Eudicots


Begonia nahauensis

Doi The Bui, Coung Huu Nguyen, The Ngoc Tran, Ly Van Nguyen and Che Wei Lin. 2024. Begonia nahauensis (sect. Platycentrum, Begoniaceae), A New Species from northern Vietnam.  Phytotaxa. 662(1); 115-120. DOI:

Sunday, May 19, 2024

[Botany • 2022] Begonia parvibracteata (Begoniaceae, sect. Platycentrum) • A New Species from Guangxi of China

Begonia parvibracteata X.X.Feng, R.K.Li & Z.X.Liu,

in Feng, X.-F. Huang, Y.-N. Huang, Liu, Li, Zhou, Guo, Chen et Tian, 2022. 
小苞秋海棠  ||  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.214.90004

The previously reported begonias in a limestone forest of Guangxi mainly belong to Begonia sect. Coelocentrum Irmscher. In this article, we described and illustrated a new species in sect. Platycentrum (Klotzsch) A.DC., Begonia parvibracteata X.X.Feng, R.K.Li & Z.X.Liu, which was discovered in a karst forest of south-western Guangxi. The begonia shows high morphological similarity to B. subhowii S.H. Huang and B. psilophylla Irmscher, but differs from the latter two in its narrower oblique-ovate asymmetric leaf blade, 4 (occasionally 6) tepals of pistillate flower and smaller membranous inflorescence bracts. Molecular phylogenetic analysis, based on ITS sequence data, supports the new species as monophyletic and distinct from B. subhowii and B. psilophylla. Considering its narrow distribution and the disturbance of human activities, the conservation status of new taxon is evaluated as “Vulnerable” (VU B1, B2 ab (i, iv, v), D2) according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

Keywords: ITS, morphology, new taxon, southern China, taxonomy

 Begonia parvibracteata 
A хabit B staminate inflorescence C, D front and back views of staminate flower E lateral view of staminate flower F stamen G, H front and back views of pistillate flower with 4 tepals I front view of pistillate flower with 6 tepals J cross section of ovary K styles and stigmas L stigmas M abaxial view of capsule showing wings N lateral view of capsule showing two shorter wings.
drawn by Yunxiao Liu 

Habitat and morphology of Begonia parvibracteata
 A habitat B flowering plant C creeping rhizome D shoot top with stipule E leaf blade (adaxial) F, G leaf blade (abaxial) H erect stem with inflorescence I, J young inflorescence and bract; K, L front and back views of staminate flower with 4 tepals M lateral view of staminate flower N stamens O, P front and back views of pistillate flower with 4 tepals Q front view of pistillate flower with 6 tepals R cross section of ovary S stigmas T, U immature capsule V dried mature capsule
 (Photos by Z.X. Liu).

 Begonia parvibracteata X.X.Feng, R.K.Li & Z.X.Liu, sp. nov.
 Chinese name: 小苞秋海棠
Begonia parvibracteata morphologically resembles B. subhowii and B. psilophylla in rhizome and leaf characters. However, it has narrowly oblique-ovate asymmetric leaf blades, 4 (rarely 6) tepals in pistillate flowers and small (6–8 × 3–5 mm) bracts in inflorescences. These characters differ from the widely ovate leaf blades, 5 (rarely 6) tepals of pistillate flowers, and distinctly large bracts in inflorescences of B. subhowii. B. parvibracteata is dissimilar to B. psilophylla in its 4 (rarely 6) tepals in pistillate flowers and asymmetric, narrowly oblique-ovate leaf blade.

Begonia parvibracteata forms a monophyletic group clustered with B. cucurbitifolia in the phylogenic tree, but the latter has nearly symmetric, 3–4 lobed leaf blade, 5-tepaled pistillate flower, definitely differing from the new species.

Etymology: The specific epithet “parvibracteata” refers to the short small bracts of the new species. The Chinese name is given as “小苞秋海棠” (Begonia with small inflorescence bracts).

Xin-Xin Feng, Xiao-Feng Huang, Yu-Ni Huang, Zhi-Xian Liu, Ren-Kun Li, Jin-Ye Zhou, Wei Guo, Xiao-Yan Chen and Dai-Ke Tian. 2022. Begonia parvibracteata, A New Species in Begonia sect. Platycentrum (Begoniaceae) from Guangxi of China, based on morphological and molecular evidence. PhytoKeys. 214: 27-38.  DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.214.90004

Friday, April 19, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia dakrongensis (Begoniaceae) • A New Species from Dakrong Nature Reserve, Quang Tri Province, Central Vietnam


Begonia dakrongensis C.H. Nguyen, T.A. Le & C.W. Lin,

in Nguyen, Le, Ha et Lin, 2024. 
A new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae), B. dakrongensis, from Central Vietnam is described and illustrated. B. dakrongensis resembles B. abbreviata in its rhizomatous habit, short cymose-paniculate inflorescence with congested bracts, 4-tepaled staminate flowers, and 5-tepaled pistillate flowers. However, the new species markedly differs by having obtriangular-spathulate to oblong-obovate or widely obovate lamina (vs. ovate to broadly ovate), not oblique or nearly so (vs. oblique), widely obovate anthers (vs. narrowly obovate), and trigonous-globose ovary (vs. trigonous-ellipsoid).

endemism, Plant Diversity, Plant Taxonomy, Quang Tri Province, Dakrong Nature Reserve, Eudicots 

Cuong Huu Nguyen, Anh Tuan Le, Van Bac Ha and Che Wei Lin. 2024. Begonia dakrongensis (Begoniaceae), A New Species from Dakrong Nature Reserve, Quang Tri Province in Central Vietnam. Phytotaxa 645(1); 85-90. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.645.1.8

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Begonia abhak (Begoniaceae, sect. Petermannia) • A New Species from Lanuza, Surigao del Sur, Philippines

Begonia abhak Blasco, Alejandro, Tandang & Rubite,  

in Blasco, Alejandro, Tandang et Rubite, 2024. 

A new Begonia species, Begonia abhak, from section Petermannia is described and illustrated. Growing on shady, moist, rocky slopes alongside a small creek of Bujon, Lanuza, Surigao del Sur. The new species resembles Begonia panayensis in having glabrous stems, membranous, shiny leaves, oblong to oblanceolate lamina, acuminate apex and green ovary with pink wings but is distinct in having short stems, broadly ovate stipules, acute leaf base, serrated margins, and the slashed or jagged to almost entire margins of the capsule wings. Based on IUCN criteria, B. abhak is hereby proposed as Least Concern (LC).

Keywords: Begonia panayensis, Mindanao, medicinal plants, Surigao provinces, Taxonomy

Begonia abhak Blasco, Alejandro, Tandang & Rubite, sp. nov.
A. Stem, B. Stipule, C. Bracts, D. Staminate flowers, E. Young pistillate flower, F. Mature pistillate flower, G. Pistillate flower side view, H. & I. Immature capsules, J. Matured capsule, K. Cross section of the ovary.
All from Freddie A. Blasco 22-009.

Begonia abhak Blasco, Alejandro, Tandang & Rubite, sp. nov.
A. & B. Habit and Habitat. All from Freddie A. Blasco 22-009.

Begonia abhak Blasco, Alejandro, Tandang & Rubite, sp. nov. 
Sect. Petermannia.

Diagnosis: Begonia abhak resembles B. panayensis Merril in having tall, erect and glabrous stems, oblanceolate leaves, glossy surface adaxially, light green abaxially, acuminate apex, acute base, 2 tepaled staminate flowers, 5 tepaled pistillate flowers and green ovaries with pink wings. However, B. abhak differs in having shorter stems at 1.3 m (vs. 1.5 m), stipules broadly ovate at 19–20 × 9–10 mm (vs. oblanceolate 15–20 mm long), smaller lamina at 14–15 × 5.5–6 cm (vs. 16–20 × 4–6 cm.) with serrated margins (vs. dentate), broadly ovate male tepals (vs. orbicular), shorter and narrower capsules at 16–17 × 14–15 mm. (vs. longer and wider 25 × 20 mm).

Etymology: The specific epithet abhak is derived from the Bisayan/Cebuano word, which means sliced or slashed, referring to the margin of the capsule wings.

Freddie A. Blasco, Grecebio Jonathan D. Alejandro, Danilo N. Tandang and Rosario R. Rubite. 2024. Begonia abhak (section Petermannia, Begoniaceae), A New Species from Lanuza, Surigao del Sur, Philippines. Webbia. 79(1); 47-50. DOI: DOI: 10.36253/jopt-15356