Showing posts with label Paleocene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paleocene. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

[PaleoBotany • 2023] Bauhinia tibetensis • The Oldest Fossil Record of Bauhinia s.s. (Fabaceae) from the Tibetan Plateau sheds light on its Evolutionary and Biogeographic Implications


 Bauhinia tibetensis Y. Gao & T. Su, 
in Gao, Song, Deng, Chen, Liu, ... et Su, 2023. 

Bauhinia s.s. is a large genus in the family Fabaceae, but its evolutionary and biogeographical history is still unclear due to the scarcity of fossil records compared to the highly diverse modern species in pantropic regions. Here, we report the earliest fossil record of Bauhinia s.s., namely Bauhinia tibetensis Y. Gao et T. Su sp. nov., based on leaves from the latest Paleocene of the southern Tibetan region. Combined with palaeoecological niche simulations and ancestral state reconstruction, the new fossils suggested a Paleocene origin of Bauhinia s.s. in the Afrotropical realm that subsequently dispersed to the Neotropical and Indomalayan realms. Bauhinia tibetensis belongs to the Asian clade of Bauhinia s.s. that reached the southern Tibetan region from the Afrotropical realm via the Kohistan-Ladakh Island Arc in the early Paleocene. This clade spread to south-eastern China during the Oligocene and entered northern India during the Neogene or earlier. The discovery of the oldest Bauhinia s.s. from what is now the southern Tibetan Plateau updates our understanding of the biogeographical history of this genus and demonstrates that the Kohistan-Ladakh Island Arc is an ancient corridor for floristic interchange between Africa and India.

Keywords: Bauhinia s.s., biogeography, diversification, Paleocene, leaf fossil, palaeoecological niche simulations

Yi Gao, Ai Song, Wei-Yu-Dong Deng, Lin-Lin Chen, Jia Liu, Wei-Cheng Li, Gaurav Srivastava, Robert A. Spicer, Zhe-Kun Zhou and Tao Su. 2023. The Oldest Fossil Record of Bauhinia s.s. (Fabaceae) from the Tibetan Plateau sheds light on its Evolutionary and Biogeographic Implications. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 21(1); 2244495. DOI:

Saturday, May 4, 2024

[PaleoMammalogy • 2024] Militocodon lydae • A New periptychid Mammal (Mammalia : Periptychidae) from the lower Paleocene Denver Formation of Colorado (Corral Bluffs, El Paso County)

Militocodon lydae
Weaver, Crowell, Chester & Lyson, 2024

Artwork by Andrey Atuchin

The Periptychidae, an extinct group of archaic ungulates (‘condylarths’), were the most speciose eutherian mammals in the earliest Paleocene of North America, epitomizing mammalian ascendency after the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) mass extinction. Although periptychids are mostly known from fragmentary gnathic remains, the Corral Bluffs area within the Denver Basin, Colorado, has yielded numerous exceptionally well-preserved mammalian fossils, including periptychids, from the earliest Paleocene. Here we describe a partial cranium and articulated dentaries plus an additional unassociated dentary fragment of a small-bodied (~273–455 g) periptychid from ca. 610 thousand years after the K–Pg mass extinction (Puercan 2 North American Land Mammal ‘age’) at Corral Bluffs. Based on these new fossils we erect Militocodon lydae gen. et sp. nov. The dentition of M. lydae exhibits synapomorphies that diagnose the Conacodontinae, but it is plesiomorphic relative to Oxyacodon, resembling putatively basal periptychids like Mimatuta and Maiorana in several dental traits. As such, we interpret M. lydae as a basal conacodontine. Its skull anatomy does not reveal clear periptychid synapomorphies and instead resembles that of arctocyonids and other primitive eutherians. M. lydae falls along a dental morphocline from basal periptychids to derived conacodontines, which we hypothesize reflects a progressive, novel modification of the hypocone to enhance orthal shearing and crushing rather than grinding mastication. The discovery and thorough descriptions and comparisons of the partial M. lydae skull represent an important step toward unraveling the complex evolutionary history of periptychid mammals.

Keywords: Archaic ungulates, Condylarths, Eutherians, Periptychidae, Puercan

Holotype of Militocodon lydae gen. et sp. nov. (DMNH EPV.136181) in right (a) and left (b) lateral views. Scale bar equals 2 cm

MAMMALIA Linnaeus, 1758
EUTHERIA Gill, 1872
?UNGULATA Linnaeus, 1758

CONACODONTINAE Archibald, Schoch, and Rigby, 1983

Militocodon gen. nov.

Etymology. In honor of Sharon Milito, for her dedication to paleontology and education in the Denver Basin and for finding referred specimen DMNH EPV.103390.

Distribution. Puercan 2 of the Denver Formation, D1 Sequence at Corral Bluffs (El Paso County, Colorado).

Diagnosis. Resembling the Conacodontinae (sensu Archibald et al. 1983b) in: M1–3 hypocone large and lingually expanded; protocone absent on P3. Resembling Oxyacodon (sensu Archibald et al. 1983a) in: premolars slightly inflated but P/p4 shorter or subequal in length to M/m1; para- and metastylar lobes on M1–3 more buccally expanded than in Alticonus, Ampliconus, Miniconus, Tinuviel, Anisonchus, Conacodon, Haploconus, and Hemithlaeus; metacingulum continuous with metastylar region; paraconule absent with postparaconule wing meeting preprotocrista near apex of protocone; hypocone expanded lingually beyond the protocone; paraconid on p4 small, situated near the base of the crown; narrow buccal cingulid present on lower molars and lingual cingulid absent on lower premolars and molars. Differing from Oxyacodon in: greater expansion of para- and metastylar lobes on P4, with the former also projecting farther mesially; hypocone lingual face more vertically oriented on M2–3, not sloping prominently lingually; hypocone apex distinctly distal to protocone apex, especially on M2, resulting in a more rectangular (rather than triangular) occlusal outline; paraconid on m1–3 not closely appressed to metaconid, resulting in a mesiolingually open trigonid basin; trigonid taller relative to talonid, due in part to a taller protoconid.

Militocodon lydae sp. nov.

Etymology. In honor of Lyda Hill, a longtime champion of Colorado Springs and key supporter of post-K–Pg recovery research at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

Holotype. DMNH EPV.136181, partial skull, including posterior maxillae and dentaries, RP/p4–M/m3 and LP/p3–M/m3, and partial neuro- and basicranium.

Lucas N. Weaver, Jordan W. Crowell, Stephen G. B. Chester and Tyler R. Lyson. 2024. Skull of A New periptychid Mammal from the lower Paleocene Denver Formation of Colorado (Corral Bluffs, El Paso County). Journal of Mammalian Evolution. 31, 16. DOI: 10.1007/s10914-024-09716-5

Thursday, February 9, 2023

[PaleoOrnithology • 2023] Kumimanu fordycei & Petradyptes stonehousei • Largest-known Fossil Penguin provides insight into the early Evolution of sphenisciform Body Size and Flipper Anatomy


 Kumimanu fordycei & Petradyptes stonehousei
 Ksepka, Field, Heath, Pett, Thomas, Giovanardi & Tennyson, 2023

Life reconstructions by Simone Giovanardi.

Recent fossil discoveries from New Zealand have revealed a remarkably diverse assemblage of Paleocene stem group penguins. Here, we add to this growing record by describing nine new penguin specimens from the late Paleocene (upper Teurian local stage; 55.5–59.5 Ma) Moeraki Formation of the South Island, New Zealand. The largest specimen is assigned to a new species, Kumimanu fordycei n. sp., which may have been the largest penguin ever to have lived. Allometric regressions based on humerus length and humerus proximal width of extant penguins yield mean estimates of a live body mass in the range of 148.0 kg (95% CI: 132.5 kg–165.3 kg) and 159.7 kg (95% CI: 142.6 kg–178.8 kg), respectively, for Kumimanu fordycei. A second new species, Petradyptes stonehousei n. gen. n. sp., is represented by five specimens and was slightly larger than the extant emperor penguin Aptenodytes forsteri. Two small humeri represent an additional smaller unnamed penguin species. Parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses recover Kumimanu and Petradyptes crownward of the early Paleocene mainland NZ taxa Waimanu and Muriwaimanu, but stemward of the Chatham Island taxon Kupoupou. These analyses differ, however, in the placement of these two taxa relative to Sequiwaimanu, Crossvallia, and Kaiika. The massive size and placement of Kumimanu fordycei close to the root of the penguin tree provide additional support for a scenario in which penguins reached the upper limit of sphenisciform body size very early in their evolutionary history, while still retaining numerous plesiomorphic features of the flipper.

Life reconstructions of Kumimanu fordycei and Petradyptes stonehousei,
by Simone Giovanardi.

Skeletal reconstructions of (left to right) Kumimanu fordyceiPetradyptes stonehousei, and Aptenodytes forsteri a modern emperor penguin.

Daniel T. Ksepka, Daniel J. Field, Tracy A. Heath, Walker Pett, Daniel B. Thomas, Simone Giovanardi and Alan J.D. Tennyson. 2023. Largest-known Fossil Penguin provides insight into the early Evolution of sphenisciform Body Size and Flipper Anatomy. Journal of Paleontology. First View , pp. 1 - 20

Thursday, December 16, 2021

[Paleontology • 2021] Sindhochelys ragei • First Report of A Bothremydid Turtle (Pleurodira: Bothremydidae) from the early Paleocene of Pakistan, Systematic and Palaeobiogeographic Implications

 Sindhochelys ragei
 Lapparent De Broin, Métais, Bartolini, Brohi, Lashari, Marivaux, Merle, Warar & Solangi, 2021

We report the discovery of remains of a large chelonian from the base of the early Paleocene Khadro Formation exposed in the Ranikot Fort area (Ranikot Group, Sindh Province, Southern Pakistan). This formation already yielded the snake Gigantophis Andrews, 1901, studied by our friend Jean-Claude Rage. The chelonian specimens consist of a large carapace and a shell fragment of Bothremydidae, a family of Gondwanan origin. A new genus and species, Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp. is identified from the first specimen and named in honor of Jean-Claude Rage. It is the first report of a Bothremydidae in Southern Pakistan. Its affinities with Cretaceous and Paleocene representatives of the family are discussed. The association of characters such as the shape of the shell, anterior plastral scute pattern and strongly marked decoration characterize the taxon and, despite some similarities, allows excluding close phylogenetic affinities with Taphrosphyini and Carteremys group; other well-documented bothremydids are also excluded. The shell fragment, also strongly decorated, is left undetermined. The discovery of two new littoral bothremydid specimens in the early Paleocene of Pakistan fills a geographic and stratigraphic gap in our knowledge of the family, which is known since the continental early Cretaceous of Africa, diversifying in the world up to the Miocene deposits of the Neotethys. A particular diversification during the Maastrichtian-Paleocene is recognized along the neotethyan coasts, and occasional dispersals across this ocean were possible. Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp. may have colonized the Indian subcontinent by this time, or may represent an older diversification before the Gondwana breakup.

KEYWORDS: Bothremydidae, Southern Pakistan, geology, Pelomedusoides, Gondwana, Neotethys, new genus, new species

Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp.


France de Lapparent De Broin, Grégoire Métais, Annachiara Bartolini, Imdad Ali Brohi, Rafiq A. Lashari, Laurent Marivaux, Didier Merle, Mashooque Ali Warar and Sarfraz H. Solangi. 2021. First  Report of A Bothremydid Turtle, Sindhochelys ragei n. gen., n. sp., from the early Paleocene of Pakistan, Systematic and Palaeobiogeographic Implications. GEODIVERSITAS. 43(25); 1341-1363. [This article is a part of the thematic issue Memorial Jean-Claude Rage: A life of paleo-herpetologist]

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

[Paleontology • 2021] Palatobaena knellerorum • A New Baenid Turtle (Testudines: Baenidae) from the lower Paleocene (Danian) Denver Formation of south-central Colorado, U.S.A.

 Palatobaena knellerorum
 Lyson, Petermann, Toth, Bastien & Miller, 2021

Illustration by Andrey Atuchin

Baenidae are the most diverse clade of turtles from the latest Cretaceous and earliest Paleogene of North America. Palatobaena species have a distinctive cranial bauplan within baenid turtles and we herein describe a new species, P. knellerorum, based on a complete cranium from the lower Paleocene Denver Formation in the Denver Basin, Colorado. Palatobaena knellerorum differs from other Palatobaena species in the extreme degree of its dorsally oriented orbits, as well as the presence of a broad pentagonal midline crest formed by the supraoccipital and parietals. It can be further diagnosed from other species of Palatobaena by the following unique combination of characters: having a broadly rounded cranium, presence of upper temporal emargination that extends well anterior to the otic chamber, a broad exposure of the supraoccipital on the dorsal skull roof, a broadly rounded ‘tongue groove’ between the maxillae and premaxillae, and a deeply emarginated nasal region that exposes the underlying premaxillae in dorsal view. Palatobaena knellerorum most closely resembles the Maastrichtian/Danian taxon Palatobaena cohen and the Danian taxon P. bairdi. A phylogenetic analysis places P. knellerorum as sister to P. bairdi, and these taxa are sister to P. cohen. Palatobaena knellerorum overlaps in time with P. cohen, but the two are separated geographically with P. knellerorum restricted to the Denver Basin and P. cohen restricted to the Williston Basin. Cranial anatomical data and sedimentological data suggest Palatobaena spp. were bottom dwelling turtles living in shallow water environments that used a putative proboscis to prey upon freshwater-shelled invertebrates.

 Palatobaena knellerorum sp. nov.

Tyler R. Lyson, Holger Petermann, Natalie Toth, Salvador Bastien and Ian M. Miller. 2021. A New Baenid Turtle, Palatobaena knellerorum sp. nov., from the lower Paleocene (Danian) Denver Formation of south-central Colorado, U.S.A. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. e1925558. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2021.1925558

Monday, June 21, 2021

[Paleontology • 2021] Plastomenus joycei • A New Plastomenid Trionychid Turtle (Testudines: Plastomenidae) from the earliest Paleocene (Danian) Denver Formation of south-central Colorado, U.S.A.

 Plastomenus joycei
Lyson, Petermann & Miller, 2021

North American soft-shelled turtles, including trionychines and plastomenids, are incredibly abundant in latest Cretaceous through earliest Paleocene sediments. Here we describe a new species of plastomenid turtle, Plastomenus joycei, based on a nearly complete early Danian skeleton from the Denver Formation in the Denver Basin, Colorado. Plastomenus joycei is differentiated from all other plastomenid turtles based on the presence of large eighth costals that are much longer than wide, sinusoidal raised ridges on the carapace, flat posterior edge of the carapace, spike-like epiplastra that lack callosities, a broad entoplastron that lacks a callosity, hyoplastra with two lateral processes, presence of metaplastically ossified hyoplastral shoulders (i.e., anteriorly protruding lappets), and a broad midline contact between the hypo- and xiphiplastra. Plastomenus joycei broadly resembles the Cretaceous Gilmoremys spp. and the Eocene Plastomenus thomasii and exhibits intermediate morphology between the two, most notably in the degree of ossification of the plastron. The increase in plastral ossification, as well as a decrease in overall size and an increase in the doming of the shell, co-occurs with the Cretaceous–Paleogene mass extinction and these morphological changes may be in response to an increase in mammalian predators during the early Paleogene. Plastomenus joycei is most commonly found in riverine sandstone sediments and is hypothesized to be a riverine turtle.


TESTUDINES Batsch, 1788 
(sensu Joyce, Parham, Anquetin, Claude, Danilov, Iverson, Kear, Lyson, Rabi, and Sterli, 2020)

PAN-TRIONYCHIDAE Joyce, Anquetin, Cadena, Claude, Danilov, Evers, Ferrera, Gentry, Georgalis, Lyson, Perez-Garcia, Rabi, Sterli, Vitek, and Parham, 2021

(sensu Joyce, Anquetin, Cadena, Claude, Danilov, Evers, Ferrera, Gentry, Georgalis, Lyson, Perez-Garcia, Rabi, Sterli, Vitek, and Parham, 2021)

Type Species—Trionyx thomasii Cope, 1872.


PLASTOMENUS VEGETUS, nov. comb. (Gilmore, 1919) 

 Plastomenus joycei, sp. nov., DMNH EPV.95454, holotype, 
 ventral view. 

Etymology—The eponym ‘joycei’ is named in honor of W. G. Joyce, prominent turtle paleontologist and friend and colleague to T. R. Lyson.


Tyler R. Lyson, Holger Petermann and Ian M. Miller. 2021. A New Plastomenid Trionychid Turtle, Plastomenus joycei, sp. nov., from the earliest Paleocene (Danian) Denver Formation of south-central Colorado, U.S.A. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. e1913600. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2021.1913600  

Monday, February 3, 2020

[Paleontology • 2020] Laurasichersis relictaSurviving the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction Event: A Terrestrial Stem Turtle in the Cenozoic of Laurasia

Laurasichersis relicta Pérez-García, 2020
Illustration: José Antonio Peñas

Findings of terrestrial stem turtles are not uncommon at Mesozoic continental sites in Laurasia, especially during the Upper Cretaceous. Thus, the record of several lineages is known in uppermost Cretaceous ecosystems in North America (Helochelydridae), Europe (Helochelydridae and Kallokibotion) and Asia (Sichuanchelyidae). No terrestrial stem turtle had been described in Laurasia after the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event. Thus, the only representatives described in the Cenozoic record worldwide corresponded to forms from southern Gondwana, where some of them survived until the Holocene. A bizarre terrestrial stem turtle from the upper Thanetian (upper Paleocene) of Europe is described here: Laurasichersis relicta gen. et sp. nov. Despite its discovery in France, in Mont de Berru (Marne), this Laurasian taxon is not recognized as a member of a European clade that survived the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. It belongs to Sichuanchelyidae, a hitherto exclusively Asian Mesozoic group, known from the Middle Jurassic. Finds at the Belgian site of Hainin (Hainaut) show that this dispersion from Asia and the occupation of some niches previously dominated by European Mesozoic terrestrial stem forms had already taken place a few million years after the mass extinction event, at the end of the lower Paleocene.

Systematic paleontology
Testudinata Klein, 1760
Mesochelydia Joyce, 2017
Perichelydia Joyce, 2017
Sichuanchelyidae Tong et al., 2012

Laurasichersis relicta gen. et sp. nov.

Figure 1: Elements of the carapace of the stem turtle (Sichuanchelyidae) Laurasichersis relicta gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Thanetian (upper Paleocene) of Mont de Berru (Marne, France). (A,B), carapace plates corresponding to several individuals, in dorsal (A) and ventral (B) views: nuchal MNHN.F BR13461; neurals (anterior to posterior) MNHN.F BR13458, MNHN.F BR17487, MNHN.F BR13710, MNHN.F BR13459; right costals (anterior to posterior) MNHN.F BR13001, MNHN.F BR13620, MNHN.F BR2785, MNHN.F BR18001, MNHN.F BR13637, MNHN.F BR13628; left costals (anterior to posterior) MNHN.F BR13624, MNHN.F BR4188; right peripherals (anterior to posterior) MNHN.F BR13604, MNHN.F BR18000, MNHN.F BR13611, MNHN.F BR13468, MNHN.F BR15098, MNHN.F BR13610; left peripherals (anterior to posterior) MNHN.F BR13603, MNHN.F BR18002, MNHN.F BR13595, MNHN.F BR13465, MNHN.F BR13608, MNHN.F BR2758, MNHN.F BR4180, MNHN.F BR13480, MNHN.F BR13467. The anterior or posterior views of the peripherals are also shown in A. Scale bars equal 1 cm. For the identification of each element see Fig. 4A. (C,D), nuchal MNHN.F BR13669, in dorsal (C) and ventral (D) views. (E–H), visceral view of the the third (right) to the sixth (left) bridge peripherals MNHN.F BR13622, MNHN.F BR13623, MNHN.F BR18002 and MNHN.F BR18000. (I,J), details of the outer surface of the neural MNHN.F BR13459 (I) and costal MNHN.F BR13579 (J).
Abbreviations for the plates (in lowercase and normal type): c, costal; n, neural; nu, nuchal; p, peripheral. Abbreviations for the scutes (in uppercase and in bold type): CE, cervical; M, marginal; PL, pleural; V, vertebral.

Figure 4: Reconstruction of the shell of stem turtle (Sichuanchelyidae) Laurasichersis relicta gen. et sp. nov., from the upper Thanetian (upper Paleocene) of Mont de Berru (Marne, France). (A), dorsal view of the carapace. (B), ventral view of the plastron. Abbreviations for the plates (in lowercase and normal type): c, costal; ent, entoplastron; ep, epiplastral element; hp, hypoplastron; hy, hyoplastron; ms, mesoplastron; n, neural; nu, nuchal; p, peripheral; py, pygal; spy, suprapygal; xi, xiphiplastral element.
Abbreviations for the scutes (in uppercase and in bold type): AB, abdominal; AN, anal; AX, axillar; CE, cervical; EG, extragular; FE, femoral; GU, gular; HU, humeral; IG, inguinal; M, marginal; PC, pectoral; PL, pleural; V, vertebral.

Locality and Horizon: Mouras quarry, Mont de Berru, Berru, Marne, France. Sables de Bracheux Formation, Franco-Belgian Basin. MP6a, upper Thanetian, upper Paleocene.

Etymology: The generic name is composed by Laurasi-, referring to Laurasia, where this taxon comes from; and –chersis, a Latinized word of Greek origin (Χέρσος) which means “land or dry land”, following the criteria used to establish the generic names of some other terrestrial stem turtles. The specific name refers to the fact that the new taxon is a vestige of Mesozoic fauna, being the only known Laurasian post-Mesozoic terrestrial stem turtle.

Diagnosis: Sichuanchelyid defined by the following characters exclusive within this clade: dorsally directed distal margin of the anterior and middle peripherals, and antero-lateral margins of the nuchal; slightly wider than long nuchal; high bridge peripherals; second to fourth vertebrals narrower than the first one, and than the second and third pleurals; concave anterior plastral margin; epiplastra divided into four elements, acquiring an exclusive morphology; supernumerary xiphiplastra, divided into two elements; humeral-pectoral sulcus at the level of the axillary notch; absence of a complete inframarginal series, but presence of axillar and inguinal scutes; anterior and posterior pairs of ventral foramina for the carotids closer to each other than between the foramina that form each pair. This sichuanchelyid shows the following unique character combination: shell size greater than 60 cm; second costal as long as the first; absence of contact and long distance between the nuchal postero-lateral end and the second peripherals; first vertebral wider than the nuchal; contact of the first vertebral with the second marginals; pleural-marginal sulci on the proximal region of the peripherals; anterior end of the axillary buttress reaching the anterior half of the third peripherals; absence of plastral fontanelles; absence of strongly interfingered plastral contacts; supernumerary epiplastra; long epiplastral symphysis relative to the entoplastron length; gulars overlapping the antero-medial entoplastral area; wide exposure of the squamosals on the skull table; absence of palatal teeth; absence of ventral exposure of the prootics; narrow and deep depression between the tubercula basioccipitale; short basicranium in relation to its width; absence of cleithrum processes.

Figure 8: Calibrated cladogram corresponding to the cladistic analysis performed here (4500 most parsimonious trees, length of 943 steps, CI = 0.316, RI = 0.778, RC = 0.246), in which the position of all representatives of Perichelydia (sensu3) is shown, as well as that of the crown group Testudines. This distribution is based on the strict consensus tree, except in the case of the clade Meiolaniformes, which is obtained in the majority rule tree (67%). The paleobiogeographic distribution of each taxon is indicated. Bremer support values are shown.

Adán Pérez-García. 2020. Surviving the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction Event: A Terrestrial Stem Turtle in the Cenozoic of Laurasia. Scientific Reports. 10: 1489. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58511-8 

One single primitive turtle resisted mass extinction in the northern hemisphere

Sunday, December 15, 2019

[PaleoOrnithology • 2019] Kupoupou stilwelli • Chatham Island Paleocene Fossils provide insight into the Palaeobiology, Evolution, and Diversity of early Penguins (Aves, Sphenisciformes)

Kupoupou stilwelli
Blokland, Reid, Worthy, Scofield, 2019.

 DOI: 10.26879/1009

Numerous skeletal remains recovered in situ from the late early to middle Paleocene Takatika Grit of Chatham Island, New Zealand, are among the oldest known fossils attributed to the penguin clade (Aves, Sphenisciformes). They represent a new medium-sized taxon, for which we erect a new genus and species, and a second, notably larger form. These new penguins are analysed in a parsimony and Bayesian framework using an updated and revised phylogenetic matrix, based on morphological and molecular characters, and interpreted as among the most basal of known sphenisciforms, closely related to Waimanu. While sharing numerous characteristics with the earliest wing-propelled divers, the novel taxon records the oldest occurrence of the characteristic penguin tarsometatarsus morphology. These ancient Chatham Island representatives add to a growing number and increased morphological diversity of Paleocene penguins in the New Zealand region, suggesting an origin for the group there. With their addition to other Paleocene penguins, these taxa reveal that sphenisciforms rapidly diversified as non-volant piscivores in the southern oceans following the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. They also provide further evidence for the hypothesis that their origin predates the Paleocene. This implies that stem Sphenisciformes and their sister group, the Procellariiformes, both originated in, and so may be expected to occur in, the Late Cretaceous.

Keywords: new genus; new species; palaeontology; New Zealand; phylogenetics; waterbirds

Class AVES Linnaeus, 1758
Order SPHENISCIFORMES Sharpe, 1891

Genus KUPOUPOU gen. nov.
Type species. Kupoupou stilwelli, sp. nov.

 Etymology. From Te Re Moriori, the native language of Chatham Island, in recognition of where the fossils were recovered. “Kupoupou” meaning “diving bird”. The gender is nominated as neuter.

Diagnosis. Kupoupou, n. gen. is referred to Sphenisciformes because it shares the synapomorphy of having flattened long bones of the forewing/flipper. Kupoupou, n. gen. is characterised by the combination of the following osteological apomorphies: a bifurcated processus transversus of the axis with a dorsally protruding torus dorsalis; the processus acrocoracoideus has a rounded and protruding omal crista acrocoracoidea of the coracoid, the insertion for ligamenti acrocoraco-procoracoidale on the facies articularis clavicularis is weakly hooked with a rounded facies apicalis, a weakly defined tuberculum for the insertion of plica synovialis coracoidea, joined by a low ridge to the impressio ligamenti acrocoraco-acromiale, the latter of which is separated by the impressio ligamenti acrocoraco-procoracoidale by a groove; a well-defined labrum internum of the coracoid that is compressed in the sternal-omal direction; the distal margin of the crista bicipitalis on the humerus is nearly perpendicular to the long axis of the shaft; the distal caudal border of the olecranon of the ulna is distinctly angled, with a marked bony caudal protuberance; a dorsocaudally situated sub-triangular insertion scar for the musculus supinator on the proximal radius; a distinct caudally projecting tuberculum aponeurosis ventralis from the ventral caudal margin of the distal radius and an associated prominent ulnar depression; a proximally directed process on the phalanx III-1; a marked laterally protruding epicondylus lateralis on the femur; the sulcus for the tendon to the muscle flexor hallucis longus is bounded by medial and lateral hypotarsal crests of distinct subequal plantar projection on the tarsometatarsus; a strongly plantar projecting flange on the lateral rim of trochlea metatarsi IV.

Kupoupou stilwelli sp. nov.
Etymology. The type species “stilwelli” honours palaeontologist Jeffrey D. Stilwell, who led and organised the parties to recover the holotype and the only known referred specimens.

Holotype. NMNZ S.47312; associated left tarsometatarsus, left radius, and caudal vertebra.

Type locality, horizon, and age. Maunganui Beach, east of Tahatika Creek, north western Chatham Island, near 43°45’10.1”S, 176°40’46.8”W; New Zealand. The fossils come from a narrow greensand layer in outcrop on the wave platform that overlies the Upper nodular-phosphate and bone package horizon (NPB, Figure 1.3), Takatika Grit (late early-middle Paleocene, 62.5-60 Ma) (Consoli et al., 2009; Consoli and Stilwell, 2009; Hollis et al., 2017).


Kupoupou stilwelli n. gen. et sp.

 Kupoupou stilwelli n. gen. et sp. is a medium-sized sphenisciform (relative to all known fossil and extant penguins), likely slightly smaller than a modern adult Aptenodytes patagonicus. The referred specimens are assigned to Kupoupou stilwelli n. gen. et sp. based on similarity of overlapping skeletal elements (Figure A4), size, and their origin in the same horizon of the same bed in the Takatika Grit. The dimensions of the forewing elements reveal that Kupoupou stilwelli n. gen. et sp. was likely smaller than both Muriwaimanu tuatahi and Sequiwaimanu rosieae. Its humeri and coracoids show that it was smaller than the larger Chatham Island form described later in the text (Figure 3).

New Zealand stem penguins of broadly comparable age examined directly included Waimanu manneringi, Muriwaimanu tuatahi, ?Crossvallia waiparensis, and Sequiwaimanu rosieae. Additionally, other similarly aged taxa including the giant Waipara Greensand penguin, Kumimanu biceaeKaiika maxwelli, and Crossvallia unienwillia, were compared from relevant literature (Tambussi et al., 2005; Fordyce and Thomas, 2011; Jadwiszczak et al., 2013; Mayr et al., 2017a, 2017b, 2019).

Jacob C. Blokland, Catherine M. Reid, Trevor H. Worthy, Alan J.D. Tennyson, Julia A. Clarke, and R. Paul Scofield. 2019.  Chatham Island Paleocene Fossils provide insight into the Palaeobiology, Evolution, and Diversity of early Penguins (Aves, Sphenisciformes). Palaeontologia Electronica. 22.3.78; 1-92. DOI: 10.26879/1009

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

[PaleoOrnithology • 2019] Protodontopteryx ruthae • Oldest, Smallest and Phylogenetically Most Basal Pelagornithid, from the early Paleocene of New Zealand, Sheds Light on the Evolutionary History of the Largest Flying Birds

 Protodontopteryx ruthae  
Mayr, De Pietri, Love, Mannering & Scofield, 2019
Illustration: Derek Onley

The Cenozoic Pelagornithidae, or pseudotoothed birds, are characterized by unique bony projections along the cutting edges of the beak. These birds were previously known from late Paleocene to Pliocene fossil sites and some species reached wingspans up to 6.4 m. Here we describe a partial skeleton of a small‐sized pelagornithid from the early Paleocene of New Zealand. Protodontopteryx ruthae gen. et sp. nov. is the oldest record of the clade, the smallest known species, and the first pre‐Eocene pelagornithid from the Southern Hemisphere. The skull of the new species exhibits the characteristic pelagornithid morphology, but the postcranial skeleton distinctly differs from other pelagornithids, and various plesiomorphic features indicate that it is the earliest‐diverging representative of the Pelagornithidae. The much stouter humerus suggests that the new species was less adapted to sustained soaring than previously known pelagornithids. Pseudoteeth therefore evolved before pelagornithids became highly specialized gliders. Unlike the giant Neogene pelagornithid species, which presumably were skimmers, early Paleocene pelagornithids are likely to have targeted selected prey items and may have been predominantly piscivorous. The new species furthermore suggests that pelagornithids evolved in the Southern Hemisphere and documents a very early radiation of neornithine seabirds, which may have been triggered by changes in marine ecosystems around the K–Pg boundary.

Keywords: Aves, fossil bird, evolution, Odontopterygiformes, Protodontopteryx ruthae gen. et sp. nov., Waipara Greensand

Protodontopteryx ruthae gen. et sp. nov.

Dr Paul Scofield and amateur palaeontologist Leigh Love examine a section of riverbank on the Waipara River, near where the Protodontopteryx fossil was found.
 Image Available CC BY NC and for News and and Current Affairs Use

Gerald Mayr, Vanesa L. De Pietri, Leigh Love, Al Mannering and Richard Paul Scofield. 2019. Oldest, Smallest and Phylogenetically Most Basal Pelagornithid, from the early Paleocene of New Zealand, Sheds Light on the Evolutionary History of the Largest Flying Birds. Papers in Palaeontology. DOI: 10.1002/spp2.1284  

Friday, June 22, 2018

[Paleontology • 2018] Cicada Fossils (Cicadoidea: Tettigarctidae and Cicadidae) with A Review of the Named Fossilised Cicadidae

(4) Platypedia primigenia, nearly entire specimen, wings superimposed over ventro-lateral body, in Colorado University Museum of Natural History, USA. (5a) Tibicina gigantea holotype, dorsal, entire specimen, from Boulard & Riou (1989). (5b) Tibicina gigantea close-up of left forewing base, from Boulard & Riou (1989). (6) Tibicina haematodes, forewing, from Wagner (1967). (7) Tibicina sakalai, holotype, including counterpart, female, lateral, from Prokop & Boulard (2000).

(1) Graptopsaltria aff. nigrofuscata forewing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12018; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (4) Minyscapheus dominicanus, holotype, whole specimen in amber; in collection George Poinar; image courtesy George Poinar. (5) Miocenoprasia grasseti, holotype, ventral impression; in Riou collection, Musée de Paléontologie, La Voulte-sur-Rhône, France; image courtesy Bernard Riou.  (7) Dominicicada youngi, holotype, hatchling in amber; in collection George Poinar; image courtesy George Poinar.

(2) Tanna? sp. hindwing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12017; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (3) Auritibicen bihamatus forewing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12045; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (6) Yezoterpnosia nigricosta forewing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12019; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (8) Burmacicada protera, holotype, hatchling in amber; in collection George Poinar; image courtesy George Poinar.

in Moulds, 2018. 

The Cicadoidea comprise two families, the Cicadidae and the Tettigarctidae. This paper evaluates the status and taxonomy of all named Cicadoidea fossils belonging to the Cicadidae. Shcherbakov (2009) has previously revised the Tettigarctidae. Two new genera are described, Camuracicada gen. n. and Paleopsalta gen. n., for Camuracicada aichhorni (Heer, 1853) comb. n. and Paleopsalta ungeri (Heer, 1853) comb. n. A lectotype is designated for Cicada emathion Heer, 1853.

          Cicada grandiosa Scudder, 1892 is transferred to Hadoa Moulds, 2015 as Hadoa grandiosa comb. n.; Oncotympana lapidescens J. Zhang, 1989 is transferred to Hyalessa China, 1925 as Hyalessa lapidescens comb. n.; Meimuna incasa J. Zhang, Sun & X. Zhang, 1994 and Meimuna miocenica J. Zhang & X. Zhang, 1990 are transferred to Cryptotympana Stål, 1861 as Cryptotympana incasa comb. n. and Cryptotympana miocenica comb. n.; Tibicen sp. aff. japonicus Kato, 1925 is transferred to Auritibicen as Auritibicen sp. aff. japonicus comb. n., and Terpnosia sp. aff. vacua Olivier, 1790 is transferred to Yezoterpnosia Matsumura, 1917 as Yezoterpnosia sp. aff. vacua comb. n. The generic placement of two other fossils is changed to reflect current classification, those species now being Auritibicen bihamatus (Motschulsky, 1861) and Yezoterpnosia nigricosta (Motschulsky, 1866).

         Two species, Davispia bearcreekensis Cooper, 1941 and Lithocicada perita Cockerell, 1906, are transferred from the subfamily Cicadinae to the Tibicininae, tribe Tibicinini. Cicadatra serresi (Meunier, 1915) is also transferred from the Cicadinae to the Cicadettinae because the Cicadatrini have recently been transferred from the Cicadinae to the Cicadettinae (Marshall et al. 2018).

         Miocenoprasia grasseti Boulard and Riou, 1999 is transferred from the tribe Prasiini to the Lamotialnini. Tymocicada gorbunovi Becker-Migdisova, 1954 is transferred from the Dundubiini to the Cryptotympanini; Paracicadetta oligocenica Boulard & Nel, 1990 is transferred from the Cicadettini to the Pagiphorini and Minyscapheus dominicanus Poinar et al., 2011 is assigned to the Taphurini. Names of species once considered to belong in Cicadidae, but now excluded, are listed with explanation.

Keywords: Hemiptera, Eocene, Cretaceous, Jurassic, Miocene, Oligocene, Paleocene, Quaternary, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Tertiary

PLATE 2. (1) Lyristes renei, holotype, from Riou (1995). (2) Auritibicen sp. aff. japonicus comb. n., in Osaka Museum of Natural History, image Shigehiko Shiyake. (3) Paracicadetta oligocenica, holotype, part and counterpart, from Boulard & Nel (1990). (4) Platypedia primigenia, nearly entire specimen, wings superimposed over ventro-lateral body, in Colorado University Museum of Natural History, USA; UCM 29658, not the type; image David Zelagin. (5a) Tibicina gigantea holotype, dorsal, entire specimen, from Boulard & Riou (1989). (5b) Tibicina gigantea close-up of left forewing base, from Boulard & Riou (1989). (6) Tibicina haematodes, forewing, from Wagner (1967). (7) Tibicina sakalai, holotype, including counterpart, female, lateral, from Prokop & Boulard (2000).

PLATE 3. (1) Graptopsaltria aff. nigrofuscata forewing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12018; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (2) Tanna? sp. hindwing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12017; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (3) Auritibicen bihamatus forewing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12045; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (4) Minyscapheus dominicanus, holotype, whole specimen in amber; in collection George Poinar; image courtesy George Poinar. (5) Miocenoprasia grasseti, holotype, ventral impression; in Riou collection, Musée de Paléontologie, La Voulte-sur-Rhône, France; image courtesy Bernard Riou. (6) Yezoterpnosia nigricosta forewing; in National Museum of Nature and Science, Japan; NSM-PA12019; image courtesy Yasunari Shigeta. (7) Dominicicada youngi, holotype, hatchling in amber; in collection George Poinar; image courtesy George Poinar. (8) Burmacicada protera, holotype, hatchling in amber; in collection George Poinar; image courtesy George Poinar.

M. S. Moulds. 2018. Cicada Fossils (Cicadoidea: Tettigarctidae and Cicadidae) with A Review of the Named Fossilised Cicadidae. Zootaxa.  4438(3); 443–470. DOI:  10.11646/zootaxa.4438.3.2