Showing posts with label Introduced Species. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introduced Species. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

[Botany • 2016] The Iris Family (Iridaceae) in the Flora of Eastern Indochina

 Iris japonica & I. tectorum, in natural habitat.

Iris family in the countries of eastern part of Indochina Peninsula, such as Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam includes lone native genus – Iris L. with two aboriginal species – I. japonica Thunb. and I. tectorum Maxim. Iris japonica is often cultivated as an outdoor ornamental plant in mountainous regions in the northern Vietnam, where it occasionally naturalizes. Herbarium specimens of I. japonica, collected in central Laos near Nape town, probably represent southernmost locality of the Iris genus in Eurasia. Iris tectorum was discovered in native, primary plant communities of karstic highly eroded limestone in Cao Bang province (Bao Lac district) of the northern Vietnam. This species is recorded as new for the flora of the Indochina Peninsula. The report of I. collettii Hook. f. on the territory of peninsular flora does not yet confirmed by herbaria and remains doubtful. Data on taxonomy, authentic specimens, distribution, habitats, phenology, conservation status and biology are provided for all Iris species. The identification key for Iris species is compiled, as well as dotted distribution maps on the territory of countries of eastern Indochina. Other representatives of the family from such genera as Belamcanda Adans. (B. chinensis (L.) Redouté), Crocosmia Planch. (C. × crocosmiiflora (G. Nicholson) N. E. Br.), Eleutherine Herb. (E. bulbosa (Mill.) Urb.), Freesia Klatt (F. refracta (Jacq.) Klatt.), Gladiolus L. (numerous horticultural forms) и Trimezia Salisb. ex Herb. (T. martinicensis (Jacq.) Herb.) reported from Indochina are introduced cultivated ornamental plants capable to occasional naturalization as an adventive element of the Indochinese flora.

Key words: Iridaceae, Iris, eastern Indochina, Laos, Vietnam, plant diversity, taxonomy. 

L. V. Averyanov, E. V. Boltenkov, T. V. Maisak, Khang Sinh Nguyen and Hiep Tien Nguyen. 2016. The Iris Family (Iridaceae) in the Flora of Eastern Indochina. Turczaninowia. 19(1); 27–33. DOI:  10.14258/turczaninowia.19.1.3